2. Copy gpt3.sh to /root or another convenient location.
3. Make sure to edit line #4 to reflect your OPENAI API Key. Save. Then: chmod +x gpt3.sh
4. For convenience of access, add an alias to /.bashrc located in /root, such as: alias gpt3=/root/gpt3.sh
5. Use: gpt3 <Your prompt>
6. I've hardcoded some of the parameters (temperature, presence penalty, frequency penalty, max token, top_p) for convenience. In the future, if there is interest, I might develop this further.
The most frequent vulns I found in 80+ pentests in 2022.
1. Rate Limit Bypass
In more than half of the pentests I conducted, I found that there were no rate limits imposed on login functions or authentication mechanisms. This lack of rate limiting, combined with weak password policies, can lead to accounts being easily compromised.
2. Session Token not Invalidated upon Logout
This vuln is caused when the session token is not invalidated at user logout. If the validity of the token or the time to expiry is long, this can lead to the token being leaked, potentially resulting in a data breach or other vulns.