Alexander B. Howard Profile picture
Jan 9, 2023 45 tweets 66 min read Read on X
Twitter added verification to prevent impersonation: being @verified confirms authentic identity, not truthfulness or authority.

@ev @jack & @paraga neglected it, but @elonmusk’s approach to @TwitterBlue enables impersonation, as @geoffreyfowler showed:…
Today, @elonmusk confirmed @SenMikeLee's personal Twitter account was mistakenly suspended today for impersonation.

It's Musk's fault.

Lee, @CNN @thehill & others omit a key detail that explains what happened: @BasedMikeLee was @verified through @TwitterBlue, not @TwitterGov. ImageImage
No #AprilFools: @Twitter to remove @verified status from journalists, after enabling anonymous accounts to spread misinformation & lies using @elonmusk’s ill-designed pay-to-get-seen system “to expand their reach while creating the illusion of credibility”… Image
News media should make it clearer that Musk’s animus towards journalists is being expressed through removing @verified status, as with his attempts to delegitimize journalism & outlets which holds him to account.

TBD? How many outlets pay him to get seen:… An email to Twitter’s press...An item from CNN’s Reliable...
Notes from @TechmemeChatter:…
-Nonprofits & local governments can’t or won’t pay $1000/month + $50/account for @verified status
-@TwitterBlue hasn’t shipped new features
-Removing verification on #AprilFoolsDay is fraught; beware impersonation & fraud
Lewinsky is one of many public figures in the USA who will face impersonation if @Twitter goes ahead with Musk’s unwise plan to de-@verify people & organizations who don’t pay for @TwitterBlue.
(It will be worse in other nations, given
@TwitterSafety & @TwitterSupport capacity.)
We should expect impersonation, fraud, & phishing to result from enabling people to add @verified to a plausible namespace to spike on #AprilFoolsDay.

If public trust diminishes & platform integrity erodes as rumors, conspiracies, & hoaxes spread, users & advertisers will leave.
As I told the @AP, the reason @verified status exists on @Twitter was not to designate people as notable or authorities, but to prevent impersonation:… There shouldn’t be a different standard, but public figures will be impersonated. It won’t be “glorious.” ImageImage
It won’t be “glorious” on #AprilFoolsDay if @Twitter removes @verified status from all who don’t pay — likely to be the vast majority of ~419K verified accounts.

Instead, Musk’s expectation that celebs + consumers will pay for a key free feature will be exposed as delusional. Image
IMO, alienating & downranking celebrities, politicians, & journalists who tweet free content is one of the most foolish things the owner of a social media platform based on ads can do — much less @Twitter.
(I don’t think it’s a wise approach for a subscription-based app, either.)
As @MikeIsaac & @sarafischer note, Musk’s announcement parallels what @Meta did on @facebook years ago: it’s “pay for play.”…
If a person, corporation, or government pays for @TwitterBlue, it’s akin to advertising: you’re sponsoring your tweets in For You. ImageImage
Musk’s @Twitter 2.0™ User Experience, Coming April 2023
-“For You” tab promoting @TwitterBlue tweets + 💛corporations
-“Following” tab with an algorithmic feed of accounts you follow
-Less @TwitterSupport & @TwitterSafety moderation
-Secret VIP promotion:… ImageImageImage
This news that Twitter 2.0™ has a secret VIP list was brought to light by @ZoeSchiffer & @CaseyNewton at @platformer, which has been a must-read on tech + democracy & @Twitter’s long, strange descent for many months:… NB: Great editors link out to scoops! ImageImage
Fraud makes follower count a flawed metric:…
…but the *lack* of followers for paid subscribers is interesting.
@travisbrown estimated to @mashable that there are ~475K @TwitterBlue subscribers.
Of ~420K @verified accounts, he estimated ~1.5% paid for Blue. ImageImageImage
"The more @Twitter erects subscription barriers, the less it will serve as the 'global town square' @elonmusk has envisioned"-@scottros…
"When @verified just means someone paid a small fee, the door is open that much wider to misinformation,hoaxes &frauds"
@Twitter @elonmusk @scottros @verified A symbol – a white check on a blue background – was never the core value of @verified status.

Losing ✅ is not a big deal.

Authenticity & protection against suspension from malicious reporting for spam or abuse is useful.

@Twitter's new ownership doesn't grok what's valuable.
@Twitter @elonmusk @scottros @verified Musk was wrong.
Media outlets aren't paying.

@oliverdarcy reports @nytimes @latimes @BuzzFeedNews & @politico will not pay for or reimburse staff for @TwitterBlue:

@TwitterBlue is a way to promote tweets & tweet longer, not to be @verified as authentic.
For $1000/month + $50/account, organizations can pay @Twitter to… “reach their followers.”…
-“Twitter reserves the right without notice to remove your checkmark at any time at its sole discretion”
-Organizations have access to Premium @TwitterSupport ImageImageImageImage
Charging people to be @verified was always a bad idea:

A Premium version with more features makes sense when there is a clear return of value (no ads?) for $.

Charging global celebrities who create value every time they tweet & engage with people is…🤷‍♂️
“It is our understanding that @TwitterBlue does not provide person-level verification as a service”-@RFlaherty46
“a blue check mark will now…serve as a verification that the account is a paid user”
TBD: how/if @OMBPress advises agencies to get ✔️Official:… ImageImage
I joined @Twitter in March 2007.

The company began recommending me on its Suggested Users List for technology in 2010.

@TwitterSupport @verified me as “me”in 2015, after I joined @HuffPost.

(@facebook & @Google had verified me in 2011.)

Twitter added ambiguity in April 2023. Image
April 20 was indeed the Great Unverification.
Unclear how many of the ~400K+ @verified accounts overall have paid for @TwitterBlue, but many folks I follow have not.
I bet we will see unverified local, state, & federal government agencies & officials looking for grey checks soon.
That was fast: @Twitter unverified the @USCPSC.

Ridiculous, & embarrassing. (Also, hilarious: give this staffer a raise.)

Every US government agency should be @verified through @Digital_Gov… & have a label in April 2023.

Unverifying US gov’t is unwise.
I expected the Great #Unverification to be bumpy, given layoffs & departures, but there’s some poor governance on display:
@Twitter unverified @USNatArchives, @FCC Chair @JRosenworcelFCC’s official account, @FTC Chair @linakhanFTC’s official account, & @SECGov Chair @GaryGensler ImageImageImageImage
While I’m not surprised that Donald Trump didn’t pay @elonmusk to be @verified as a @TwitterBlue subscriber, I am surprised that @Twitter chose to unverifying @realDonaldTrump instead of giving him a grey check, as it has many personal/campaign accounts of Members of Congress. Image
I see @Twitter 2.0 unverified @SpeakerRyan & @SpeakerBoehner — unlike in the executive branch, they got to keep their official US government accounts. (@SpeakerMcCarthy @SpeakerPelosi have grey checks.)

@congressdotgov @LibnOfCongress @LawLibCongress @usgaolegal now unverified. ImageImageImageImage
The @DeptofDefense @NASA & @StateDept have a @verified “organization” status in a way other US government accounts are not: @SecDef @SenBillNelson & @SecBlinken @USAmbUN @USAmbHRC are “affiliated” with their agencies.

(@WhiteHouse & its now unverified official accounts are not.) ImageImageImageImage
A new @Princeton study analyzed 15 million tweets in October 2022 & found how different @TwitterBlue subscribers are from the ~406K formerly @verified users, from account creation date to crypto promotion to political lean to journalists (biggest delta):… ImageImageImageImage
The deverification of official government accounts by @Twitter is one of the worst decisions I’ve seen by a tech company in 3 decades online: bad for business, bad for consumers, bad for democracy & civic integrity.

They all should have free grey checks.… ImageImageImageImage
Reverifying celebrities & media with huge following is…not the turn I was expecting today.

The end result: many of @Twitter’s most popular users are now tweeting that they didn’t pay, & don’t want people to think they did.

One of the biggest self-owns in Internet history 👏 ImageImageImageImage
This week, @Meta nudged me to “get a verified badge” on @instagram, offering “extra account security,” “direct support,” & lmore stickers,” for just $14.99 (!).

No, thank you.

@facebook verified me long ago, & knows exactly who I am.

I’m not giving @finkd $ to be me, either. ImageImageImageImage
Spot-on analysis by @b_fung of the disastrous business decisions Musk has made, from misunderstanding why accounts were @verified to alienating the key group of people who drove engagement & thus advertising revenue:… He made a status symbol & brand toxic. ImageImageImageImage
Only one caveat in @b_fung’s analysis:

There was never a world where the @WhiteHouse or @POTUS or @StephenKing or @KingJames or @Pontifex was not going to be @verified if they didn’t pay @Twitter.

It was always a terrible business decision to tie identity to subscription status Image
In April 2023, a @policy @esthercrawford issued remains in effect: a select, opaque group of governments, companies, media, & “some public figures” stay @verified — unless the sysadmin (@elonmusk) feels like unverifying, verifying, or trolling the people who gave @Twitter tweets. Image
Unverifying previously @verified governors, heads of state, foreign ministers, & federal agencies was spectacularly boneheaded.…

@Twitter should have ensured official accounts kept a grey official check, standardized the labels, & extended to all nations. ImageImageImage
TIL @Twitter re-@verified @USNatArchives & @librarycongress with Official "grey check" – but not @LibnOfCongress & @LawLibCongress.
I wonder if @TwitterGov expects federal, state, & local agencies, officials, & candidates to re-apply:…
(404 @TwitterComms) ImageImageImage
“If the old criteria was much more rigorous, then the people who have been using Twitter would have understood [@verified] to mean something it no longer means. To be an FTC violation as deceptive, what matters is how people interpret it"… False endorsement
Every US government account should be authenticated with a grey check using @USGSA API:…
Every campaign account should be verified, for free.
Tech companies, including @Twitter, should not charge to identify campaigns or governments.…
It's fine to charge for premium services & features for @TwitterBlue – but tying identity to whether people pay remains terrible @policy.

Right way to do it remains the same.

If @elonmusk wants a level playing field, verify all registered candidates.

No official or government agency should have been unverified by @Twitter & have to reapply for a ☑️.

@TwitterGov spent years building @verified status as a trust indicator; @TwitterSafety added labels for context.

Changes corroding civic integrity here.… ImageImage
Twitter’s conflation of ID & subscribers means “checks, colors & meanings are a mess, which increases the risk that people will either be misled by a fake government account or less trusting of a real government account. That’s a lose-lose”-@jonathanmayer… Image
The de-verification of official government accounts by @Twitter is one of the worst decisions I’ve seen by a tech company in 3 decades online: bad for business, bad for consumers, bad for democracy & civic integrity.

This will be clearer in natural disasters, wars, & elections.
As I’ve said for years, @ev @jack & @paraga’s neglect of @verified system was a huge problem: they allowed ✅for identify to be conflated with status & accuracy.

@elonmusk made it much worse by confusing identity with @TwitterBlue, removing labels, & unverifying institutions.
As I told @LindsayCrudele, @elonmusk’s decisions to “boost” paying @TwitterBlue subscribers — who lean overwhelmingly to the right & love cryptocurrency — remove curbs from state media propaganda, & unverify journalists all changed what @Twitter amplifies.… ImageImage
Uncommonly good column by @cwarzel on status & social media:… He speaks to the importance of being earnest on @bluesky & the degradation of @Twitter, among other things.

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Cold take: The arrest of Pavel Durov is not a global threat to freedom of expression, but rather a threat to executives of tech companies who behave with impunity when a platform they operate is abused by organized criminals or corrupt politicians.…
This is not the “end of global social media,” as @semaforben suggested, but it may be the beginning of the end of impunity for tech billionaires who behave as if they are beyond the reach of accountability for harms that their unregulated platforms cause offline.
“We have spent many hours at 404 Media discussing amongst ourselves why there is so much crime on @Telegram itself and why Telegram has continued to let blatant criminal organizations operate on its platform in open, unencrypted channels. The only theory that makes any sense thus far is that the company sees itself as operating entirely outside the law.”…
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Jan 5, 2024
Transparency & accountability have not been a priority for a @WhiteHouse that briefs on background & relegates open government to a compliance exercise.

I remain hopeful @POTUS & @VP will see the value in investing in a bulwark against authoritarianism:…
Opacity atop secrecy: @politico granted US officials anonymity to say @DeptofDefense did not tell @POTUS @JakeSullivan46 & NSC aides @SecDef was hospitalized for 3 days,
Austin recognized he “could have done better job” informing the public.

404 #OpenGov…

@politico @DeptofDefense @POTUS @JakeSullivan46 @SecDef Official opacity: @Axios granted the @WhiteHouse anonymity to claim that President Biden & Austin had “a warm conversation” & that @POTUS “has full confidence in @SecDef & is “ looking forward to him being back at the Pentagon.”


Read 5 tweets
Jun 4, 2023
I heard a thunderclap in DC on a sunny day.
It appears it was a sonic boom from @DeptofDefense fighters scrambled from Andrews @airforce Base to intercept an unresponsive Cessna that overflew DC.

@FAANews (via @PenguinSix) confirmed a crash in SW Virginia.

@NTSB to investigate. Image
This is the least useful PSA I’ve encountered in some time, @AlertDC — could you please investigate and then elaborate when you confirm what has happened, @DC_HSEMA @SafeDC ?
I take it back, @AlertDC: it was useful to hear that “there is no great at this time,” but being aware of reports of a loud “boom” doesn’t add much context for millions of people wondering what we heard.

If you know there was a sonic boom from scrambled fighters, please say so. Image
Read 6 tweets
May 23, 2023
I’m at the historic @WarnerTheater in DC to bear witness what @PowerUSAID invited all Americans to learn about this morning:
How Ukraine is delivering services online in a democracy at war with @USAID.
@karaswisher live now:
19M Ukrainians using DIAA now ImageImageImage
As @karaswisher said, there has a been backpack against disruptive technologies like the Internet, smartphones, & social media.
We now worry about AI.
But all governments must harness these technologies to provide critical info & deliver services to networked publics, everywhere. Image
Today, @PowerUSAID says delivering services showed how “robust & secure digital public infrastructure” enabled Ukrainians to access services in a war while minimizing corruption.
She says @USAID supported in e-gov in Ukraine since 2016. “
The result: “Government in a smartphone.” ImageImage
Read 15 tweets
May 8, 2023
The @opengovpart launched its new strategy & encouraged people to engage multistakeholder fora about it.

The USA never established such a forum, & @WhiteHouse has declined to restore @OpenGov44 & lead a U.S. government revival of #OpenGov domestically: Image
As with #SunshineWeek, this @WhiteHouse is not hosting any public events for #OpenGovWeek, despite the US government being elected to @opengovpart leadership:… & the void in public updates on US commitments. @POTUS isn’t leading by the power of our example. Image
Ongoing efforts to improve public participation in rulemaking at @WhiteHouse OIRA are a ray of sunshine:… as are efforts across agencies, from @USNatArchives to @CommerceGov.
This #OpenGovWeek, this @POTUS should be building on @OpenGov44, not ignoring it.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 28, 2023
Despite @WhiteHouse45:… & @WhiteHouse acting "contrary to process":
in the last 2 cycles – which @OGP_IRM didn't sanction – folks voted to add the US to @OpenGovPart steering committee?
NB: #OpenGov 404:
I find it encouraging to see @USAID @StateDRL rejoining international open government circles.
It’s discouraging @OpenGovPart @OGP_IRM have said so little about @WhiteHouse45 @WhiteHouse acting contrary to process after @POTUS45 made a mockery of the US being in “good standing.”
In 2022, @WHOSTP didn’t reference @opengovpart or past US #OpenGov commitments in its press release…
In 2023, @opengov44 is history:
& @WhiteHouse never delivered any self-assessments for the 3rd & 4th plans:…
Read 4 tweets

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