2/To understand spinal dural AVFs, you need to understand basic spinal vascular anatomy.
The spine is LONG—to get blood from the top of the cord to the bottom is like going through the length of a marathon course
3/So we will need to tackle it like you tackle running a marathon.
When you run a marathon, you replenish yourself at aid/water stations along the way so you can make it all the way through.
Same w/spinal arterial vasculature—it needs to be replenished on the way down.
4/The aid stations that replenish the spinal arteries on the way down are the radiculomedullary arteries. They arise from the radicular arteries (radiculo-) and go to the cord (-medullary). They give a boost to the anterior & posterior spinal arteries on their way down the spine
5/Initially, in the fetus, the spinal arteries are replenished at every level.
But slowly, some radiculomedullary arteries regress, leaving only the radicular arteries from which they came.
Other hypertrophy to compensate, so there’s only replenishment at certain levels
6/It is kind of like training for a marathon.
Early, you need to stop at every water station to replenish.
But as you grow & get stronger, you learn how to get more out of every aid station & you only have to use a few to replenish
7/Largest of the radiculomedullary arteries that hypertrophied & remains is called the Artery of Adamkiewcz. It has a classic “hairpin” turn.
Other radiculomedullary arteries also can have such a turn, but Adamkiewcz will be the largest. Remember Adam was important & strong!
8/Radicular arteries supplying the radiculomedullary vessels live in the dura of the nerve root sleeve (nerves give you RADICULAR pain--so by the nerves is RADICULAR artery)
Radicular veins are here too, draining this region into the perimedullary venous plexus along the cord
9/In addition to giving off branches that supply or drain to the cord, radicular arteries and veins also supply/drain the adjacent pedicle and nerve root in this region
10/The fistula forms in the nerve root sleeve. No one knows exactly why. Some think the Glomerulus of Manelfe, which regulates venous pressures here, causes fistulas.
Regardless, increased pressure in the arterialized radicular vein backs up into the perimedullary plexus
11/So the dilated vessels you see on MR & angiograms IN THE CANAL, are NOT the fistula
Rather, these are the dilated perimedullary plexus--resulting from high arterial flow in the radicular vein backing up into the perimedullary plexus
12/The fistula itself is not in the canal, but in the nerve root sleeve
But it is connected to all of the dilated perimedullary venous plexus vessels in the canal we see on imaging and associate with spinal dural AVFs
13/On an MRA for spinal dAVF, you won’t usually see the fistula—it’s too small. But you'll see the dilated, arterialized radicular vein draining into the dilated perimedullary plexus.
So it’s your job to find the level of the dilated radicular vein—b/c that’s the fistula level!
14/The fistula causes damage b/c the perimedullary plexus isn’t made to carry arterial volume. It’s like drinking from a slow faucet & then suddenly having it turned on all the way—you’ll choke!
Fistulas cause veins to be overloaded, get wall thickening, & eventually shut down
15/Arterialized venous pressure & veins shutting down from overload causes venous congestion in the cord.
Even though the radicular vein itself doesn’t drain the cord, it drains to the perimedullary plexus, which drains the cord
So perimedullary hypertension affects the cord
16/It’s like an accident on a freeway exit ramp. Even if you aren’t on the exit ramp, the exit ramp backup eventually backs onto the highway—so even cars not using that exit are affected
Even though the cord doesn’t drain through the radicular vein, the venous backup affects it
17/ B/c there is a pressure gradient in the upright position & the cspine has better venous drainage, congestion is most pronounced caudally, even if the fistula is higher.
So you cannot use the location of veins or cord edema to localize the fistula!
18/Venous cord congestion causes the classic Foix-Alajounine syndrome. Venous hypertension from the fistula causes veins to overload & shut down. This causes more HTN & more shutdown.
1/Does trying to figure out cochlear anatomy cause your head to spiral?
Hungry for some help?
Here’s a thread to help you untwist cochlear CT anatomy w/food analogies!
2/On axial temporal bone CT, you cannot see the whole cochlea at once. So let’s start at the bottom.
The first thing you come to is the basal turn of the cochlea (makes sense, basal=bottom). On axial images, it looks like a banana. I remember both Basal and Banana start w/B.
3/As you move up to the next slice, you start to see the upper turns of the cochlea coming in above the basal turn. They look like a stack of pancakes.
Pancakes are the heart of any breakfast, so they are at the heart or middle of the cochlea on imaging.
MMA fights get a lot of attention, but MMA (middle meningeal art) & dural blood supply doesn’t get the attention it deserves.
A thread on dural vascular anatomy!
2/Everyone knows about the blood supply to the brain.
Circle of Willis anatomy is king and loved by everyone, while the vascular anatomy of the blood supply to the dura is the poor, wicked step child of vascular anatomy that is often forgotten
3/But dural vascular anatomy & supply are important, especially now that MMA embolizations are commonly for chronic recurrent subdurals.
It also important for understanding dural arteriovenous fistulas as well.