Don't forget they are part of the soon-to-be private hospital too! They launder their money and reputation through Mob Hospital, courtesy Lecce and Tenekye. #onthealth#onpoli
Do you want to hear something **optimistic** from me??? Yes, I can do that! Here you go.
Many of you have discovered me in the last few weeks, but I have been tweeting this shit like mad (spouse too, for awhile) for over a year. We got nowhere. No believers. We just got banned.
Over and over, banned. 😂 However, I think each account made a little dent, each time we started over we attracted a few more people open to these messages. Our strategy was, essentially to show and teach, so people could spot the patterns and spot the corruption themselves.
Because, once explained, holy shit. It's not hard to spot. And we need citizens to spot it, because the whole system is working against them knowing and understanding the corruption.
Ontario civil servants take an oath. Did you u that?
Consultants don't.
Before it was stripped of anyone with morals or brains, the Ontario Public Service could do ANYTHING. I met smart people from around the world there, experts on everything.
Consultants find profit.
When projects are taken from civil servants and given to consultants, it's because they don't want the civil service knowing about it. Not because some 24 yo pimply douche straight out of Western into McKinsey knows better. 😂
So if the use of consultants is increasing, that's because the shadiness is increasing. Rule of thumb.