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Jan 13th 2023
Don't forget they are part of the soon-to-be private hospital too! They launder their money and reputation through Mob Hospital, courtesy Lecce and Tenekye. #onthealth #onpoli
But of course... Shhhh....
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Jun 21st 2022
This woman’s 3 beautiful little children & her father were killed by selfish entitled drunk driving a-hole, Marco Muzzo, of billionaire Muzzo family (owners of #PembertonGroup, amongst other) & PC donors in tight with #DougFord’s gov’t. Her mother & grandmother were also injured.
Now, after living with the unimaginable grief since 2015, the father of Jennifer Neville-Lake’s precious children, has taken his own life. Marco Muzzo has now killed 5 people. Yet was granted full parole last year & aims to move back to where he caused so much destruction #ONpoli
There is a petition to have the Muzzo name removed from hospitals in Ontario.…

Remove Muzzo Name from Hospitals - Sign the Petition! via @CdnChange #ONpoli #GTA #OntHealth
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Dec 17th 2021
🧵The other day @pressprogress published an article (… ) exposing @Sflecce’s private audience with right wing religious lobbying organization & “think tank”, #Cardus. #OntEd #FireLecce #cdnpoli
#Cardus, a registered “charity”, wants taxpayers to fund private for-profit religious schools & a voucher system that has gutted public education in 🇺🇸.

This model would siphon needed funds from public schools & funnel them instead to schools with RW religious ideology #ONpoli
#Cardus revenues = nearly $5M/yr.
Cardus’ donations from other charities increased 17.4 X from 2008-2020. A nearly 2,000% increase in just over a decade. Yet they pay zero in taxes, because “charity”…like lobbying to gut public education in favour of for-profit religious schools
Read 11 tweets
May 17th 2021
Restating what many of us on #ONpoli have been saying all day: Trudeau’s gov’t sent millions of rapid tests to Ontario. They sat unused on shelves because of Ford. Not sent to schools last year for safe reopening, etc. Why?
To enrich political donors? #FordMustResign #cdnpoli
As usual, @pressprogress broke valuable news directly related to this very topic. #DougFord’s director of pandemic response was a private health lobbyist for #ShoppersDrugMart.
Read more here:…

#ONpoli #cdnpoli #FordCorruption #VoteFordOut2022
I tweeted about this last October. Loblaws, owner of #ShoppersDrugMart, invested $75M in Maple. They expect return on their investment through increased privatization of #Ontario’s public healthcare. #OntHealth #ONpoli #VoteFordOut2022 #cdnpoli
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Oct 1st 2020
It's true.
Tues night walking home from the Legislature, I happened to check the app (for some reason I didn't receive a notification) & there was the notice. It looks like this 👇

Btw I have no symptoms
#onpoli #onted #davenportTO
The App informed me I needed to be tested for #COVID19, then isolate until I receive results.

So I checked different options & had a plan to get tested on Wednesday AM.

I’ve been tested before – when a friend tested positive. I waited 1 hour in line, 24 hours later had results
These days, we have been tracking the waiting lines so I knew it would be a different story.

Many of the assessment centres are now appointment only. I tried Mt Sinai, Western & Women’s College. All were booked up for next few days, and online booking was closed. #onpoli
Read 21 tweets

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