DC functions via Consensus.
DC functions via Consensus.
DC functions via Consensus.
Let me repeat:
DC functions via Consensus.
Jerome Powell does absolutely NOT make any unilateral decisions about Interest Rates.
Powell EXECUTES the Consensus.
Powell EXECUTES the Consensus.
Powell EXECUTES the Consensus.
The only people that destroyed the Consensus were Barack Obama and Donald Trump, the worst presidents in US history, spearheading the current decline of USA and the breakdown of supply chains.
Now we are back to normal.
Powell has access to true data, and is raising rates.
Crude oil is largely traded in the OTC market where
it is not directly observable.
Around 90 per cent of physical crude oil
is traded under medium- and long-term contracts.
Crude oil for physical delivery can also be traded
in the ‘spot market’, although this is less common
owing to the logistics of transporting oil.
Në të gjithë botën katolike në këtë moment, kishat lokale kanë dalë kundër Vatikanit duke u kujdesur për problemet lokale, ka praktikisht luftë civile brenda katolicizmit.
Drejt apo jo, nuk na takon ne shqiptarëve ta gjykojmë teologjikisht.
Katolikët shqiptarë janë parë nga shqiptarët si porta e hyrjes për në Evropë, për t'u pranuar nga Evropa si Evropianë, jo si myslimanë. Praktikisht, të gjithë shqiptarët janë katolikofilë (duke përfshirë dhe ortodoksët që kanë braktisur kishën ortodokse tashmë masivisht.)
Një pjesë e klerit katolik shqiptar në fillim të shek 20 si Fishta, Mjeda etc (Lavdi) e morën përsipër këtë detyrë kombëtare, ca të tjerë si Krist Maloki u bënë anti shqiptarë duke praktikuar politikën zyrtare të Vatikanit për krijimin e Kombit Katolik Shqiptar.
Catholicism vs Protestantism conflict is essentially a SUPPLY CHAIN WAR.
Let me repeat:
Catholicism vs Protestantism conflict is a SUPPLY CHAIN WAR.
The Supply Chain War was brewing between German Nationalist Elite vs Italian Nationalist Elite.
Elitarian Nationalism started in the 12th century as a result of the mutual disagreements between the German controlled Pope of Rome and Contantintople New Rome.
People don't understand America, even Americans don't understand America.
Americans don't understand America, because they don't care.
Americans don't live in America. Americans live in their local communities. Americans wouldn't care less about America, they care about their communities.