Ronald Reagan was not a good President. In fact he was a monster that was totally owned by big business. They chose him because he lacked real principles, no moral compass or ethics. He was yet another President who said everything many people wanted to hear and then did the
opposite. He cut taxes for the rich for trickle-down economics, cutting social welfare spending, increasing military spending, and deregulating economic activity in the name of “free” markets. Reagan’s path to American greatness meant making rich people pay less in taxes,
giving poor people less help, building the imperial forces he used in foreign policy, and making life easier for the capitalist class. Reagan’s handling of the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, characterized by downplaying and ignoring the threat, is mirrored in how Trump has handled
COVID-19. Or look at Reagan’s massive expansion of the war on drugs, which only helped exacerbate the racist injustices at the very root of our so-called justice system. Reagan destroyed union power, furthered the power of the conservative right, cut social services to the bone,
increased red-baiting, allowed thousands of people to die of AIDS, and helped create the blueprint for the current foreign policy of the United States. He famously fired 12,000 striking air traffic controllers, breaking their strike and their union. In addition, he increased the
militancy and racial aspects of the War on Drugs, creating minimum sentencing for drug offenses, and choosing to make harsher penalties for “crack” cocaine than regular powder cocaine.
He refused to acknowledge the AIDS epidemic for years, and when he did, he suggested that
children with AIDS could be kept out of schools. Despite being a monster, Republicans continue to hold him up as some sort of saint. The list of his crimes should be read out in schools instead of the Pledge of Allegiance. Reagan’s hands-off leadership style manifested into an
inability to control his administration from potentially illegal activities, e.g. the “Iran-Contra” scandal. In a Sep. 28, 1981 speech to the International Chiefs of Police, Reagan claimed that people who commit violent crimes “are not desperate people seeking bread for their
families; crime is the way they’ve chosen to live.” This attitude failed to address the stark realities underlying crime, namely the national culture of poverty and discrimination. Violent crime nationwide increased 21% from 1981-1989.
The “War on Drugs” wasted billions of dollars and escalated drug-related crime. Reagan pledged during his 1980 campaign for president to balance the federal budget, but never submitted a balanced budget in his eight years in office. In 1981, the deficit was $79 billion and,
in 1986, at the peak of his deficit spending, it stood at $221 billion. The federal debt was $994 billion when he took office in 1981 and grew to $2.9 trillion when his second term ended in 1989. [36] Reagan also added more trade barriers than any other president since Hoover
in 1930. US imports that were subject to some form of trade restraint increased from 12% in 1980 to 23% in 1988. Reagan broke his own vows not to make deals with terrorists or states that aided them. In the “Iran-Contra” scandal, Reagan’s administration bypassed congressional
restrictions on aiding Nicaragua’s Contra guerilla fighters, in part by diverting money to them from the sale of missiles to Iran. Reagan also initiated military involvement in Libya, Grenada, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Lebanon.
On Aug. 3, 1981, Reagan ordered 12,176 striking air traffic controllers (PATCO) back to their jobs, disregarding the workers’ complaints of stress, staff shortages, and outdated equipment. PATCO was one of the few unions that had endorsed Reagan in the 1980 election. Reagan
repaid them by giving them only 48 hours to cancel the strike and banning them from federal service for life. The ban was not lifted until 1993 by President Bill Clinton. Reagan’s over-ambitious space-based laser strategic defensive system, the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
or “Star Wars,” proved to be too technically complex and expensive to complete. From its inception in 1983 to its demise in 1993, the program cost taxpayers $33 billion dollars. Reagan believed that widespread freeloading plagued welfare and social programs. As Reagan slashed
spending in his first term on programs such as food stamps and subsidized housing, the poverty rate climbed from 12% to 15% and unemployment rose from 7% to 11%. Reagan’s “voodoo” economic policy, where tax cuts were believed to somehow generate tax revenues, failed to account
for his administration’s excessive spending which increased from $591 billion in 1980 to $1.2 trillion in 1990. Reagan both increased and cut taxes. In 1980, middle-income families with children paid 8.2% in income taxes and 9.5% in payroll taxes. By 1988 their income tax was
down to 6.6%, but payroll tax was up to 11.8%, a combined increase in taxes. [24] Reagan pushed through Social Security tax increases of $165 billion over seven years. Reagan opposed many important civil rights measures that further alienated him and the Republican Party from
African-Americans. On Mar. 16, 1988, Reagan vetoed the Civil Rights Restoration Act. He was opposed to extending provisions of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. He initially opposed making #MartinLutherKing, Jr.’s birthday a national holiday. He was also loyal to apartheid
South Africa, considering that country a friend and ally. This man was a monster and highlighted why we should never have had another Republican President after him because they always bankrupt the country because all of the money trickles up to the wealthy and be damned to us.
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White supremacists, sovereign citizens, militia extremists and violent anti-abortion adherents use religious concepts and scripture to justify threats, criminal activity and violence. White supremacists, such as adherents of Christian Identity (a racist, antisemitic
religious philosophy) and racial Nordic mythology, use religion to justify acts of violence and condone criminal activity. Lesser known are the ways other white supremacy groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan and the Creativity Movement (formerly known as the Church of Creator or
World Church of the Creator), incorporate religious teachings, texts, and symbolism into their group ideology and activities to justify violating the law and committing violent acts.
The Kloran, a universal KKK handbook, features detailed descriptions of the roles and
I am the universe, will always be the universe and so are you.
After the Big Bang, subatomic particles of protons, electrons and neutrons were flying around at high speeds, high energy and high heat. When they started to cool, one electron and one proton found each other and we
had hydrogen. However, hydrogen only having one electron is not happy so pairs with another and we have hydrogen gas forming gas clouds. At some point it takes on a neutron and fusion can start. Due to energy and gravity and pressure these gas clump clouds collapse into stars.
Those two hydrogens fuse together to form the new stable noble gas of helium. As hydrogen is used up it ignites the helium. 3 helium’s will fuse together to form carbon, 4 helium’s will fuse together to form oxygen. Maybe a carbon atom loses a proton and becomes boron.
In 2014 I attended a lecture regarding the future of pandemics. That with the growing population, increased farming and deforestation, zoonotic pandemics were going to be inevitable. Five years later Covid-19 happened and the conspiracy theories
started. Now some of these were started by powerful people who knew how people reacted to chaos. You see here on this tiny rock in a vast universe, Earth is chaotic and always has been. Ancient people created God’s to explain it. If there was a drought, they had upset their God.
Or if they volcano erupted, they had upset their God. Sometimes they would sacrifice people to apologise. They needed an answer to the chaos. And through chaos is how conspiracy theories start. Look at history and the pattern is there. Conspiracy theories usually thrive among
This collection of stars that shimmer like a fireworks display were captured by nasa hubble in August and December 2009. The nebula, located 20,000 light-years away in the constellation Carina, contains a central cluster of huge, hot stars, and is surrounded by clouds of
interstellar gas and dust - the raw material for new star formation. Its relative closeness to Earth makes it an excellent lab for studying such distant and momentous events. Star clusters like this provide important clues to understanding the origin of massive star
formation in the early, distant universe. Astronomers also use massive clusters to study distant starbursts that occur when galaxies collide, igniting a flurry of star formation.
Credit: NASA, ESA, R. O'Connell (University of Virginia), F. Paresce (National Institute for
You know, I am seeing so many posts that going to other platforms where everyone agrees is not resisting. First of all I’m still here. Yet I also want places that we can be activists and get s*** done without being suppressed and trolled. I’m sick of the noise and want to be
involved. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ENGAGE, those you resist, to resist. I have no intention of leaving, although my account here gets less interaction than it does on the elephant site. I have only 10% the followers on there than here yet I get 10 times more engagement. To me it has
always been about engagement vs follower numbers. At some point we have to think what are we for, like really for. It isn’t just resisting things, it’s about what we stand FOR and not always about what we are against. Because they will cancel each other out. Being for something,
I find it really concerning that so called “Christians” are not able to see the difference between consensual sex and rape. They are still quoting Sodom and Gomorrah stating is was “homosexual sex,” that Sodom was destroyed. So when you read Ezekiel,
you know that the real reason was greed, laziness, gluttony and not loving thy neighbor. Now I would think that shouting outside for men to come out and be gang raped is definitely not loving thy neighbor. Gang rape is sexual violence. The problems nowadays is that even in 2022,
people do not understand the Bible. There HAS to be context. You have to understand the laws and customs. You cannot understand Jesus without understanding these. As an example, turning the other cheek isn’t some passive behavior. Roman soldiers would only hit those they saw