With all due respect, I sincerely hope you understand the ramifications for the CDC’s complete lack of actual measures to ensure patient safety. Basing the safety PREcautions on already skewed data is only furthering the already chronically ignored issue
Not to mention completely ironic since there’s been absolutely no “PREventative” measures at all
Mask wearing has been a necessary staple in medical facilities since the AIDS epidemic and it’s now up for debate and discretion? These CDC guidelines are lazy and fully adopting them without adjustments is plain ignorant.
As the State’s Dept of Health, you have the power to provide safe access to HEALTHcare for #immunocompromised and #disabled patients. Discretionary mask-wearing based on skewed data isn’t “access” and it’s completely unacceptable.
These CDC guidelines were only published to save the medical providers who don’t have never liked wearing a mask, but it would *never* be questioned in an operating room.
Living with chronic undiagnosed conditions that cause neurological symptoms is so scary
I had a very weird episode earlier and still don’t really know what caused it, though I have every reason to believe that my flexion/extension X-rays were a contributing factor
“Wow! Look at that extension! But it’s fine you don’t have any cervical instabilities”
I don’t need an MD (or PA-C) after my name to tell that these are not “normal”
I keep finding myself circling back to a “friend’s” comment in middle school about how she was going to essentially disown me if I “spewed that feminism bullshit”
And in these moments I am grateful that we had a falling out
You better bet your bottom dollar that I am here to stay with my radical feminism and don’t have time for any misogynistic or terfy bullshit thank you very much
This is the same “friend” who was upset with me for speaking about abortion rights in our history class and someone who could only cite the Bible for her “evidence” in wanting to further strip reproductive rights from anyone with a uterus
The amount of times physicians have asked me "why do you want a diagnosis so badly" is quite alarming. And not just in the context of "some genetic connective tissue disorder" that keeps getting thrown in my direction with absolutely no specification nor general care.
It's always followed up with "you know, treatments aren't guaranteed"
But honestly, all that tells me is that they are not capable of using their power to go through the proper channels necessary to give me the care that I need.
(The "not capable" subtext means that they are actively refusing to acknowledge that their own knowledge has massive gaps that they don't care to fill because it doesn't fit their own narratives). Hope that was clear
It is simultaneously incredibly satisfying but also unfathomably upsetting to look at my scans and find tangible evidence that doctors and radiologists missed
It doesn’t surprise me anymore but it’s quite disheartening to find what I was expecting
I had cervical X-rays done on Friday and *everyone* commended my excessive ROM in the extension radiograph
I should not have to explain why commending my excessively hypermobile neck is so beyond wrong, but especially not when it *worsens my symptoms*
@healthvermont So, out of curiosity, what are Vermont’s regulations regarding masking at healthcare facilities? I understand that the CDC is advertising mask wearing “around the immunocompromised,” so how does that translate to healthcare facilities? Exam rooms in specific
I am also curious as to what’s happening to mitigate the rising COVID levels, and would like to direct the attention back to the fact that COVID has been classified as a BSL3 (that’s biosafety level-3).
Need I remind you what else is classified as BSL3?
I will for good measure: Tuberculosis and Avian Flu are both classified at this level with sars-cov-2. So is *anthrax*