Gun-controls at best neutral wrt crime but infringement of US constitution & Common Law rights to bear arms on which is based
But balance of real evidence v cherry-picked "proof" based on eg US v other 19 or even 5 of G20/G6 is they make crime WORSE!
@James85fletcher@MrAhmednurAli If you do a proper comparison of legal gun ownership/possession (Switzerland & Israel have high gun ownership but sky-high possession when you include the military-spec often FULL-AUTO guns armed forcesforces often keep at home) v Gun MURDER (not "deaths"=mainly suicides-which...
@James85fletcher@MrAhmednurAli If do proper comparison of legal gun ownership/possession (inc Switzerland & Israel military guns at home) v Gun MURDER (not "deaths"=mainly suicides-which highest in strictest gun-control nations)
Clearly you support despotic regimes & murder!😲🤦♂️😱
@James85fletcher@MrAhmednurAli It's clear that widespread ownership of firearms by the law abiding public is a well recognised requirement for not just public safety but also democracy
So you have to ask why some people are so keen on removing firearms from the law abiding citizenry
As they certainly aren't trying to protect the public or promote democracy!😲🤦♂️😱
@James85fletcher@MrAhmednurAli People need to do some research and get some perspective on firearms controls gun ownership gun and homicide levels
Instead of gun-ban lobby "statistics" cherry-picked from countries that aren't comparable while ignoring all the relevant data!
@James85fletcher@MrAhmednurAli Most of the "statistics" you see on firearms controls from the gun-ban lobby are lies and damned lies!😱🤦♂️
If they had an actual argument they'd use it
But they haven't so they don't
They lie and use emotional guilt-tripping shroud-waving blackmail!
@James85fletcher@MrAhmednurAli The public have been brainwashed by the gun-ban lobby with lies damned lies and statistics
But why?!
There is clearly at best no, at worst an inverse relationship between legal firearms ownership and not only gun murders, but all armed and violent crime
With all the troubles in the world why do you have to obsess over infiltrating men who would prefer to dress up in floral frocks stockings & lipstick into boring black cassocks😯
With all the troubles in the world why do you have to obsess over infiltrating men who would prefer to dress up in floral frocks stockings & lipstick into boring black cassocks😯
By the way it's Marriage RITE NOT "Right"😮
Churches do it to promote growth😲🤦♂️
By the way it's Marriage RITE NOT "Right"😮
Churches do it to promote growth😲🤦♂️
Unlike the Shakers
Who banned sex even in marriage
And so died out
Like the Russian Skoptsy sect who castrated themselves😱
@TakethatCt @Dozzle101 @RolandRogers2 @DrEtiquette Of course you did
And of course you are
Lets assume the pandemic was as dangerous as claimed
And the deaths were going to be as high as predicted
We also knew that the deaths from lockdowns would be even higher
Based on half a century of research
On a century of data!😲😱🤦♂️
@TakethatCt @Dozzle101 @RolandRogers2 @DrEtiquette And we also had pandemic plans in place that were based on even worse pandemics than predicted for Covid
eg the US plan was based on nearly a million fatalities
But didn't include lockdowns
So why did we lock down & isolate the healthy
When we knew that would kill more!😲😱🤦♂️
@TakethatCt @Dozzle101 @RolandRogers2 @DrEtiquette Despite fact we knew from Diamond Princess Covid wouldn't be that bad
And we knew from very early on that kids couldn't & didn't infect adults
Yet we even locked down kids & prevented their normal education & development
@TakethatCt @Dozzle101 @RolandRogers2 @DrEtiquette What test tells you if the Covid19 virus is "live or dead"?
I thought YOU were the expert!
How did *#I* validate it?😲🤦♂️
In *#MY* lab you mean?!😂🤣🤣
The PCR "Test" certainly doesn't tell you if the FRAGMENT of virus is alive or dead
Common sense tells you it's stone dead🤦♂️
@TakethatCt @Dozzle101 @RolandRogers2 @DrEtiquette If you WERE an expert you'd know you can only confirm it's alive by growing a sample
But as that takes time & money they didn't seem to bother too much with that
And they should also have notified the doctor of the number of cycles used
Ideally after using a sensible number!🤦♂️
@TakethatCt @Dozzle101 @RolandRogers2 @DrEtiquette Medical professionals always knew PCR "Tests" especially at high cycle rates couldn't 7 shouldn't be used for "diagnosing" a disease!😲
Until they started getting paid for testing for & signing off on PCR "Test" Covid19 "diagnoses"😱🤦♂️
@Dozzle101 @RolandRogers2 @DrEtiquette Kary Mullis didn't say finding a trace of a micro-organism IS a diagnosis
IF a person IS ill with the RELEVANT symptoms
The PCR test can be used as a tool to HELP confirm the diagnosis of WHAT the organism is
Finding a scrap of an organism your body destroyed months ago...
@Dozzle101 @RolandRogers2 @DrEtiquette A PCR test finding a scrap of an organism your body destroyed months ago isn't a "diagnosis" you have live ones in your body now
Never mind enough to make you ill
Or infect others
Never mind finding a scrap of virus that just floated up your nose onto the swab into the tube...
@Dozzle101 @RolandRogers2 @DrEtiquette And a PCR test finding a scrap of a virus the floated onto the sample in the lab certainly doesn't "diagnose" anything
And even if it finds a current scrap of a virus that was currently in your body & was currently live & present in some numbers it proves you're infected with it