Boguś WoeMan Pronouns ooh/err/missus #BLM 🌊🌻🇺🇦 Profile picture
Satirising anti-social media & parodying legacy news All views my own not those of my social media provider Or maybe not even my own All usual caveats apply!
Jun 25, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
Sandi Sandi Sandi

With all the troubles in the world why do you have to obsess over infiltrating men who would prefer to dress up in floral frocks stockings & lipstick into boring black cassocks😯

By the way it's Marriage RITE NOT "Right"😮

Churches do it to promote growth😲🤦‍♂️ Sandi Sandi Sandi

With all the troubles in the world why do you have to obsess over infiltrating men who would prefer to dress up in floral frocks stockings & lipstick into boring black cassocks😯

By the way it's Marriage RITE NOT "Right"😮

Churches do it to promote growth😲🤦‍♂️
Jun 11, 2024 7 tweets 5 min read
@TakethatCt @kwoade @Dozzle101 @RolandRogers2 @DrEtiquette Which of these are letters expressing opinions?!

#Covid #Panicdem #Covid19 "#PCRTest" #LockDowns #LockDownsLethal #LockDownsKill😲🤦‍♂️🤣…
@TakethatCt @kwoade @Dozzle101 @RolandRogers2 @DrEtiquette Which of these are letters expressing opinions?!

#Covid #Panicdem #Covid19 "#PCRTest" #LockDowns #LockDownsLethal #LockDownsKill😲🤦‍♂️🤣

From the second Tweet in the thread…

Jun 10, 2024 21 tweets 9 min read
@TakethatCt @Dozzle101 @RolandRogers2 @DrEtiquette Of course you did

And of course you are

Lets assume the pandemic was as dangerous as claimed

And the deaths were going to be as high as predicted

We also knew that the deaths from lockdowns would be even higher

Based on half a century of research

On a century of data!😲😱🤦‍♂️ @TakethatCt @Dozzle101 @RolandRogers2 @DrEtiquette And we also had pandemic plans in place that were based on even worse pandemics than predicted for Covid

eg the US plan was based on nearly a million fatalities

But didn't include lockdowns

So why did we lock down & isolate the healthy

When we knew that would kill more!😲😱🤦‍♂️
Jun 10, 2024 7 tweets 6 min read
@TakethatCt @Dozzle101 @RolandRogers2 @DrEtiquette What test tells you if the Covid19 virus is "live or dead"?

I thought YOU were the expert!

How did *#I* validate it?😲🤦‍♂️

In *#MY* lab you mean?!😂🤣🤣

The PCR "Test" certainly doesn't tell you if the FRAGMENT of virus is alive or dead

Common sense tells you it's stone dead🤦‍♂️

@TakethatCt @Dozzle101 @RolandRogers2 @DrEtiquette If you WERE an expert you'd know you can only confirm it's alive by growing a sample

But as that takes time & money they didn't seem to bother too much with that

And they should also have notified the doctor of the number of cycles used

Ideally after using a sensible number!🤦‍♂️

Jun 9, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
@Dozzle101 @RolandRogers2 @DrEtiquette Kary Mullis didn't say finding a trace of a micro-organism IS a diagnosis

IF a person IS ill with the RELEVANT symptoms

The PCR test can be used as a tool to HELP confirm the diagnosis of WHAT the organism is

Finding a scrap of an organism your body destroyed months ago... @Dozzle101 @RolandRogers2 @DrEtiquette A PCR test finding a scrap of an organism your body destroyed months ago isn't a "diagnosis" you have live ones in your body now

Never mind enough to make you ill

Or infect others

Never mind finding a scrap of virus that just floated up your nose onto the swab into the tube...
May 30, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
@MMoPi314 @joelpollak @ScottAdamsSays Wow

How do you know it was hotter 150 years ago

The MMGWers swear you can't use temperature records before 1910 as they're too unreliable😲


And tree ring proxies don't tell you the temperature

Never mind to a degree

Only the..… @MMoPi314 @joelpollak @ScottAdamsSays Tree ring proxies don't tell you the temperature

Never mind to a degree

Only the qualitative general DAYtime SUMMER growth conditions

They ASSUME the temperature was up when the ring is wider

When it could be COOLER but brighter & wetter

As I said🤦‍♂️🤣…
May 30, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
@MMoPi314 @joelpollak @ScottAdamsSays So what

It's clearly been hotter in the past

Much MUCH hotter in the ancient past

Hotter in the historic past

And climatological have always called those periods Climate OPTIMUMS

Not Man-Made Global-Worsening!😲🤦‍♂️😂🤣

Two millennia ago the Romans could grow wine grapes on.. @MMoPi314 @joelpollak @ScottAdamsSays Two millennia ago the Rpmans could grow wine-grapes on Hadrian's Wall

Today after 2 millennia of selective breeding we still struggle to grow any in the hottest spots of Southern England!😲🤦‍♂️😂🤣

And even if none of that were true we're STILL IN & STILL COMING OUT OF AN ICE AGE
May 29, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
@MMoPi314 @joelpollak @ScottAdamsSays No

YOU are getting confused

As I said

As the Natural Climate Change Deniers keep telling us

Climate isn't weather


It's average weather

They have absolutely NO idea how the Climate ACTUALLY works

They ADMIT clouds & moisture are the main drivers of weather

They ADMIT.. @MMoPi314 @joelpollak @ScottAdamsSays They ADMIT they don't know how clouds & moisture affect the weather or climate

They ADMIT they don't know how to model how clouds & moisture affect the weather and climate

They ADMIT they DON'T model how clouds & moisture affect the climate

In the #ClimateGate emails AND...
May 26, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
@SpiritofLenin a) They're soldiers

Their job is to shoot people


b) They were sent into Northern Ireland to protect Catholics

Who killed them

c) It's not just an admitted but a well known fact the IRA had guns at & around "protests"

And used them

d) In the fog of war when you think.. @SpiritofLenin d) In the fog of war when you think you're being shot at it's hard to distinguish between eg a 60s cine-camera shooting you & a sniper rifle about to kill you

e) Neither the IRA nor Sinn Fein are Catholics

The various factions are rival strands of Marxism😲

And last time I...
May 21, 2024 4 tweets 4 min read
@ServerError403 Does no one understand the concept of diplomacy any more?!😲🤦‍♂️

#Soleimani was not only an official general of an official military of a sovereign state

Not only fought ALONGSIDE US & NATO against actual terrorists

But was also foreign minister & head of the diplomatic service!

@ServerError403 And not only was #Soleimani Foreign Minister & Head of the Diplomatic Service

He was on a diplomatic journey for peace talks between supposed US allies

That US had sponsored🤦‍♂️

And the only problem that the US had with him

Is that he had legally carried out attacks on invaders

May 21, 2024 4 tweets 4 min read
@MatthewStadlen @LeeAndersonMP_ So what are the military-age blokes landing on our shores in black rubber dinghies destined for😯

Why do they dump their documentation😮

And what percentage are destined for a life of crime😲

What is their incarceration rate😱

And please share links to your UNBIASED stats!!🤦‍♂️

@MatthewStadlen @LeeAndersonMP_ So what are the military-age blokes landing on our shores in black rubber dinghies destined for😯

And what percentage are destined for a life of crime😮

What is their incarceration rate😲

And please share links to your UNBIASED stats!😱

Not with hidden or biased data& Stats🤦‍♂️

May 6, 2024 15 tweets 5 min read
@ScratchOneBetty @emwijessie @Charlie533080 We're talking about the war between Japan/USA Axis/Allies

And of course the Military Industrial (Congress as it was in the Draft Speech) Complex wasn't at all interested in Japan's economy

As Eisenhower & JFK warned against

Just in poor ickle China being brutalised

Grow up!😲 @ScratchOneBetty @emwijessie @Charlie533080 And so Japanese using Kamikaze pilots as not only had plenty of fuel to return

But plenty of munitions to rearm

Whole squadron

And US excuse for not discussing some surrender appeals was that they couldn't understand them

Because they were a figment of my imagination!😲🤦‍♂️😂🤣
Apr 30, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
@Rudder3Rudder @RebeccaMtn @PIAccount1 #Trump REPEATEDLY said LIGHT/UV-LIGHT

And ONE time didn't in MIDDLE of referring to LIGHT/UV-LIGHT was where he REPEATEDLY said it knocks out Covid19 in ONE minute

Which is the time adviser had said LIGHT/UV-LIGHT does

Compared to alcohol 1/2 minute

BLEACH in FIVE MINUTES🤦‍♂️🤣 @Rudder3Rudder @RebeccaMtn @PIAccount1 So however many poorly educated #Trump supporters there are

There are clearly far more #Dumbocrats like you with #TDS

Who don't know that not only chemicals but metals gases & UV/LIGHT are "disinfectants"

And can be & are "injected"

eg Ozone in swimming pools

And UV in body!
Apr 28, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
@Painterwrites @lincs67 @kelvmackenzie Are you saying entitled Woke kids demanding they work from home

And get to wear preferred pronoun badges

And must never be misgendered

And their employers cancel every customer client and supplier they don't like

Is down to bad management

You could be on to something there! @Painterwrites @lincs67 @kelvmackenzie A good company with good managers would hire & PAY employees to do what they are told AND PAID to do😲🤦‍♂️

Which is keep their customers or clients happy

Not cancel them

And tell them if they don't want to do the JOB they are PAID TO DO their resignation is accepted!!!😂🤣😂🤣🤣
Apr 27, 2024 13 tweets 6 min read
@G7NXX @champagneCarrot @CharlotteCGill @theJeremyVine What were the numbers for 2018-2022

And is that & were you counting 4 or 5 years

These days up to 5 pedestrians pa killed on UK ROADS & associated pavements

But figure doesn't include even physically segregated on road/pavement cyclepaths

Never mind any non road path or space @G7NXX @champagneCarrot @CharlotteCGill @theJeremyVine Not only are many areas where pedestrians are exposed to cyclists not included in fatality statistics

Neither are the deaths of pedestrians hit by cyclists where they survived for 30 days

And unlike motor-vehicles where milometer readings are officially recorded annually...
Apr 21, 2024 7 tweets 1 min read
@benryanwriter Given your excellent work on the #TransActivist lobby I hope you haven't been fooled by the #GunBan lobby

#Columbine was the first modern mass/#SchoolShooting

The first of an epidemic

That only occurred after decades of "liberal" gun-ban & other legal & societal changes!😮😲🤦‍♂️ @benryanwriter Century ago in US as in UK guns were almost completely unrestricted

Anyone could buy an actual machine gun never mind a real #AssaultRIFLE (no an ordinary member of the public can't normally get one in the US & an "#AssaultWEAPON" BY DEFINITION ISN'T ONE!)

Apr 12, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
@HasLahlStopped @Spryfield420 @JenniferLahl @_CryMiaRiver Hmmmmm

But a family is a reproductive unit to propagate society in general & the breeding pair in particular

And comprises a potential functional egg carrier/mater role model a potential functional sperm carrier/paternal role model & their progeny

Traditionally bonded in a... @HasLahlStopped @Spryfield420 @JenniferLahl @_CryMiaRiver Traditionally bonded in a society recognised promoted recorded & certified mater-imonial ceremony

Which is a RITE

Recognising the fulfilment of a societal DUTY to procreate the next generation

NOT a "right" to celebrate your luuuurve with a certified pardeee

So where do 2....
Apr 11, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
@ChosenTime50 @asymmetricinfo In climate change DENIAL?!

Models are not science

Especially when they don't even work

Proxies are not temperature measurement

Tree rings tell you how good or bad the daytime Summer weather was - a bigger ring may be more sunlight moisture & CO2 BUT COOLER

"Climate is not.." @ChosenTime50 @asymmetricinfo "Climate is not weather"

It's the typical weather

You can't measure eg the average height of schoolkids graph a trend & "model" what the heights of schoolkids will be in a 100 years

You certainly can't do it using shoe sizes as a proxy

Never mind school uniform dress lengths!
Apr 10, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
@belleofva @Candace16821073 @RetroJoe64 @ScottAdamsSays That's not how it worked

The Rus were the people of far-Eastern Europe

A squabbling tribal society

They asked Rurik a Varangian or emigrant Rus warlord to rule & bring order to them

He settled in Kiev

In those parts inheritance of rule doesn't pass father to son but sideways @belleofva @Candace16821073 @RetroJoe64 @ScottAdamsSays In those days countries as we know them didn't exist

The rule of the Rus passed sideways to various tribal ducal princely... seats

Ending up in Dutchy Grand Duchy Principality of Muscovy

Incidentally the original village of Moscow was founded by one of Rurik's Kiev ruling band
Mar 31, 2024 13 tweets 4 min read
@nowsgood2 @GreerStandsFree @Sassafrass_84 Why

There were no "30,000 lies"

It was a list of 30,000 of #Trump's:

"false or misleading claims... suspect claims... untruths... falsehoods..."

And that's just from #WaPo's non paywalled "lies" articles

I'm pretty sure they also counted hyperbole misspeaking errors..😲🤣 @nowsgood2 @GreerStandsFree @Sassafrass_84 But to be fair #WaPo only counted each of what you think were lies once for every Tweet interview or speech

But they counted them for every Tweet interview or speech

Not just double-counting normal political hype as "lies"

But counting the same boast HUNDREDS of times!😲🤦‍♂️🤣
Mar 24, 2024 20 tweets 5 min read
@JohnKHull @donmcgowan @LeeAndersonMP_ Wow

You're so smart

Unfortunately for you my computer froze up as I was posting the follow up Tweet(s)

Tell me you can't read without actually saying you can't read

Yes as I said

"England is 2nd only to Pakistan as the most densely populated NORMAL #_F_U_L_L_! SIZED country" @JohnKHull @donmcgowan @LeeAndersonMP_ Yes as I said

You shouldn't have tried to provide "evidence" without reading the question

Haven't you got to exams in school yet😲🤦‍♂️🤣

You made a nonsense reply that is easily discounted, and still more easily disprovable.

Or you're clearly a troll 🧌