And climatological have always called those periods Climate OPTIMUMS
Not Man-Made Global-Worsening!😲🤦♂️😂🤣
Two millennia ago the Romans could grow wine grapes on..
@MMoPi314 @joelpollak @ScottAdamsSays Two millennia ago the Rpmans could grow wine-grapes on Hadrian's Wall
Today after 2 millennia of selective breeding we still struggle to grow any in the hottest spots of Southern England!😲🤦♂️😂🤣
And even if none of that were true we're STILL IN & STILL COMING OUT OF AN ICE AGE
@MMoPi314 @joelpollak @ScottAdamsSays And the Marshall Islands are sinking beneath the waves!
I thought it was the Maldives
But they didn't get the Memo & started to rise
Then it was Tuvalu
But that didn't get the Memo
And before them it was New York
Which was supposed to have sunk below the waves decades ago🤣
@MMoPi314 @joelpollak @ScottAdamsSays How many bridges have you bought?😮
How many Nigerian Princes have you sent your bank details to?!😯
Bet you even swallowed the #DrinkBleachHoax😲🤦♂️😂🤣🤣
You did didn't you
Like half of America
The experts told you not to drink bleach
Your "liberal" media told you #Trump..
@MMoPi314 @joelpollak @ScottAdamsSays Your "liberal" media told you #Trump had said #DrinkBleach
Or at best #InjectDisinfectant
And half America swallowed it
He never mentioned drink
He never mentioned bleach
He never told anyone to do anything
He ASKED his technical adviser about medics RESEARCH into injecting
@MMoPi314 @joelpollak @ScottAdamsSays #Trump ASKED his technical adviser about medics RESEARCH into "injecting" UV-ĹIGHT "disinfectant" into the lungs
"Disinfectant" can be a gas like Ozone ("injected into eg swimming pools)
Or a metal like silver ("injected" into wound dressings)
It can even be a bacteriophage!🤣
@MMoPi314 @joelpollak @ScottAdamsSays Strangely within hours of the media's anti-#Trump #DrinkBleachHoax kicking off
With "experts" warning the US not to #DrinkBleach
The Wikipedia definition of "disinfectant" changed from "antimicrobial agents" to "chemical agents"
Purely coincidentally
No conspiracy there😲🤦♂️🤣
@MMoPi314 @joelpollak @ScottAdamsSays And no #Trump didn't refer to bleach in middle of paragraph he REPEATEDLY referred to LIGHT Strong L.I.G.H.T UV #_L_I_G_H_T_! in
He said "disinfectant"
And no he wasn't referring back to bleach his adviser said knocked out Covid in FIVE minutes
He said it did in A & ONE minute
@MMoPi314 @joelpollak @ScottAdamsSays But you swallowed the #DrinkBleachHoax didn't you sweetheart
You #BelieveTheExperts don't you darling
Even when the truth is staring you straight in the face😲🤦♂️
Now about that beautiful bridge a really excellent bridge I've got for you at a giveaway price!!!😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣🤣
As the Natural Climate Change Deniers keep telling us
Climate isn't weather
It's average weather
They have absolutely NO idea how the Climate ACTUALLY works
They ADMIT clouds & moisture are the main drivers of weather
They ADMIT..
@MMoPi314 @joelpollak @ScottAdamsSays They ADMIT they don't know how clouds & moisture affect the weather or climate
They ADMIT they don't know how to model how clouds & moisture affect the weather and climate
They ADMIT they DON'T model how clouds & moisture affect the climate
In the #ClimateGate emails AND...
@MMoPi314 @joelpollak @ScottAdamsSays In the #ClimateGate emails AND model notes they repeatedly admitted models weren't working and couldn't figure out how to get them to "work"
And that if the 18 year NO "Warming" run didn't end soon would have to admit Man-Made "Global Warming" wasn't a thing
b) They were sent into Northern Ireland to protect Catholics
Who killed them
c) It's not just an admitted but a well known fact the IRA had guns at & around "protests"
And used them
d) In the fog of war when you think..
@SpiritofLenin d) In the fog of war when you think you're being shot at it's hard to distinguish between eg a 60s cine-camera shooting you & a sniper rifle about to kill you
e) Neither the IRA nor Sinn Fein are Catholics
The various factions are rival strands of Marxism😲
And last time I...
@SpiritofLenin d) cont..
And the last time I checked the Pope didn't actually support abortion on demand or same sex marriage
Both of which Sinn Fein/IRA support & promote😲
e) And whatever the British Army did in Northern Ireland they didn't deliberately kneecap kids or force dad's to be...
@MatthewStadlen @LeeAndersonMP_ So what are the military-age blokes landing on our shores in black rubber dinghies destined for😯
Why do they dump their documentation😮
And what percentage are destined for a life of crime😲
What is their incarceration rate😱
And please share links to your UNBIASED stats!!🤦♂️
@MatthewStadlen @LeeAndersonMP_ So what are the military-age blokes landing on our shores in black rubber dinghies destined for😯
And what percentage are destined for a life of crime😮
What is their incarceration rate😲
And please share links to your UNBIASED stats!😱
Not with hidden or biased data& Stats🤦♂️
@MatthewStadlen @LeeAndersonMP_ Why can & do we ban entry to even small numbers of culturally & ethnically similar White people on divisive spurious racist lines
Yet welcome a mass invasion of non-Whites from culturally different in fact opposed ethnicities with no documentation or checks on even health!