STUNNING DEVELOPMENT: In latest update, @KCPubHealth's Dr. Faisal Khan says, "the medical examiner's office is now struggling with the issue of STORING BODIES because the fentanyl related death toll continues to climb." @GovInslee@kcexec@MayorofSeattle#Seattle
AMERICAN TRAGEDY: @jasonrantz first to report on this grim development impacting #Seattle, #KingCounty, and our entire region. Khan says medical examiner's offices nationwide dealing with same problems with storage of bodies related to #fentanyl deaths.
CURRENT PLAN NOT WORKING: Elected officials must now admit it’s an addiction crisis and it must be prioritized. Every homeless encampment is littered w/drug paraphernalia. Out of record 310 homeless deaths last year, majority fentanyl related. #Seattle
-70% fentanyl related.
-18 homeless people died by homicide.
-35 homeless people died from natural causes.
-10 homeless people died from hypothermia or exposure.
EVERY HOMELESS ENCAMPMENT: Back in October, I caught up with these fellas in SODO. Why are we allowing HOMELESS addicts to die on our streets? We are losing a GENERATION. Where is the intervention? @GovInslee@kcexec @MayorofSeattle@KC_RHA@seattledot
DRUG CITY: The drug epidemic is so bad in #Seattle, I now carry Narcan since I encounter addicts daily. In October, guy was "tweaking" on drugs in traffic near Lams' Seafood on King St. He refused help. @GovInslee@MayorofSeattle@kcexec@SeattleCouncil
HUMAN TRAGEDY: #Chinatown-ID continues to UNFAIRLY shoulder burden of crime, drug addiction,+ homeless crisis. This past September, I documented numerous instances of addicts injecting in front of kids. @GovInslee@kcexec@MayorofSeattle@KC_RHA#Seattle
@GovInslee@kcexec@MayorofSeattle@KC_RHA ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY: "Harm reduction" lobby is adding fuel to America's drug epidemic. Unlimited needles, foil,+supplies to get high. But little intervention or requirements for addicts to get treatment. And this industry is profiting handsomely. #Seattle
@GovInslee@kcexec@MayorofSeattle@KC_RHA IT'S THE DRUGS STUPID: Resilient small biz owners like @RohanJoseph12 huge part of 2022 narrative. Fed up with #Seattle's drug addicts disrupting biz, he's documenting every single encounter and now PERSONALLY trying to change the culture on his street.
SEATTLE'S UNENDING DRUG CRISIS : I spent months REPORTING on 3rd Ave. in downtown Seattle+Little Saigon. Despite efforts by @MayorofSeattle and @SeattlePD, open air drug dens/black markets are THRIVING. #Seattle@GovInslee@kcexec
NEW PLAN: “Housing first” is not working and is liability for politicians who subscribe to this. Just look on streets of PNW/West Coast/Vancouver BC Canada. Prioritizing solutions for drug addiction+mental illness will be key to “housing earned.” #Seattle
RESPONSIBILITY OF MEDIA:At this point, we all know mainstream media is NOT going to consistently cover these raw realities in Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Philly, etc. Independent/citizen journos now tasked to fill this huge gap.
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NEW: Never imagined my eyes would be bleeding after researching a story about government waste.
But credit @Wake_upWA for exposing how taxpayer dollars funded a Seattle men's masturbation club called "Rain City Jacks."
Founder Paul Rosenberg discusses his ethos on sex.
BREAKING: After two years of hell, Bellevue deadbeat tenants Sang and Youjin Kim have finally been kicked out of their rental property.
After numerous legal rulings against them, the Kim's were supposed to vacate by Saturday. But they went past the deadline and left a mess.🧵👇
It's unclear where the Kim's are headed. But they have kids in the Bellevue school district and it appears they have found another property. If they are renting, good luck to the landlord.
Reality is, housing court is still backed up, evictions are delayed, and mom & pop landlords are losing rights.
The Kim's and other serial squatters are just taking advantage of failed polices pushed by lawmakers such as former State Sen. Patty Kuderer.
Nice job @UnderWashington for calling out the WA Democrats who care more about the rights of pedophiles and groomers. Parents and child advocates should be hammering these lawmakers. The contact list is below. 🧵👇
Looks like King County activist judge Veronica Galvan is celebrating a banner year of releasing violent offenders.
Last month she allowed Millorz Canales to be on home detention even though prosecutors wanted him to remain behind bars.
Several days later, he allegedly went on a rampage, tying a 14 year old to a tree, stabbing him multiple times, cutting out his organs, and leaving him to die.
Canales was arrested again and is now facing new charges.
So who’s holding Galvan accountable for her troubling decisions on the bench?
BREAKING: Criminal squatter Steve Hickey just filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, hoping to shield himself from paying back hundreds of thousands of dollars in back rent, and eviction from a Ravensdale property. His house of cards is finally starting to crumble.
In court documents, he only claims to have $50K or less in assets.
But in this recent video, Hickey boasts about making tons of cash as a social media influencer through social media revenue, sponsorships, and licensing deals with tv stations. By my estimate, Hickey likely clears more than $200K a year.
Thousands of illegals are being transported through Seattle's King County Airport. Many will be deported.
I started documenting. But far-left activists with La Resistencia tried to disrupt my coverage. Problem for them, they don't know the law.
The woman trying to disrupt my coverage is Maru Mora-Villalpando with La Resistencia. Her group sent out an error riddled press release about this incident with zero evidence to back up their claims. Why does the far-left activist class get so triggered by the truth?
I was on assignment for Frontlines TPUSA. I showed them my press credentials. But they still blocked me until King County Sheriff's showed up and scolded the activists. They had to let me in since it's a public space. 🤣