Maxim Belokon died on the third day of a full-scale invasion,but managed to become a Hero of Ukraine
Maxim graduated from the State Boarding Lyceum with enhanced military physical training "Cadet Corps" named after I. G. Kharitonenko of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine/1
2015), the National Academy of Ground Forces named after Hetman Petro Sahaydachny.
During the attack of Russian troops, he participated in the defense of Chernigov, destroyed a sabotage and reconnaissance group and 2 enemy tanks. Belokon 😥died on February 27, 2022 during /2
the defense of Chernigov from Russian invaders, along with his tank crew.
Maxim was only 24 years old. On March 2, 2022, Senior Lieutenant Belokon received the title of Hero of Ukraine with the Order of the Gold Star (posthumously). /3
- Today is the day of extremely pleasant news for Ukraine. There is a tank coalition. There is a decision to open the supply of tanks for our defense - modern tanks.
I thank all our allies for their willingness to give us modern and much-needed tanks.
All this proves the most important fact for the world right now - the fact that freedom is only getting stronger. And how united we all work to strengthen freedom, to protect Ukraine and Europe is a historic achievement of the leaders who are working now.
The key now is speed and volume. The speed of training of our military and the speed of supplying tanks to Ukraine and the amount of tank support.
We have to form such a tank fist of freedom, after the blows of which tyranny will no longer rise. We can do it.
the Russian Federation will suffer two to four significant defeats, and it is after this that the processes of disintegration and final demoralization in the Russian army will become irreversible
Such predictions for the Russian Federation were made by Podolyak. He also noted:
🔹the Russian Federation will resort to certain offensive actions, due to which it will definitely lose a lot of personnel, forces and means.
🔹Russians will continue to flee.
🔹A protest of a social and not a political nature will spread across the territory of the Russian Federation because of loved ones lost in the war.
🔹The Ukrainian army will stop at the borders of 1991, and an uncontrolled political transformation will begin in Russia.
Uppdatering. Vi börjar med fronterna, denna gång från söder uppåt.
Orcerna ser ut att försöka ta Vuhledar. Man har inlett en attack och striderna rasar just nu utanför staden. De våra, bla Taras pluton
(han i Bengt och Emils reportage "soldaten som fått nog") har minerat de yttre områdena väldigt nogrant
men orcerna sände kanonmat att röja en väg genom minfältet, helt enkelt genom att trampa på minorna. Resten av attacken tog våra kulsprutor hand om men orcerna lyckades avancera ca 500 m sydost om staden. Det förutspås väldigt hårda strider de kommande dagarna.
🇳🇴 Norway has confirmed its intention to transfer tanks to Ukraine - Minister of Defense Bjorn Aril Gram.
Gram did not specify the number of tanks in question, but noted that they will be Leopard 2A4 — the same modification that Poland will transfer to Ukraine
Joakim von Braun
Svensk säkerhets/rysslands expert
Kl: 11 10
Stor framgång för Ukraina
Dagens rapport från Ukrainas generalstab var utomordentlig fantastisk läsning och detta samtidigt som de demokratiska västländerna gett besked om leveranser av tunga stridsvagnar
som Challenger 2, Leopard 2 och M1 Abrams,
svenska Archer haubitser och en stor mängd annan synnerligen viktig utrustning. Nu får vi väl börja önska att USA och andra länder tar modet till sig och levererar stridsflygplan och attackhelikoptrar också /2
men idag är det en dag som vi alla kan vara glada!
Rekordmånga döda
Rysslands förluster igår var bland de allra största jag sett