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Vitaliy Vlasenko, teacher of a pedagogical college from Volyn, died defending the Luhansk region

The hero Vlasenko taught the discipline "Protection of the Fatherland" at the college, and was in charge of the student hostel. In Vladimir-Volynsk Pedagogical College, /1
he enjoyed prestige both among students and colleagues.

“He taught students to be brave and courageous, to love their Motherland, to be ready to give their lives for the Ukrainian people. This is how he raised his sons. He was like that himself, from the first days /2
being in the hottest places of the struggle for the victory of good over evil, for the peace of his pets, colleagues, friends, family, ”the teachers described in the obituary.

Before going to college, he served in the frontier troops and returned to the service a month /3
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Maxim Belokon died on the third day of a full-scale invasion,but managed to become a Hero of Ukraine
Maxim graduated from the State Boarding Lyceum with enhanced military physical training "Cadet Corps" named after I. G. Kharitonenko of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine/1 Image
2015), the National Academy of Ground Forces named after Hetman Petro Sahaydachny.

During the attack of Russian troops, he participated in the defense of Chernigov, destroyed a sabotage and reconnaissance group and 2 enemy tanks. Belokon 😥died on February 27, 2022 during /2
the defense of Chernigov from Russian invaders, along with his tank crew.

Maxim was only 24 years old. On March 2, 2022, Senior Lieutenant Belokon received the title of Hero of Ukraine with the Order of the Gold Star (posthumously). /3
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Tanks with fuel, which were planned to be sent to the occupying forces, are burning in the hangar

( place unknown so far )
🔥 In Russia, the morning begins with a fire: fuel tanks burst into flames in Angarsk, The cause of the fire is still unknown, but local residents say that it is burning so that it can be seen on the outskirts of Irkutsk.
The President of Ukraine and his wife came to say goodbye to the deceased in Brovary

📹Ukraine now

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Destroyed enemy equipment worth millions of dollars: the story of the fearless Defender of Mariupol Mikhail Chuprin
He comes from Khrustalny in the Luhansk region. When the Russians occupied their hometown, Mikhail moved his mother to the territory controlled by Ukraine, and he himself defended the Motherland.
He stood at the origins of the history of the Kholodny Yar tank company, which became the legend of the Azov regiment. The baptism of fire of Mikhail, who received the call sign "Chup", took place in the spring and summer of 2015 in the battles for Shirokino.
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He is only 23 years old, and he is already a Hero of Ukraine!

The young commander of a tank company, Yevgeny Palchenko, covered the exit of the brigade from the encirclement near Oleshki, held the defense of the local bridge for three days, destroyed enemy equipment, /1
and also defended Meshkovo-Pogorelovo at the entrance to Nikolaev.

Yevhen graduated from the Hetman Petro Sahaydachny National Academy of Land Forces. After graduating from the academy, he was promoted to lieutenant and served in the 59th Motorized Rifle Brigade as a tank
platoon commander.

The defender has become a real legend not only in his native Gaysyn region, but throughout Ukraine.

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The scale of the tragedy in Dnipro can be felt even by the number of ambulances

🎥Twitter / Kostya

#they will answer for this…
More than 100 rescuers are clearing the rubble and looking for people under the rubble after the Russian attack in the Dnieper - Valentin Reznichenko

Physicians, cynologists, utilities work. Residents of neighboring houses also come to the rescue.
“Thanks to everyone who helps. It’s very hard for us, but we will stand,” the head of the OVA notes.

🎥 Valentin Reznichenko

#they will answer for this…
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Has been fighting since the age of 18: "Horus" became one of the legendary defenders of Mariupol

Lev Pashko has been fighting since 2017, it was then, at the age of 18, that he became a soldier of the separate special forces unit "Azov" of the National Guard of Ukraine. /1
The young man chose the call sign "Horus" - the name of the ancient Egyptian god of hunting, sky and war. Passed several training courses, became a company commander.

From the first day of the full-scale invasion of the Russian troops into Ukraine, Horus defended Mariupol. /2
On March 21, 2022, after the evacuation of Nikita Nadtochia from Mariupol, he was appointed interim commander of the second battalion of the Azov regiment.

March 26 from the side of the village. Hnutovoe, Mariupol district, the enemy made another attempt to break through /3
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Defended Happiness: the story of Lieutenant Colonel Vitaly Kucheryavy

The future Hero had dreams of shoulder straps since childhood. Therefore, when it came time to choose a profession, Vitaly entered the National Academy of the State Border Service.
His career developed rapidly, he rose to the rank of head of the department of the checkpoint "Happiness" of the Luhansk border detachment and the rank of lieutenant colonel.
A full-scale invasion found Vitaly Kucheryavy in the city of Happiness. At the first appearance of the enemy, the lieutenant colonel gave the command "To battle!".
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Rescuers are war heroes for me: blogger and volunteer Mikhail Makaruk recalls the first days in de-occupied Kherson

“During the liberation of Kherson, our group was one of the first to enter the city. And we saw directly who keeps the city alive in the first days of /1
its de-occupation,” the InformNapalm speaker wrote on his Facebook page.

According to him, providing water, generators for charging flashlights and telephones, Starlinks so that Kherson residents could call their relatives for the first time in a couple of weeks, /2
providing medical assistance, basic food delivery to the elderly and the needy - everything was supported by the guys from the State Emergency Service of Ukraine from Kyiv and Rivne region.

Even the installation of the communication tower from Kyivstar happened thanks to the /3
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In one of the clashes with the enemy, Alexei Senyuk managed to destroy two enemy infantry fighting vehicles and capture the T-72 tank

In 2014, he went to defend his land, first as a volunteer, and then became a contract soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. /1
For steadfastness and courage, the Ukrainian military in 2016 Senyuk was awarded the Order "For Courage" III degree.

From the first days of Russia's large-scale war against Ukraine, Alexei was among the defenders of the hero city of Chernihiv. /2
While the invaders vilely and mercilessly struck and tried to destroy everything that happened to them on the way, Chief Sergeant Senyuk took battle after battle.

On February 27, an enemy air strike claimed the life of a great Warrior, a loving son, husband, and father. /3
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From the age of 12 she was engaged in volunteering, and with the beginning of the invasion of the Russian Federation, she quit her career and went to the military enlistment office to return to her native Mariupol with the Ukrainian flag

As a teenager, Karina wove masksets, /1
packed food, and distributed pro-Ukrainian postcards in Mariupol.

After graduating from school, the Defender graduated from a music school and entered the conservatory. Received the title "The best pianist of Donbass".

But February 2022 changed everything. /2
Karina refused to go abroad and went to the draft board. Currently studying at the Faculty of State Border Security of the National Academy of the State Border Service. The future border guard now has only one goal - to free her native Mariupol from the Russian invaders.
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This war knows no boundaries: a German firefighter who joined the Kharkiv rescuers

When the war broke out, Nils Sahl cut short his long vacation in Thailand and left the paradise to help his Ukrainian colleagues who were in the hell of Russian attacks.

“I saw a lot of human suffering on the news and felt that with my qualifications, I couldn’t just sit back and watch. I need to do something,” a Nuremberg firefighter explains to journalists from the Voice of America Ukrainian service.
According to him, the family was initially worried, offering to return to the EU and carry humanitarian aid to Ukrainians
“I decided that this is what a lot of people are doing. But Ukraine really needs rescue services. So in March I came to Kharkiv,” Niels continues his story/3
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For fighters, he has always been an authority: the story of the Hero of the Battalion Commander Oleg Kutsin

Long before the war, for many Ukrainian patriots, he became a legend. On October 4, 1989, despite the strict ban of the communists, Oleg Kutsin for the first time /1
hung out a blue and yellow banner in his native Tyachiv.

With the outbreak of war in the east in 2014, he organized a volunteer group that began to collect and deliver aid to the Ukrainian military in the area of the occupied Sloviansk, Donetsk region.
In the summer of the same year, he created and led a separate volunteer couple "Carpathian Sich", which became part of the 93rd Motorized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The warriors of the "Carpathian Sich" withstood the battles in the area of the Donetsk airport,
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Became a battalion commander at 27: the story of Hero Bogdan Dronov

The future Defender dreamed of a military career since school. Therefore, at the age of 15, he became a cadet of the Lviv Lyceum with enhanced military training named after Heroes of Krut.
And Dronov did not retreat from this path - he was educated at the National Academy of the Ground Forces, improved his skills at the Chernyakhovsky National Defense University of Ukraine, managed to visit the ATO zone -
he fought near Popasna, in Avdeevka, Novotoshkovka, on the Svitlodarskaya Bulge. Everywhere the young military man demonstrated excellent military skills, responsibility and ingenuity.
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Prayed and waited for the Armed Forces of Ukraine: our defenders shared a touching video about the evacuation of a 7-year-old boy from Bakhmut

#heroes_among_us… via @vidtranslator
It was published on social networks by the Ukrainian military Peter with the call sign "Stone".

The boy was evacuated along with his mother, father and older brother. Now he is safe in the rear. And the kid had to go through a lot - /2
there is nothing left in the city, everything is destroyed, shops, utilities, hospitals do not work. All this time, the kid wanted to get out of the hell into which the rashists plunged him.
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Our sappers blew up and captured almost one and a half hundred enemy vehicles - Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Burkovsky

Their combat path began on February 23 with an order to mine bridges in the Chernobyl region. On February 24, at 4 am, the sappers were awakened by an air raid. /1 Image
There was no time for classical mining, so the explosives were laid on top of the bridge spans.

Having given the paratroopers the task of blowing up the bridge when the evacuation was over, the team moved on. The last crossing was mined waist-deep in icy water /2
under the noses of the Rashists.

Late in the evening, the sappers returned to the Chernihiv region and began to prepare one of the cities in the region for defense - apart from them, there were no troops in the village. The sappers were engaged in the installation of /3
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"Tour" and "Cannibal": a Belarusian with two call signs was unusually strong, bandaged his comrades and died saving his brothers

Oleksiy Skoblya has been defending Ukraine since 2015.
He arrived in Kyiv with one backpack, first as a volunteer, he joined the tactical group of Belarusians, which was part of the Volunteer Ukrainian Corps.

Then he legalized in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in 2016 he served in the assault company.
Then he legalized in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in 2016 he served in the assault company
During the service, the warrior received his first call sign - "Tour". According to his brothers, he was very strong and never needed saving. And some even called him "armored Belarusian"/3
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He never saw his newborn son, whom he was looking forward to: the President presented the Order of the Golden Star to the widow of Hero of Ukraine Vladislav Ukrainets

The unit under his command worked on the Antonovsky bridge on February 24th. /1
The fighters left the encirclement, making a breakthrough.

The Ukrainian, the commander of a mechanized platoon of a separate motorized infantry battalion of the 59th brigade, decided to gain a foothold and take up defense in order to ensure the passage of the battalion column/2
Destroyed about 50 enemies. Saving the lives of his brothers, he came under machine-gun fire and died.

During the last conversations between Vladislav and his wife Ekaterina, they discussed the name of the firstborn .../3
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He was one of the first to meet the enemy and save the lives of brothers

From the very morning of February 24, when most Ukrainians were sleeping and did not suspect that a large-scale war had begun, Major Dmitry Kolomiets entered into an air battle in the Khmelnitsky region./1
He heroically diverted the fire of enemy aircraft, and this made it possible to save the lives of his brothers.

The choice of profession for Dmitry was obvious. Almost everyone in the family served. His father is a military pilot, so he spent his childhood on airfields. /2
Grandmother served in the anti-aircraft troops, received many awards.

“Dad gave his life to save others. He is a Hero. But I don’t want a Hero, I want a living father. How can I live on?”, - admits Dmitry’s 21-year-old daughter, Ulyana Kolomiets.
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Hero off #Ukraine

He was promoted to the rank of general

A native of the Lugansk region, Sergei Barsukov, in 9 years, went from a conscript soldier to an officer, commander of an elite unit.

"Bars" did not change the oath when the "Russian world" came to its native land. In August 2014 he signed the first contract.

Military service became his vocation, and the defense of Ukraine became the meaning of life. /2
The fighter was sent to the ATO zone more than once, and in September 2020 his dream came true - Bars became the commander of a special intelligence company of the National Guard.

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A seriously wounded man hid in the occupied territory for three months: the story of Hero Dmitry Chavalakh

Senior Lieutenant Dmitry Chavalakh never thought about a military career - after school at the local military registration and enlistment office in the Khmelnytsky region/1
he was offered to join the Military College of NCOs and the guy, after thinking, agreed.

He liked military affairs, Dima quickly mastered the profession of senior technician of the pontoon company of the pontoon-bridge regiment. /2
And then he himself began to ask the command to the East of the country - to the zone of the JFO.

I managed to apply my skills and knowledge in the Luhansk region - I fought for Novoaidar. And then he set out to become an officer and successfully graduated from the /3
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Alexander Korpan, at the cost of his life, saved his brothers and Staro-Konstantinovites by taking the wrecked plane away from the airfield and the city

Sasha loved to fly since childhood. He grew up in a military family - his father was a flight engineer for 32 years. /1
Therefore, the future pilot studied at the Naval Lyceum of Sevastopol, then graduated from the Kharkiv National University of the Armed Forces of Ukraine named after Ivan Kozhedub. Alexander Korpan became a ground-attack pilot, an excellent pilot of the Su-25.
The officer served in the 299th tactical aviation brigade, took part in the ATO. At the end of 2021, he became the best strike aircraft pilot.

His wife says that Sasha had a great sense of humor, he was very fond of joking. And mom remembers how dad told him: "
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Fought for Ukraine to the last breath: the story of the Captain-Hero of "Cosmos"

Andrey Norov was born on June 6, 1977 in Kropyvnytskyi, received an economic education and since 2002 lived in Kyiv, worked and raised two children with his wife.

In 2016, Andrei went to serve on a contract basis in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - in the 72nd separate mechanized brigade. Defended Ukraine in the ATO and JFO, completed short-term officer courses.

As part of the 72nd Brigade, they fought for our freedom after a full-scale invasion. On the first day of the war, thanks to "Cosmos", the enemy suffered heavy losses - under his leadership, several helicopters, an infantry fighting vehicle, three trucks with /3
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Vasily Boechko: historian who became an artilleryman and Hero of Ukraine

When in the summer of 2015 a certified historian Vasily Boechko was invited to the district military registration and enlistment office in the village of Semakovtsy, Ivano-Frankivsk region, /1
he did not look for ways to avoid military service. He packed his things, hugged his wife Alexandra, hugged his daughter Yanochka to himself, went out the gate of his native house and set off with a confident step to comprehend military science.
The senior lieutenant of the reserve was first sent to a monthly retraining course at the National Academy of the Ground Forces. Hetman Petro Sahaydachny. And two weeks later, after completing his studies, he was already in the ATO area, holding the position of commander /3
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