It's been incredibly heartbreaking to follow the tumultuous clusterduck of #LoiCOVIDLong in France.
One year ago today, the French government unanimously passed a law to support what was estimated to be 2 million #LongCOVID sufferers in France. Since then, nothing! Zero funding.
After these unanimous votes to support #LongCOVID in the French National Assembly and French Senate, there was a general election in May/June 2022 and all the promises of support faded away.…
Persistent SARS infection (#LongCOVID) is disabling the workforce, and France is not alone in denying these patients with proper Healthcare funding.…
It's insurance companies (for those who have coverage) who are left financially responsible for the lack of Public Health measures to prevent SARS and lack of Healthcare funding.…
Germany had promised to invest 100 million EU$ into research for research and helping patients suffering from persistent SARS infection (an incurable disease for which we need research to find a cure).
We know from SARS-2003, some of these patients are likely to improve with time IFF they receive treatment. However, many patients will remain permanently impaired, because there is no cure.
Lawyers & lawsuits for insurance companies are the only cure.
How do worrisome results from JAMA Cardiology like this get shuffled under the rug?
Findings from July 2020, of 100 relatively young (median age 49) patients who recovered from SARS, nearly 80% showed myocardial inflammation or other cardiac symptoms!
Well, these patients were relatively young and healthy so Minimizers couldn't use "underlying conditions" and "comorbidity" to dismiss and blame the patient.
So, why were these findings dismissed?
"67 (67%) recovered at home, while 33 (33%) required hospitalization"
Only one in three was hospitalized and none of them died!
“The largest effect association was between viral encephalitis exposure and Alzheimer’s disease. Influenza with pneumonia was significantly associated with five of the six neurodegenerative diseases studied.”
It’s actually not “news”, this study builds upon previous findings concerning EBV & MS.
“We also replicated the Epstein-Barr/multiple sclerosis association. Some of these exposures were associated with an increased risk of neurodegeneration up to 15 years after infection.”
Alzheimer's & Parkinson’s both reduce cognitive reserve after repeated viral infection insults, just like concussion head injury & trauma. Any systemic inflammation raises risks for later neurological decline or microglial activation. Same results for bacterial pneumonia.
#DontLookUP and this syndemic of RSV/influenza/SARS is every indicator that society of Corporate Democracies can stare 5 million people dying and walk around the dead.
People are not motivated by equality because they don’t want to join the dying. We all have natural instincts for survival and we know that staying out of poverty is a means of not dying.
We could be at the threshold of the zombie apocalypse where a brain eating virus that requires 5 years to manifest encephalitis. But banks are still collecting mortgages so the zombies are still working and paying taxes!
"identified two peptides from the SARS-CoV-2 proteome that self-assemble into amyloid assemblies and that are highly toxic to neuronal cells ... hallmarks of amyloid-related neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s (AD) and Parkinson’s"…
Nota bene: ORF10 is not expressed. ORF10 is a "hypothetical" gene, in that it’s not translated or is non-coding — so designating it as an ORF, by definition, is a misnomer.
ORF10 lacks a TRS and it is not functional. ORF10 is usually representative of the termination and whatever is beyond the stop codon.…
This is the WHO informing nations that #XBB15 has the highest antibody resistance to prior immunity (from vaccination or infection). Anyone suggesting "boosters" to avoid infection instead of N95 grade PPE with eye protection is straight-up lying to you. @EricTopol
I don't personally blame Dr. Topol from constantly spewing misinformation about what the vaccines do, and what the vaccines don't do. Wait, yes I do. We never stopped working on a MERS/SARS vaccine and the greatest obstacle was always obtaining long-term immunity.
The amount of bullshit from science-denying skeptical anti-vaxxers, is justifiable bullshit because Dr. Topol is constantly misrepresenting the vaccine solution.
The obstacles for the United Nations to be an effective intergovernmental agency to achieve the goals of World Peace, Human Rights and equality on a healthy planet are not obstacles of the UN or the UN Charter.
The obstacles are individual nations seeking individual solutions.
Trust in the WHO. Transparency, engagement, humility, and inclusion – of opposition voices – are what made the worldwide response to the 2009 H1N1 outbreak effective at preventing a much more virulent and deadly virus from killing MILLIONS!