Julian Röpcke🇺🇦 Profile picture
Jan 26, 2023 43 tweets 21 min read Read on X
Finally. Image
Situation here. Russia is bombing various regions in Ukraine for two hours now. No impacts in Lviv so far. ImageImageImage
On the way to Kyiv physical war damage is still visible all around from Makariv to the east. Ukraine started fixing the first damaged bridges and is cleaning up everywhere, but even here it will take years to rebuild what Russia destroyed in February and March last year. ImageImageImageImage
Shot down Russian Zala 421 drone. Used by Russia’s “civilian” emergency protection ministry during the military invasion.
It still comes with German folding propellers. Remember my February 2019 article, revealing it when it was “no sanctions breach” …
m.bild.de/politik/auslan… ImageImageImageImage
Always fact-based. Never neutral! Image
I’d be lying if I told you I wasn’t afraid. But we are heading in.
By the way: everything you see in this thread didn’t happen “today” for obvious reasons.
Air raid alarms, sudden blackouts and shelter visits are part of the daily routine in Ukraine.
Sickening and just another thing, nobody but Russia is to blame for. ImageImage
To all non-Ukrainians. The situation is hard to understand if you are not here. Russia Perfect-ionized the essence of terror. 35 million people are living in constant fear. The rocket or shell could hit everywhere and at every time. This makes people crazy. Like sleepwalking.
Over the last days, I was in cities where people were killed that very day by Russian rockets. When we arrived hours later, life was “back to normal”. Russia, killing people indiscriminately, is the new “normal”.
This also results in pure/justified(!) hatred towards all Russian.
The physical war, the violence, all the deaths, is just the visible part of Russia’s all-out war against the Ukrainian people.
At least the same devastating is its total war against Ukrainian hearts and minds.
Russia must be punished as much as possible until it stops it terror.
As it is still #Caturday in LA, let’s start the day with some cat stuff.
This is @TimurDnipro and his lovely mate. They are working for @CharityPrytula and supply the Ukrainian army. @cheskeradio insisted, 😸 would give me an interview. Please pardon my stupid questions though.🤷🏼‍♂️
The @CharityPrytula delivered tactical medical kits to the Ukrainian army, fighting near Bachmut, which will probably save dozens of lives.
Their message is simple: If you want to help to Ukrainian people, help the Ukrainian army.
More on all of this in my upcoming articles @BILD
If I told you what Ukrainian soldiers told me about the situation around Bakhmut, you would probably call me a “Russian propagandist” again.
So I won’t go into detail, but let you watch things evolving on the ground. I think the trend is clear to everyone with a clear mind.😒 Image
Right now, the Ukrainian strategy in Donetsk is to “slow them down as much as possible” and “kill as many as possible”, while waiting for Western arms and newly mobilized and/or trained of their own to arrive. Just after that, new “counteroffensives” are hopefully on the table.
Here is a little summary of our tour to Donbas. In English and - sorry for that - with shelling in the background.
Russian propagandists use their likely victory in Bakhmut to allege they are winning the war. Of course they don’t. Their casualties are 5-10 times higher than the Ukrainian ones and in 2022 they lost 500 times the area they conquered since January 5.
You already lost. Image
This is Kostyantynivka, 20 km West of Bakhmut. There were nonstop alerts, incoming, but also outgoing artillery and MLRS fire, when we visited it. Even under massive fire the Ukrainian army gave them hell and defended its citizens.
So thanks for your advice and your threats to get one of the best friends of Ukraine in jail.
I deleted the tweet. Not much to add to my explanation. Only that dozens of Ukrainian and international journalists would be in jail by now if that was forbidden to film and post later. ImageImageImageImage
Here we go again. Take cover!
We visited the town of Luch on the administrative border between Mykolaiv & Kherson. The destruction there is unbelievable. The frontline town has been under Russian shelling for eight month, displacing 95% of the population. Here is my report from the local school’s sports hall.
Residential area in Luch, where only 37 people returned since the end of the fighting. Population is now 64 including only 2 children.
There are still some remains of normality, but the reality is much tougher. Russians were so close, even small arms fire hit the buildings during their storming attempts. Ukraine defended it however.
We visited some of the bombed out homes. In this one, an old lady survived miraculously when the Russian shell hit her apartment. She was sleeping in the left room at the time of the attack. That saved her life. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Only the ground floors are inhabitable in Luch. People need urgent help to repair the roofs, before more can return. Svitlana is the town’s deputy at the municipal council. She had to move to a bunker after her home got destroyed. She still lives in it today with her husband.
While Luch is 30 km N of the next Russian position today, it doesn’t mean the war is over there. Shelling is going on (of course in both directions) and in the afternoon the 🇺🇦 Air Force retaliated against the deadly Russian shelling of Kherson (3 killed) with an air strike.
Honestly, I almost sh*t my pants as we didn’t immediately know who’s air plane it was and took cover. Just after checking the flight direction, we relaxed and I started filming the sky.
Last but not least: Never trust @googlemaps in Ukraine. It’s trying to kill you!😬 Image
More Ukrainian forces on the road.
This time only images so nobody starts crying again. And of course, nothing of this was recorded today and they were all moving to distant locations. ImageImageImageImage
Thanks a lot to Dnipro for having been so good to us over the past days.
Nothing to add to this video.
Some more videos from Luch which had its own little leisure park, made entirely of wooden houses, just opposite its church.
There is still unexploded ordinance in the park and the church got also hit hard by the Russians.
This is how close the Russians came to Luch. They controlled the antenna to the left, while Ukrainians held the area I’m in. Impacts on the factory building are small arms fire.
Building to the left with the nice mosaic is the kindergarten of Luch, in the middle of a residential area. As you can see, every building was hit here too. Still, a few dozen inhabitants lived in this area as you can see in the video.
Most cats and dogs in the town were really adorable. ImageImageImage
But some dogs were not so nice - probably because we were strangers.
Since the beginning of the war, Ukraine turned highways throughout the country into runways to have an emergency substitute for its bombed or at least threatened air bases.
As you can see this from space, I don’t need to hide the location.😉
Finally back in Kyiv.
Say what you want, but even without much electricity, Kyiv is still beautiful!
I’m falling in love with the country, every time I am here. Even when it’s at war.💙💛 ImageImageImageImage
A cold shower after a 15 hour work day makes you hate Russia even more.
Just saying … 🥶🥶🥶
Generally speaking, of course. As journalists we are born neutral and without a conscience. Also we love cold showers.
We visited Makariv, the most western town Russia ever captured. It was liberated on March 17, 2022. From what I see, it is a great example of how Ukraine can shine again after its victory against the invaders. Reconstruction is almost finished there and it’s a lively town again. ImageImageImageImage
We also visited the nearby headquarters of Aeroprakt - Ukraine’s leading microlight aircraft manufacturer - and met its CEO. Their airport was successfully defended by the Ukr army. Furious Russians attacked it with tanks and Su-25 however. Reconstruction is also going on there. ImageImageImageImage
By the way: The Russians paid a huge price for damaging these soon again flying beauties. ImageImageImageImage
As some pointed out, this is a T-64. An Ukrainian in the area told me however, this was a Russian tank, which is why its wreckage was not removed, unlike many others in and around Makariv.
Here is my summary of the day in / from Makariv.
I say “March 12” as the day of liberation, however parts of the town were under Russian control until March 28. March 12 was when the Ukrainians regained the center for the first time, though. As always: much more soon @BILD.

• • •

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Dec 19, 2023
Auch meine Kontakte innerhalb der ukrainischen Armee sagen mir: es fehlt nicht nur an 155 und 152 mm Artillerie-Granaten – es funktioniert einfach nichts mehr. Die westlichen Panzerhaubitzen sind nicht für einen echten, langen Krieg gemacht, sondern nur für kurze Einsätze.
Ob Krab, AS90, Pzh2000 oder M109 – meine Quellen sagen mir, dass die meisten gelieferten mobilen Geschütze aktuell nicht mehr einsatzfähig sind, weil die Läufe durch Dauerfeuer „kaputt geschossen“ wurden oder andere Funktionen ausgefallen sind.
Hoffe, die Industrie lernt daraus.
Glücklicherweise setzt die Ukraine alternativ immer stärker auf Kamikaze-Drohnen. Leider ist deren Reichweite jedoch nur etwa ein Viertel zu hoch. Dafür sind sie noch flexibler, was mobile Ziele angeht.
Read 5 tweets
Jul 19, 2023
Im heutigen @BILD #Lagezentrum: Mit seinen verheerenden Angriffen auf die zivile Infrastruktur in Odessa hat Russland eine faktische See-Blockade der Ukraine begonnen.
Seit Sonntag hat kein einziges Schiff die Ukraine angesteuert. Elf Frachter sitzen in der Falle.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Marine-Experte @YorukIsik zu @BILD: „Die Attacken auf die Infrastruktur in Odessa führen zu Problemen bei der Versicherung der Schiffe und der Ladungen. Das führt dazu, dass der gesamte zivile Schiffsverkehr in die Ukraine und aus ihr heraus gestoppt wurde.“

Russland-Experte… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Auch heute Nacht hat Russland gezielt die Getreide-Verlade-Anlagen im Hafen von Odessa angegriffen und schwer beschädigt. Das ist nichts anderes als #Staatsterror und Russland damit nicht viel mehr als ein widerlicher Schurkenstaat. Image
Read 5 tweets
Jun 9, 2023
Russian channels post footage of at least one Leopard 2A6 and numerous Bradley IFV, destroyed south of Orikhiv yesterday.

According to @BILD information, the 47. Ukrainian Mechanized Brigade lost at least two Leopard 2 and 13 Bradley during the day. Image
@BILD #NewsMap
This where it happened.
3.5 km south of Mala Tokmachka, Zaporizhzhia oblast. Image
@BILD Seven of the lost Bradley are visible in the footage.
Also hit French VAB, M113, MaxxPro and Soviet-made tanks can be seen in the footage. ImageImageImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Jun 8, 2023
Der Leo ist im Ukraine-Russland-Krieg angekommen.
Dieser russische Kriegsblogger fasst dessen ersten Einsatz an der Front, wie ich finde, treffend zusammen. ImageImage
Mein Bericht zum ersten bekannten Kampfeinsatz des Leopard 2A4 gegen Russlands Invasionsarmee in Saporischschja.
bild.de/bild-plus/poli… Image
Nach russischen Angaben brennt hier ein deutscher Leopard 2A4.
Ich bin mir aber nicht sicher. Auf allen Fotos waren nur zwei Leos zu sehen. Die beiden sind im Video der russischen Armee auch zu sehen - nicht brennend.
Sollten es drei gewesen sein, wurde einer von ihnen zerstört. ImageImageImage
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Jun 6, 2023
Ein Wahnsinniger hat heute Nacht den Dnipro-Damm bei Nowa Kachowka gesprengt. Ukraine und Russland beschuldigen sich gegenseitig. Die Sprengung hat katastrophale Folgen für die Siedlungen flussabwärts und die Kühlung des AKW Saporischschja.
Da sich hier schon alle festgelegt haben, wer hinter der Sprengung steht. Sollte es 🇷🇺 gewesen sein, hätte man sich bereits von der Krim verabschiedet, denn deren Wasserversorgung ist jetzt nicht mehr gesichert.
Das einzige kontrollierte AKW hätte man auch bereits aufgegeben. ImageImage
Als Benefit hätte man dagegen einige wenige Wochen, in denen die Ukraine den südlichen Dnipro für eine Offensive nicht mehr überqueren könnte. Dieser Effekt wäre spätestens im August verflogen.

Und bevor jemand fragt: Für die 🇺🇦 sehe ich überhaupt keine Motive pro Sprengung.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 5, 2023
Thread 1/XXX
Zur #Gegenoffensive der ukrainischen Armee.💙💛
Gestern begannen in den südlichen Regionen #Donezk und #Saporischschja erste Gegenschläge ukrainischer Streitkräfte. Dabei ging es erst einmal darum, auszutesten, wie stark der Feind wo aufgestellt ist.
Einer der Schwerpunkte scheint südlich der Stadt Welyka Nowosilka zu liegen.
Hier stieß die 🇺🇦 Armee sowohl südwestlich als auch südöstlich der Stadt vor und testete die russische Verteidigung. Nicht überraschend, führte dies zum Verlust ukrainischer Einheiten (mind. 4 MRAP).
Diese Verluste waren notwendig und haben nichts mit einer „Niederlage“ der Ukraine in der Region zu tun.
Im Gegenteil: Russische Kriegsblogger berichten heute entrüstet, dass die Ukraine das Wissen von gestern nutzt, um heute viel erfolgreicher in derselben Region vorzurücken. ImageImage
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