#bkdk #ANGST breakup/makeup. MAJOR DRAMA. But very very happy ending I swear.

“It’s your first day at UA!” Izuku excitedly took a million photos of his daughter in her uniform with tears in his eyes. “I can’t believe you’re all grown up!”

“Stop.” Bakugo Hikari rolled her eyes
“Come on! You’re going to live in the dorms so let me do this! I’m gonna miss you so much!” Izuku sniffled. “I’m gonna be lonely, you know!”

“You wouldn’t be if you talked to Papa again…” She grumbled, making Izuku pause.

“Sorry…” He tucked his phone away.
“Maybe I’m overdoing it a bit.”

“Whatever.” Hikari clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes. Her phone buzzed and she saw a text from her other father and sighed. “He’s here. You can walk to me his car, you know. Say goodbye to me properly?” She goaded him.
Izuku pouted and Hikari stuck her tongue out at him and held her hand out. “Last chance, Papa.”

“You’re not playing fair.” Izuku tied his robe tight, grabbed her hand and walked with her in silence to HIS car. Kacchan’s car.

Hikari hummed to herself at the small victory.
She just HOPED her other Papa played nice. But her hopes were dashed when they walked outside and her stupid love struck dork of a father had bouquet of roses in his hand.

“I’m going to say bye here.” Izuku rolled his eyes at the door.

“Come on!” Hikari begged.
Izuku took a deep breath and followed her all the way to the car.

“Morning Papa!” Hikari smiled. “Those for me?”

“No. Yours are in the car.” Katsuki grinned that stupid handsome smirk that Izuku wanted to smack off his face.

“Good morning Kacchan.” He said begrudgingly.
“Bye now!” Hikari kissed Izuku on the cheek, leaving him no shield. “Love you!”

She sat in the car and watched as Izuku awkwardly took the roses and said nothing further. She watched as Katsuki tried to be funny and charming and failed spectacularly as always.
After speaking briefly, Katsuki got in the car and sighed deeply.

“You suck.” Hikari scolded him. “You come on too strong and you know it.”

“Excuse you!” Katsuki held his finger out. “I got a good morning today!”

“Congratulations, Pops.” Hikari grimaced. “Let’s just go.”
Her first day at UA, everyone was babbling in excitement. She got a lot of stares because her parents were both the number one and two heroes. Used to be a dynamic duo until they split up when she was 8 years old.

“Oh my goodness! You’re Bakugo Hikari aren’t you?!”
An excitable girl with Raven hair ran up to her. “Wow! Those breeding quirks really do wonders! You look so much like both your parents!”

“Ugh.” Hikari rolled her eyes. She was born via a surrogate who had a quirk that allowed her to mix any dna regardless of gender.
The woman wasn’t the only one who could make a biological child between same sex couples possible but it was rare enough that Hikari became sort of a circus when people saw her. She looked mostly like her father Katsuki. But she had Izuku’s freckles and doe green eyes.
Her hair was also an untamable mess of curls and spikes so she mostly tied it back in a messy bun with curly strands surrounding her round face.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude! I’m just so excited!”

“Yeah? Well how about you learn some ma-” Hikari raised her hand up.
“Hika-Chan!” Another girl with brown hair and glasses smacked her upside the head. “No fighting on your first day!” She scolded from the air.

“FUCK OFF KARIN!” Hikari snapped at Iida Karin. Her annoying fairy-like childhood friend who refused to walk like a normal person.
Hikari grumbled profanities to herself as Karin scolded her all the way to Heights Alliance where they had an hour to unpack some things before the first class of the day started.

Hikari focused carefully on unpacking, but panicked when she almost dropped her treasured-
music box. She quickly stopped it with her mind. She had a telepathy quirk inherited from her Grandma Inko. She was able to move things with her mind and if she lined them with her sweat, make anything a bomb. That was a new development. Her quirk was a strange one.
She wished she developed it sooner… much much sooner. She placed the music box on the counter and opened it, smiling at the nostalgia the dancing ballerina brought. Reminding her of when her life was perfect. And everyone was happy.

“Papa! Papa! Can I get that box?”
Hikari had pointed excitedly at the toy store while holding both her parents hands.

“Absolutely!” Izuku beamed while trying to reach for it on the highest shelf at the toy store.

“I got it!” Katsuki ruffled his then husbands hair and brought it down.
He handed the box to Hikari before kissing Izuku sweetly on the lips, making him blush.

“What was that for?” He giggled.

“You were right there, am I supposed to just not kiss ya?” Katsuki smirked and Hikari gagged.


“Hey! Whose paying for this box, young lady?!”
“I am!” Izuku reminded his husband. “But I can be gross too!” He threw his arms around Katsuki and kissed his furiously making Hikari puff her cheeks and run to the register herself.

That’s how her parents always were. Deeply and unconditionally in love. Gross. But she liked it.
Her life was a fairy tale. Her fathers were always there for each other and her. Even though they exhausted themselves doing hero work, they always made time to play with her, eat with her, and make her feel as special as can be.

And they always made time for each other too.
She would catch them sneaking around and giggling like teenagers often. Karin used to say she wished her parents were that openly in love. But her parents tried to keep things like a kid show around her. Only holding hands if necessary.
Hikari always considered herself so lucky. Her parents were the best. She felt like she was like one of those perfect families in the doll set. Two loving parents, herself, and a big beautiful house with lots of room to play. They were happy.

Until they weren’t.
“Hikari! Come socialize with our classmates!” Karin dragged her out of her thoughts.

“Ugh. Do I have to?” Hikari grimaced.

“Yes! Your first year homeroom class will be excellent support for our hero careers long after graduation! It is of utmost perti-”

“Shut it! I’m coming!”
Hikari hated bonding activities but Karin had a way of irritating her until she did things. She stood in the circle as everyone went around introducing themselves by their name, quirk, and why they wanna be a hero.

She tried not to blow her brains out as she heard the same crap
“I wanna save people”

“I wanna see people smile”

“I wanna be really cool!”

“I want to be a helpful member of society!”

Blah blah blah.

It was her turn and everyone watched her eagerly, knowing who she was.
“I’m Bakugo Hikari.” She stated, hoping to get this over with. “My quirk is too complicated to really explain properly. But essentially telekinesis and explosive sweat equals anything I want can be a bomb. As for why I want to be hero?” She raised her brow. “Revenge.”

(I will finish the Haru one soon after this one. It was just in my mind and I HAD TO GET IT OUT. This one is shorter? Hopefully? Will finish in a few days!)
It happened one peaceful night. It was snowing outside and Izuku had ordered a pizza for them since Katsuki was working. While they waited, he made Hikari her favorite cup of Hot Cocoa with the marshmallows and everything.

“Papas gonna hate you for giving me so much sugar.”
Hikari giggled evily.

“Your Papa doesn’t have to know.” Izuku whispered back before winking at her.

He sat with her and they took one big gulp of their hot cocoa together before smiling and sighing in contentment.

“Have I ever told you how much I love you and Papa?”
Hikari questioned excitedly and Izuku pondered for a moment as he rubbed his chin.

“Hmmm… this much?!” Izuku held his arms out wide for her.

“No! This much!” Hikari held her arms out even wider and they hugged each other and giggled before the doorbell rang.
“That must be the pizza guy!” Izuku kissed his daughters cheek before standing up.

“I wouldn’t answer that if I were you.” A strangers voice suddenly said, making Izuku break out in a cold sweat. He whipped his head behind him and found a man with a mask in their kitchen.
He was wearing all black and he had a chilling aura and he was standing right next to Hikari.

“P-Papa….” The frightened girl held herself as she looked at the scary man who appeared out of nowhere. As if he was there the whole time and only then made himself visible.
“You don’t want to get the poor pizza man involved in this.” The man said before pulling out a gun. “Trust me.”

Izuku was shocked that danger sense didn’t go off. He immediately tried to launch Blackwhip at the man’s wrist and was stunned to find that his quirks didn’t work…
“Wh-who are you?! What do you want?!” Izuku questioned as he tried to float, tried to activate smoke screen, tried to go full cowling, tried everything but nothing worked!

“P-Papa!” Hikari cried as she tried to get the gun herself with her mind but it didn’t work either.
“I’m here for one reason and one reason only.” The villain announced before holding his hand up and causing what felt like an earthquake. Izuku and Hikari screamed as the house shook and Izuku slammed against a wall.

“Hikari!” He tried to run for his daughter but-
vines suddenly sprouted from the ground and tied him up against the ceiling as they tied her to her chair.

“How many quirks do you have?!” Izuku questioned. This man was like All for One… but All for One was gone?

“Enough to get done what I need to.”
Suddenly the door was kicked open and Katsuki burst through the door, holding the pizza.

“Kacchan!” Izuku tried to warn Katsuki about this man, but the vines spread and muzzled him so he couldn’t speak.

“Papa! Help us!” Hikari screamed.

“What the hell is going on here?!”
Katsuki tried to launch at the villain but his explosions stopped working.

“Oh! I see! Think that’s enough to stop me?!” Katsuki grabbed his grenades he had stored in his pocket when the man activated another earthquake causing Katsuki to fall against the wall.
“Welcome to the show, DynaMight.” The villain cackled. “I prepared all this just for you!”

Vines then grew from the wall and tied themselves to Katsuki before the ones holding Izuku tied him to a chair next to Hikari.

“What a beautiful family you have!” The villain noted.
“Get away from them!” Katsuki screamed as he struggled to get out of his restraints. But it’s like the more he moved, the tighter he was restricted. There had to be a trick to all this. Quirk erasing, vines, earthquake, what other trick was up this masked man’s sleeve?
“You know?” The masked man whistled as he set a time for two minutes and placed it on the table. “Everyone always speaks highly of you DynaMight. He’s strong, he’s fast, he’s like a God. Afteralll, God is in your name right? But gods don’t have weaknesses. However you?”
He cocked his gun and pointed it at Izuku and then at Hikari. “Your weakness is obvious.”

“Mmmm!” Izuku struggled in the restrains so much, his chair fell on the floor, but the vines set him upright again and moved Hikari to the other side.

“I’m here to ruin you.”
“But not completely.” He laughed. “We’re gonna play a game!” He started the timer. “My gun has two bullets. I can put one in his head?” He pointed the gun at Izuku. “Or hers.” He pointed at Hikari. “You get to decide. If you can’t before that timer runs out, I’ll kill both.”
“Damn you!” Katsuki tried to break out anyway he could as he watched timer count down.

“I guess you have a minute and 30 to decide now!” The villain laughed.

“Fuck! Fuck!” Katsuki screamed as he detonated the grenades in his hands, which managed to blow up the vines-
for a second while also burning his arms but unfortunately vines from every wall launched at him and tied him further.

“30 seconds!” The villain demanded.

“It’s okay Kacchan!” Izuku screamed, having bit through the vines on his mouth. “I’ll always love you! And-”
“Hikari! I’ll always love you too! Please be good for your father okay?” Izuku cried as he babbled his last words and Katsuki anxiously watched helplessly as the clock ticked down.

“Ten seconds DynaMight!”

“And just remember to smile no matter what, okay?”


“Papa! No!”

“Goodbye Kacchan. Goodbye Hikari.”


Katsuki cursed and kicked and tried so hard to break out, he broke his own bones.


“I love you!” Hikari wailed.


“IZUKU DAMNIT!” Katsuki cried. “Save Izuku!”
Hikari felt her soul leave her body at her fathers words. Izuku was just as dumbfounded at his husband. His jaw practically to the floor.

“No….” Izuku said helplessly. “NO! NO! LEAVE HER ALONE!” He cried as the masked villain pointed the gun at Hikari’s head.
“I’m sorry!” Katsuki sobbed. “I’m so sorry baby… I’m sorry Izuku!”

“You’re a cruel man, DynaMight…” The villain laughed as the timer went off.

“It’s okay Papa….” Hikari said as tears poured down her face. “Thank you for taking care of me until now.”

“HIKARI!” Izuku wailed.
“Alright little one.” The masked man cocked the gun. “Say your goodbyes.”

“Goodbye…” Hikari squeaked out as tears poured down her face. “I love you both.” She squeezed her eyes shut and felt her whole body shake as her parents screamed and cried until she heard the POP!
Hikari was surprised. It didn’t sound like a gunshot. She fluttered open her eyes to find confetti over face and her shocked parents expressions. She turned to the side and saw a sign that popped out of the gun that said:

‘Just Kidding <3’

“Huh?” She blinked.
“Haha. Hahahahaha.” The villain laughed and did a dance around the kitchen. “You should have seen all your faces! What a fun game DynaMight! Lucky for you, I’m not cruel enough to kill a child! Ah! I’m invigorated. That’s all for today!” He snapped his fingers.
Within a blink of an eye, he disappeared as fast as he arrived. As soon as the vines disappeared, Izuku launched himself at his daughter. Crying and holding onto her as he sobbed into her hair.

“Izuku… Hikari…” Katsuki slowly approached them.
“Go to the hospital!” Izuku snapped without looking at him.

“I’m sorry I-”

“You have injuries, Kacchan! Lots of them! Go!”

“Hikari! I-” Katsuki tried to explain himself but he had no words. He was shocked himself.
“Just go!” Izuku screamed as he ran upstairs carrying their daughter to her room. He slammed the door and locked it.

Hikari was just happy to be alive. She was never mad at her father. She understood he loved both of them a lot. But everything changed that night.
When Katsuki returned from the hospital, Izuku couldn’t look at him. He hardly spoke to him. Their family dinners which were once lively, we now dead quiet. Katsuki tried to speak to his husband. Tried to apologize but Izuku had no words for him anymore.
He had gotten down on his knees for Hikari and she held him and they cried together the rest of the night. But the very next day, Izuku told her they were taking a trip to Grandmas house and they never came back.

Hikari always saw both her fathers as strong people.
But the night they moved in with Grandma, she watched Izuku breakdown in her lap.

“It’s okay sweetie, you’ll work it out. You two always do…” Grandma Inko soothed him as she pet his hair.

“Not this time…” Izuku sobbed. “I can’t be with him anymore mom!”
That was the first time Hikari realized what was happening. Her perfect life, coming completely undone all because of that man in the mask.

The divorce was difficult and it made her angry and frustrated. Katsuki refused to sign the papers and that made Izuku more distraught.
“I forgave Papa! Why can’t you?!” Hikari had lost count at how often she screamed those words at her stubborn father.

“I forgave him too! But that doesn’t change that I can’t be with him anymore.” Izuku said to her one day. “Sometimes we have to give up what makes us happy…”
He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. “I’m willing to give it all up for you… anything that makes me happy isn’t worth it if it means I lose you.”

“What about what makes me happy?” Hikari questioned. “You and Papa loving each other made me happy…”
“Listen, Hikari.” Izuku knelt in front of her. “I still love your Papa. I think its impossible for me not to. But… we’re not good for each other. And we’re not good for you together.”

“That’s bullshit!” Hikari shoved him and ran to her room in tears.
She hated not living with her whole family. It took years to finally wear Katsuki down enough to sign the divorce papers.

Hikari remembered the day like it was yesterday. It was the first time in a long time her two fathers actually had a family lunch with her.
They were talking and laughing and getting along and Hikari was happy then. Maybe it would be okay if they got divorced. As long as they could do this. As long as they could talk again.

“Thank you so much Kacchan.” Izuku had smiled genuinely at him for the first time in years.
Katsuki sighed deeply and held his hand out for the contract.

Hikari watched as Izuku handed him the papers and then watched as Katsuki blew them up.

“KACCHAN!” Izuku scolded.

“You’re out of your damn mind if you think I’m giving up, Izuku!”
Needless to say, they never had a peaceful family lunch again. And despite everything, 8 years later, they were still technically married. Hikari got just as exhausted as Izuku from Katsuki’s relentless pursuit. And she was equally exhausted with Izuku’s stubbornness.
But one thing that never let up was her burning hatred for the masked man. Her parents both did their own investigation to try to find who he was. None of the news sites, or incident reports revealed anyone with multiple quirks like that man. Nothing about a masked prankster.
But Hikari was determined to find the man that ruined her family and end him. Becoming a hero was a legal way to do that. A legal way to have as much information as possible to track him down herself.

“R-revenge?” One of the girls questioned. “That’s not very hero-like.”
“Kidding, of course.” Hikari laughed. “I’m gonna be number one and outshine all you extras. Plus ultra!” She raised her fist and giggled in an exaggerated high pitched voice.

“Yeah! Plus ultra!”
Back home, Izuku opened the trash can and took a deep breath before closing it
He couldn’t throw away the roses. Every thorn was so carefully charred off with Kacchan’s quirk. He stared at them sadly and walked to his cabinet before grabbing a vase to put them in. Maybe he could place them in Hikari’s room. She wasn’t using it anyway.
Izuku put wafted the scent into his nose before placing them in the vase. They reminded him of happier times. Easier times. Their color matched his eyes… would it be so bad to keep them in the kitchen? He placed the vase by the window and cursed to himself as he felt a tear fall
Suddenly, the door unlocked, startling Izuku.


“No! It’s me.” Kirishima walked in with a smile and some takeout holding the key in air.

“Kirishima-kun. You scared me.” Izuku sighed. “What did I tell you about texting before coming over?”
“Hikari’s not here anymore, right?” Eijiro smiled.

“No need to remind me.” Izuku grumbled before shoving an egg roll in his mouth. “Mmm… thanks. I needed this.”

“Anything for you, man.” Ei smirked and Izuku felt more annoyed than charmed. One pining ex husband was enough.

“Hey. Call me Ei now. Come on. We’ve known each other long enough.”

“Ei..” Izuku said uncomfortably. “A-about last weekend. I had a nice time, really. And I’m grateful for you stopping by but… I can’t see you. It’s not fair to Hikari.”

“Hikari’s gone.”
Eijiro pointed out.

“Fine.” Izuku took a deep breath. “It’s not fair to Kacchan.”

“How is it not fair? He’s the one refusing to let you go. That doesn’t mean you can’t move on.”

No one knew about the real reason Izuku and Katsuki split.
They kept what happened to themselves. There was so many uncertainty’s. Making it known that the number one and two hero’s home was so easily broken into by an unknown villain with a mask would send everyone into a panic.
It was such a violating experience. So shocking. Something that should never have happened. If only he was more vigilant. If only he realized sooner that him and Hikari were in danger. He thought he learned his lesson about not relying on danger sense.
Izuku didn’t want to share the details of what happened. He couldn’t say out loud the ugly truth that when it came down to it, his husband would rather save him than their child. He didn’t want to face that…

“Earth to Midoriya…” Eijiro snapped his fingers. “You alright?”
“Just because we broke up doesn’t mean we have to move on. We can’t be together. But… I can’t be with anyone else either.” Izuku declared. “I realized that on our date last week. I’m sorry.”

“That’s fine.” Ei smiled before patting his head. “But just know… I would save her.”
Izuku’s eyes widened. “How do you know about that?! Who told you?!”

“I shouldn’t have said anything. I’m sorry.” Kirishima began to leave.

“Did Kacchan tell you?!”

“Gosh, this is… I wasn’t supposed to say anything.”
“Kirishima-kun!” Izuku stressed.

“There’s a lot going on right now I’m not supposed to say. Bakugo didn’t tell me. The Comission told me to keep this a secret. But… your daughters therapist was attacked last week.”

“What?” Izuku felt sick to his stomach.
“Whoever attacked her, stole her file. The Comission needed to know why. Lucky for us, she had digital backups of all her notes. And we had to read them to find out what the villain wants since they got away.” Kirishima confessed and Izuku quickly grabbed his phone.
“What are you doing? You can’t tell anyone!”

“I’m calling UA!” Izuku said desperately. “Someone might be after her and-”

“UA already knows! She’s safe there!” Eijiro grabbed his phone. “Forget I told you. In fact, forget everything okay?”
Izuku observed the hurt expression on his face and knew he had way more information that he was letting on but his ego was bruised.

“How about a second date then?”

“Huh?” Eijiro blushed.

“We’ll go on a second date and maybe you can tell me more things I can ‘forget’”
“It’s not like you to use people, Midoriya.” Eijiro chuckled.

“I’ll do anything for Hikari. You should know that by now.” Izuku said sadly, hating that Kirishima knew what had happened to them.

“Fine. But I’m going to make it a good time! So be prepared to be woo’d!”
“Just… wear a disguise…” Izuku grumbled. “The last thing I need is this ending up everywhere.”

“Sure. But soon we won’t need them.” Eijiro grabbed his hand and kissed it.

“Is she really safe at UA?” Izuku asked sadly.

“I assure you, Midoriya. There is nowhere more safe.”
Hikari plopped on her bed after a long exhausting day of school. She was surprised Izuku didn’t call her and ask her twenty questions immediately after the last bell rang. Her phone vibrated with a single text from Katsuki asking how she’s doing and a strange friend request.
She usually ignored it because 9/10 times it was a weirdo asking for pictures of her parents feet which she only sent one time in exchange for money but Katsuki could only blame himself for punishing her that week by withholding her allowance.
This time though, she had a feeling. She accepted the request and was sent a photo of Eijiro kissing Izuku’s hand taken from their kitchen window.

‘You need to stop this.

Trust me.’

Was all the messenger sent before deactivating their account.
Izuku nervously waited to be seated at his favorite restaurant. He checked his watch to be sure he wasn’t wrong about the time. It was 7:15. Eijiro should have been there at 7:00. Did he flake out on the date? Izuku tapped his foot anxiously when he felt a tap on his shoulder.
“Ki- KACCHAN?!” Izuku’s eyes practically bulged out of his head at seeing his ex husband there.

“Yo.” Katsuki waved.

“What are you doing here?” Izuku questioned anxiously.

“Huh? I should be asking you the same thing? Stalking me again? You could have just asked.”
Katsuki teased and Izuku shifted uncomfortably.

“I just felt like having a nice bowl of Katsudon.” It wasn’t technically a lie.

“Well Hikari is apparently having the same cravings as you. Asked me to pick some up to go for her and drop it off at UA.” Katsuki informed him.
Izuku sighed and put his face in his palm. “Of course she did.”

The evening before, he had a long conversation with his daughter on the phone.


“It’s just dinner! It doesn’t mean anything!”
He couldn’t tell her the true reason he was seeing Ei because he didn’t want to freak her out that some villain stole her file. But she called him prying about their relationship, refusing to disclose how she even knew about it in the first place.

“Well the answer is no!”
Hikari scolded him. “You are not allowed to start dating again just because I’m not there! I don’t accept it!”

“I don’t need to ask your permission, Hikari.” Izuku giggled. “But I will strongly take your feelings into consideration!”

“How could you?! Papa’s best friend?!”
“Your father and I aren’t together anymore. He can go on a date with whoever he wants too.” Izuku assured her.

“Right, like when I caught him on a date with Uncle Todoroki?” Hikari lied.

“You WHAT?!” Izuku questioned angrily.

“SEE?! HA! You’re upset!”
“No I’m not.” Izuku grumbled.

“You don’t get to just move on! Especially not with him!” Hikari roared.

“Hikari! It’s just dinner! And I didn’t tell you because that’s all it is!” Izuku didn’t want to inform her that this was actually their second date.
“Well that better be all it is! Because you don’t get to hurt Papa anymore!”

“Hikari-” Izuku tried to calm her down but she hung up the phone.

He felt bad but was confused about how she found out about this in the first place. He wondered if she set up cameras in their house.
Whatever the reason, she clearly set up her father to crash his date and now he wasn’t going to get any information from Ei unless he disclosed what was going on before misunderstandings ensued.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Katsuki raised his brow.

“Listen, Kacchan-”
“Hey. Sorry I’m late!” Eijiro rushed in to the the restaurant and froze when he saw Katsuki standing there.

“Huh? What are you doing here, Shitty Hair?” Katsuki questioned, not processing or understanding the implications.
“Oh. Bakugo.” Eijiro laughed nervously. “Hey.”

“Kirishima-kun offered to treat me to dinner since Hikari’s gone!” Izuku tried to smooth it over. “He knew I liked this place! So he just wanted to cheer me up!”

Katsuki looked at Izuku who was sweating then at Eijiro-
who looked like a deer in the headlights.

“Oh. I see what’s going on here.” Katsuki rubbed his head.


“Come to think of it! I’m hungry! So since ya need to cheer up so bad! Why don’t I join ya? Might as well, right?” Katsuki walked up to the hostess. “Table for three.”
Izuku was never going to get the information at this point. They all sat the table awkwardly and looked at the menu.

“So. Bakugo.” Eijiro grinned. “How are things? I haven’t seen you in awhile!”

“And you blew me off all week. But I don’t have to wonder why anymore, huh?”
“I’m going to use the restroom! Excuse me!” Izuku stood up and grabbed Katsuki’s hand, squeezing it so hard that it made his stomach flip. He dragged him with him to the bathroom and shut the door.

“Woah! Couldn’t even wait for the dinner to be over?” Katsuki teased.
“Kacchan! I’m not here with him because I like him like that! I’m here with him because he has information on a case that he’s only willing to share if I do this! It has to do with Hikari!” Izuku babbled as fast as he could and explained everything while Katsuki listened.
Well… while Katsuki attempted to listen. Truthfully, it was difficult. Izuku hadn’t babbled like that in front of him in ages. He missed it. He missed his voice. His eyes. His lips. He missed the desperate look in his eyes when he wanted to communicate something clearly.
He missed the way he talked with him like they were a team. Also, he didn’t let go of his hand even when they were in the restroom. They hadn’t held hands since…

“KACCHAN! Why are you crying?!” Izuku gasped.

“I’m not crying!” Katsuki cried.

“I’m sorry! Hikari really-”
“shouldn’t have told you about this! But it’s not like I could have told her the truth without freaked her out!” Izuku frantically grabbed his handkerchief and wiped Katsuki’s tears so gently and carefully, it made Katsuki ache even more.
“I’m not… looking for anyone else, okay?” Izuku tried to assure him. “Especially not someone who is so close to you.”

Katsuki didn’t know what to say. It had been so long since Izuku spoke this honestly with him. He had dreamed about moments like this.
“Say that again…” Katsuki sniffled.


“Everything about Hikari. What’s going on? What didn’t you tell me?” Katsuki grumbled.

“Her therapist was attacked last week. They stole her file.”

“Izuku.” Katsuki squinted his eyes. “Her therapist was on vacation last week.”
Izuku blinked in confusion. “Oh… maybe she was attacked while on vacation? I’ll have to ask Kirishima-kun…”

“Why would she have her physical files on vacation with her?” Katsuki said seriously. “There’s something more going on here.”
“You think Kirishima is lying?” Izuku rubbed his chin. “I guess it’s possible. But why would he make up something so upsetting? Just to get away with knowing about…” He mumbled. “Oh! So he knows about that villain and he’s trying to cover up why!”
Katsuki and Izuku both looked at each other seriously. A silent understanding that finding that villain was top priority. It was something that clearly riled up both of them. The hatred for that one man who destroyed everything they had built up together.

“I don’t like it…”
Katsuki said begrudgingly. “But find out what other bullshit Shitty Hair is willing to share with you to get in your bed.”

“That last parts not gonna happen!” Izuku assured him.

“I’m aware.” Katsuki slammed his fist against the wall over Izuku’s and leaned close to him.
“No one can fuck you like I can anyway.” Katsuki whispered, making Izuku yelp and blush furiously.

“U-um… y-you should storm out pretending to be angry!” He shoved Katsuki off him. “It’s easier if he thinks he’s gotten between somehow!”
“Between us? As if there’s an us to get between?” Katsuki teased further.

“Kacchan… can you just…go?” Izuku insisted.

“Fine. But just remember I haven’t given up yet!”

“You remind me every time I see you.” Izuku grumbled.

“You’re going to give in one day.”
“Goodbye Kacchan.” Izuku brushed him off. “It was nice seeing you again.”

“I’ll see you again in your dreams tonight.”

“Kacchan!” Izuku said angrily.

“Later nerd.”

He stormed out of the restroom and Izuku had to take a moment to wash his face, he was so flustered.
It was true what they said about absence. It makes the heart grow fonder. But to Izuku and Katsuki, that was a curse. They were too fond of each other before. Izuku wished he could have gone blissfully unaware that it was ever a problem forever. He slapped his face.
He needed to get to the bottom of what was truly going on. He looked at himself determinedly in the mirror and walked out of the restroom as dejectedly as he could.

“Everything alright?” Eijiro asked as Izuku sat back at their table.

“No.” Izuku smiled sadly. “But it will be.”
The next day, Hikari woke up bright and early to a phone call from her father.

“What do you want?” She questioned, annoyed. She wanted to go back to sleep.

“I’m increasing your allowance this week.” Katsuki said proudly.

“I take it you stopped Papa?” Hikari said hopefully.
“No. But my eyes are now on that backstabbing snake Shitty Hair and I have you to thank!” Katsuki huffed.

“What do you mean no?!” Hikari sat up. “Papa just dated him anyway even though you showed up?!”

“Look, I can’t stop your Papa from doing what he wants.”
Katsuki lamented. “That’s the surefire way to make him just wanna do it more. You’re a lot like him in that aspect!”

“This isn’t about me! He shouldn’t be doing this! It’s not fair!” Hikari snapped.

“Just take the money and go back to bed.” Katsuki yawned.
“You’re the one who woke me up!” Hikari grumbled. “And why are you so happy about this?!”

“Because we had a conversation for twenty minutes!” Katsuki bragged. “That’s a record.”

“YOU’RE PATHETIC!” Hikari roared before hanging up the phone in annoyance. Useless.
She set him up to do one thing and he couldn’t even accomplish that. She plopped her head back on her pillow in frustration before her alarm went off to get ready for school. Great.

The first class of the day started with her homeroom teacher Aizawa introducing a guest.
“Today were doing a special exercise where you will be battling against your own quirks.” He announced. “For this I’ve asked the Pro Hero Phantom Thief for assistance. Come in.” Aizawa beckoned and the students awed as the hero entered.

“It’s an honor to help, Sensei.”
Phantom Thief, or Monoma Neito as her Papa Izuku called him, walked in as the class ooo’d and aah’d.

“I see you class is very…” His eyes landed on Hikari. “Interesting this year.”

Hikari felt her stomach turn and she couldn’t understand why. His voice sounded familiar.
Katsuki felt his heart beat out of his chest as he watched his phone ring and ring and ring with Izuku’s contact name glowing on the screen. After the divorce contract fiasco, he exclusively resorted to texting him for communication. He was so shocked, he missed the call.
Katsuki immediately answered it when Izuku called again.

“Sorry for calling twice! You’re not in patrol or anything are you?” Izuku questioned and Katsuki was just elated to hear his voice through the phone.

“No. Uh. I have the night patrol today.”
“Okay! I’ll just dive right in then! Kirishima-kun didn’t tell me anything helpful! But what I did learn is how awful of a liar he is! And he lied a lot of times last night! He even ordered Teriyaki chicken! You and I both know he hates Teriyaki!” Izuku explained.
“The fuck?” Katsuki questioned.

“He knew why I was there. I didn’t hide that I wanted to know what was going on with Hikari but every time I brought her up, he dodged the question! It made me really frustrated! But here’s the thing!”
“At the end of the night, he invited me to his house tomorrow which I guess would be tonight where he said he had a file he wanted to show me on the case!”

“Fucker wants you in bed.” Katsuki cursed.

“I asked if Todoroki could come! With a buffer, it will be easier.”
“How’s he gonna show you a file with Half and Half there?” Katsuki questioned.

“Todoroki-Kim’s not difficult to distract!”

“You’re right about that.” Katsuki sighed.

“Remember that one time at Endeavor’s agency when-”
Katsuki had to wonder if he fell back asleep. Izuku was talking to him. Talking talking to him. They spoke back and forth about several unrelated things to the case for over an hour.

“And that’s why I think my Mom needs a vacation but she insists on staying home!”
“You should just tie her up and fly her to a spa!”

“Why tie her up?!” Izuku laughed.

“Because she’s like you! Too stubborn to take time off when she needs one!”

“I took a day off yesterday!” Izuku said indignantly.

“News footage of you saving a cat in a tree says otherwise.”
“What was I supposed do?! Just let it stay in the tree?!” Izuku lamented.

“Call the fire department maybe?!”

“But it was scared.” Izuku grumbled.

“Izuku.” Katsuki said suspiciously. “Where’s the cat now?”

“Um… I don’t know.”

“Damnit, do you even know how to care for a cat?”
“Of course I do!” Izuku said determinedly. “Hyena loves it here!”

“You named it Hyena?”

“She’s very friendly! You would love her! I think- um… I think..” He went quiet all of a sudden, causing a long pause.


“I’m sorry! D-danger sense just went off!”
“I’ll call you tomorrow and report back about Kirishima’s. Bye!” Izuku spoke as fast as he could before hanging up the phone. He plopped on his chair in the kitchen and buried his face in arms as he cried. He lost himself in their conversation. It was so… nice. So nice it hurt.
Izuku and Todoroki rode in silence to Kirishima's in the back of his driver's car.

For 8 long years they had a war of attrition between them. A pleasant greeting followed by Izuku babbling about anything he could muster to distract Shoto from asking the inevitable...
"So have you gotten back together with Bakugo yet?"

"No." Izuku pouted.

"Why not?"

"Like I've told you several times before! It's complicated!" Izuku was beginning to regret choosing Shoto but if anyone was going to keep Kirishima's hands off of him, it was him.
"Is it complicated or are you making it complicated?" Shoto questioned.

Izuku had never disclosed what happened to anyone because the whole thing was so personal. He had a right to feel the way he did about it and he didn't want anyone else chiming in with how he should feel.
A part of him was also protecting Kacchan. The last thing he needed was for people to take sides or look at him like he was some kind of monster. Because he wasn't. Izuku understood him all too well. Which was why he had to do what was best for their daughter.
Even if it hurt them both. He wished they could still be friends but Kacchan made that practically impossible with his relentless pursuit which only furthered Izuku's turmoil about how far he was willing to go for him. It didn't help. It made things worse.
"Todoroki. I'd appreciate it if you stop asking me." Izuku repeated like he did every single time they saw each other hoping MAYBE this time his well meaning friend would get it.

"You know I was your best man at your wedding." Shoto reminded him. A new approach.
"I remember." Izuku sighed, trying not to remember that day. Truly, the happiest day of his life. Even happier than... "But I want to stop you there! Nothing you say will change my mind! So please! Can we move on?!"

Shoto looked at him and nodded. "Saki wants you to visit."
Saki was Shoto and YaoMomo’s twenty year old daughter. Momo unexpectedly got pregnant right before they graduated UA and everyone teamed up to help the young couple raise her. It was what gave Izuku and Katsuki such baby fever in the first place.
“Maybe we can stop by your place after this.” Izuku smiled. Saki became a teacher just like her Auntie Fuyumi and Izuku was so proud of her.

“She misses Bakugo too. Maybe we can get him on the way-”

“We’re here!” The driver announced which Izuku was grateful for.
Izuku nervously walked to the front gate of Eijiro’s humble home. Ever since his conversation with Kacchan in the bathroom, he was more nervous than ever to spend any time alone with him. He second guessed everything about him.

“You know this is the first time I’ve been here.”
Shoto noted.

“Really?” Izuku tilted his head. “Kirishima-kun always seems eager to have company over! Maybe your schedules don’t match?”

“In that case, not many people’s schedules match his. As far as I know, only you, Bakugo and Hikari have actually seen the inside.”
“Hey guys!” Eijiro greeted them chipperly at the gate. “Come on in!”

The three hung out for a good hour. Catching up and discussing everything from work to their kids to what they saw on TV.

“Hikari started UA this week right?” Shoto asked Izuku.

“I haven’t really had a chance to ask how she’s doing because you know how teenage girls can be! I don’t want to overwhelm her with my curiosity!” Izuku giggled.

“Oh! Speaking of!” Eijiro turned on the tv. “Todoroki, why don’t you pick a movie for us to watch?”
“I wanted to show Midoriya an old picture of Hikari I had in my room!”

Shoto was already distracted enough with his task for Eijiro to guide Izuku to his bedroom.

“You k-keep the files in your room instead of your office?” Izuku whispered nervously.
“Make yourself comfortable! It’s gonna take me awhile to find them!” Eijiro grinned as he went through a few of his junk drawers. Izuku looked around the room awkwardly. There was nowhere to sit but the bed. He didn’t want to sit there so he just wandered over to the bookshelf.
Izuku ran his fingers through all the books, and comics while carefully avoiding the figurines that sat atop each shelf. But something striking caught his eyes.

“What’s DGC club?” He questioned as he pulled out a beautiful golden medal encrusted with all kinds of jewels.
“Oh! Put that back!” Eijiro said frantically.

“Sorry!” Izuku did as told and grabbed his own hand, embarrassed he took something without permission.

“It’s nothing. Okay? Just something dumb a few of us did in high school.”

“Oh. Was Kacchan part of it?” Izuku wondered.
“No. He knew of it thanks to Kaminari. But he found it dumb.” Eijiro laughed.

“What was the purpose?” Izuku blinked.

“That’s a secret.” Eijiro smirked and Izuku knew he had to push him further. So he tiptoed closer to him and brushed his arm.

“I’m good with secrets…”
"Are you now?" Ei tipped his chin up, making him blush.

"S-speaking of. Did you find the file?" Izuku averted his eyes.

"Looks like I may have left it at my agency! Oops!" Kirishima laughed.

"Ei." Izuku pouted. "Are they even real? Or did you just say that to-"
Kirishima interrupted him by grabbing his face and forcefully kissing him.

"Mm!" Izuku squeaked before pushing him away.

"Oh." Todoroki walked in, carrying the remote control. "That's why it's complicated, huh?"

"No! You have the wrong idea!" Izuku frantically said.
"And so do you!" He whipped his head to Eijiro. "I'm not ready to see anyone else! I just came for the file!"

"What file?" Todoroki questioned.

"It doesn't matter anymore. It doesn't exist." Izuku stormed out and grabbed Shoto's wrist, dragging him out of the house with him.
"Wait! Midoriya!" Kirishima followed them. "Please wait! I'm really sorry! I just like you a lot! And I wanna tell you what's going on! But it's hard!"

"You want to tell me what's going on?! Then tell me the truth! Hikari's therapist wasn't attacked!"
"So how do you really know what happened between Kacchan and I?!" Izuku was too worked up to keep up appearances anymore. His face was hot, his stomach was in knots and damnit, he couldn't stop his damn tearducts from working on overdrive. He had never kissed anyone but Kacchan.
He never wanted to kiss anyone but Kacchan. He had fstopped himself from breaking down after their separation. He had to keep himself together for his daughter and for himself so he suppressed all of the agonizing pain he had felt since that masked man ruined his life.
But that kiss snapped something inside of him. He couldn't keep it together.

"I can't tell you how I know!" Eiiro said and Izuku went full cowling.

"MIDORIYA?!" Shoto tried to hold him back.

“I can’t tell you cause he’s here!” Eijiro pointed at Shoto. “But if you come back inside with me. Alone. I’ll tell you everything I know!”

“You’ve already proven you can’t be trusted with Midoriya alone!” Shoto protested.

“It’s fine, Todoroki.” Izuku took a deep breath.
“If he tries anything else, I’ll be the one to stop him!” He launched black whip at Eijiro threateningly before dispersing his quirks. “You better tell me the truth. All of it!”

“O-of course.”

Shoto reluctantly agreed and watched them go inside.
Then as soon as the door shut he scurried to the open window in the living room and hid next to it. He had opened it to allow more light in so he could see the buttons more clear on the remote control and neglected to close it. Something he was now very glad he did.
Hikari was exhausted after a long day of class. UA was intense as it’s reputation said. Third day of class and she already had to go to the nurse twice who assured that was nothing compared to her Papa Deku who set a record for most nurse visits.
She had just finished changing in the locker room and was looking forward to a nice hot bath when she spotted Phantom Thief on her way home. He was talking to Shinso-Sensei, her chemistry teacher. In class, he seemed normal. It was annoying that he could copy her quirk.
He wasn't able to use it as well as she did. He couldn't figure out how to make the objects explode with his mind like she did. But he did teach her unique ways to use her telepathy. There was one thing that bothered her about him, though. He refused to look her in the eye.
She thought maybe it was because he was focused on using her quirk, but even after the training exercise was done, he glanced away when she thanked him for his help. Hikari walked passed the two heroes and was surprised when he called her name. Her first name.


The two teachers approached her together.

"Do you have some extra time?" Shinso questioned. "There's something we need to discuss with you." Monoma's eyes were still trained to the ground instead of at her.

"Am I trouble?" She questioned nervously.

"That depends."
Monoma mumbled quietly. "Did you get my message?"
"So you're saying Hikari told Saki-chan what happened and Saki-chan told you?" Izuku blinked.

"I didn't want to get the girls in trouble so I came up with something outrageous! I'm sorry!" Eijiro bowed his head.
"I don't get it." Izuku said suspiciously. "Todoroki doesn't know what happened. Why would Saki-chan tell you and not him?"

"She told be because..." Eijiro blushed. "I asked her for advice on how to ask you out and she warned me against it and told me everything!"
"And I'm so sorry for saying I would save Hikari in Bakugo's shoes! I don't know what came over me saying something like that! He was obviously in a tough spot! A-and I understand why you can't move on from something like that too! I mean what parent chooses their spouse over-"
"Stop." Izuku said, defeated. He hated that Kirishima knew. "I don't want to think about that day anymore. And... I need you to stop trying to pursue me."


"I don't have room in my heart for anyone else!" Izuku snapped.

"Don't you deserve to be happy?!"
Izuku stormed out and floated home before burying himself in his painfully empty bed that he still slept on only one side of. Maybe he shouldn't have yelled. But he couldn't take it. It was so overwhelming. The pain he felt made him want to die. Stupid kiss.
It was easier to be angry. How dare Kirishima judge what happened. He wasn't there. He wasn't Kacchan. He wasn't Izuku...

Izuku's anger was fueled by his phone ringing. He saw the contact ID and wondered if for once in his life. Being petty was the way to go.
"Kacchan?" Izuku sniffled.

"Woah. You alright?! How'd it go with Shitty Hair?!"

"He lied about everything... and then he kissed me!" Izuku confessed with all the disgust in his voice he could muster. There was a long silence that followed. "Kacchan?"

The phone line cut off.
Izuku sighed and plopped his head in his pillow and closed his eyes. He should feel bad for what was about to happen to Kirishima, but in that moment, he realized just why his ex husband was as petty as he was. It at least felt better temporarily.
Hikari shook in place as Phantom Thief bowed on all fours to her in the teachers lounge.

“I sincerely apologize for participating in that game and completely destroying your family!”
TBC ⏱️
“Why would you use my daughter to lie to Midoriya?!” Shoto snapped at Eijiro as soon as Izuku left.

“I didn’t lie! What makes you think I lied?! And how dare you eavesdrop by the window! That’s not very hero-like!” Ei growled.
“And you think trying to steal your best friend’s husband is?!” Shoto scoffed.

“EX-husband!” Ei corrected.

“Midoriya made it perfectly clear he’s not moving on anytime soon! You know they will work it out! They always do! It’s not our business to come between them!”

Shoto froze, dumbfounded.

“But… Hikari’s still alive.”
“Of course she’s still alive! It was a p- It was a… a random attack by someone who.. uh, disappeared! It was a man in a mask who made Bakugo choose, laughed at them and then took off without hurting anyone!” Kirishima explained. “I’m sure he was shocked by Bakugo’s choice.”
Shoto didn’t say anything as he processed what he was told. A lot of things clicked into place. He couldn’t help but feel awful for Bakugo and Midoriya. What a terrible thing to have happened to them. If he was in Katsuki’s place and had to pick?
Momo or Saki? Unfathomable. He could say with confidence with no pressure that he would choose his daughter. But he knew how strongly Bakugo felt about Midoriya. They lived their entire lives together. He didn’t think any of them would be able to continue on without the other.
But to actually have to make that choice must have killed him inside. And it must have scared Midoriya to know that Bakugo’s love was too strong to keep Hikari safe. As a parent, if Momo chose him, he didn’t know what he’d do. He probably wouldn’t be able to look her her either.
Especially if their daughter was almost killed in front of them. He didn’t think he’d ever move past it.

“That masked man deserves the death penalty.” Shoto seethed.

“He didn’t make Bakugo’s choice.” Kirishima clicked his tongue. “If he picked to save his daughter, they-”
“would not even remember this happened! They would have increased their security system in their home and moved on! They would still be married and everything would be fine! But he did this to himself! Midoriya and Hikari deserve better! And I’m better!” Kirishima declared.
Suddenly, a small explosion flew in from the window and hit Kirishima in the face.

“AAAH!” He screamed before Bakugo charged in and slammed him against the wall.

“You think you’re better for my family, huh?!” Katsuki seethed.
“Bakugo. How long were you listening?” Shoto questioned.

“I just got here in time to hear that bullshit from the grubby mouth that dared to kiss my husband!” Katsuki attempted to char Eijiro’s neck, but he went into hard mode.

“You’re…not…together.” Eijiro choked.
“YOU…SHUT…YOUR…DAMN…TRAP!” Katsuki slammed his head against the wall between every word. “TOUCH HIM AGAIN AND I’LL KILL YOU! LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE!”

“You think you can make him happy?!” Katsuki laughed. “How do ya think I found out about your kiss, huh?! He was crying on the phone to me about it! Sounds like it was something he never wanted to happen! So here’s your hint!” He blew up the TV. “STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM!”
“He just needs more time to accept he’s allowed to move on!” Kirishima head butted Katsuki, breaking his nose.

“AH! SHIT!” Katsuki let him go as he stumbled back.

“Bakugo!” Shoto rushed to his side.

“I’m not threatened by you and I’m not going to stop going for what I want!”
“That’s enough!” Shoto snapped as he used his ice on Bakugo’s nose. “Kirishima just told me everything that happened that day, Bakugo.”

“Huh?” Katsuki blinked. “How the fuck do you know?!”

“Hikari told Saki and-”

“Stop with that lie!” Shoto snapped. “Saki doesn’t know!”
“We were just talking over breakfast that she wished she knew what happened so she could help somehow! She wouldn’t just say that to make conversation!” Shoto snapped. “So tell us how you actually know!”

“She must have been covering!”

Katsuki growled as he he generated a bigger and bigger explosion in his hand as he spoke. “Lie lie lie. Every word out of your damn mouth! You deserve what I’m about to throw at you!” He said before his phone rang. Shoto grabbed it for him.

“It’s Midoriya.”

Katsuki depleted the explosion and snatched the phone out of Shoto’s hand before answering the call. “Izuku.” He said softly.

“Kacchan!” Izuku said urgently. “UA just called! You have to meet me there right now!”

“Huh? UA?” Katsuki felt his breath hitch. “Is Hikari okay?!”
“I don’t know!” Izuku got emotional. “This isn’t like her! They’re sending her home until they complete the investigation!”

“Investigation? Huh? Slow down!”

“She attacked Monoma and Shinso! Their injuries are really bad! They’re unconscious so they can’t ask them why! And-”
“she won’t speak to anyone! No one knows what happened! I’m so worried! Why would she do this?!”

“She wouldn’t do this unprompted! There has to be a reason for it!” Katsuki said as he ran out the door. “I’ll be there in ten minutes!”
Hikari was shaking in Nezu’s office.
A lot of heroes spoke to her and asked her questions but she couldn’t answer them. She blacked out completely after Phantom Thief and Shinso-Sensei explained everything to her. It was so… fucked up. Everyone involved in what happened were people she considered family.
And they were all top heroes. All people she admired. People who her classmates had keychains, posters and hair clips of, all people her two fathers trusted and loved. It completely shattered her world view. Heroes were supposed to protect.
Yet these heroes destroyed everything that made her happy…for fun? For a game? A prank gone wrong? All she could think about were all the tears her parents shed. All the tears she shed. All the pain that they went through.
All the times she unfairly told her Papa Izuku she hated him. All the time she spent wondering if her Papa Kacchan really loved her. She didn’t know what she did to Phantom Thief and Shinso. She just knew there was a lot of blood.

“Midoriya. Bakugo. Welcome back.”
Hikari fell apart when she saw her parents walk in the room. They probably were so disappointed in her.

“Hikari!” Izuku called and she ran into his arms and sobbed her eyes out. “Hikari. Shh. It’s okay. We’re here.” She looked at him then whipped her head to Katsuki.
She shakily held her and out and used her telekinesis to to pull him by the belt into their embrace. Katsuki held onto both of them and Izuku looked at him hesitantly before accepting that his daughter needed both of them right now. He wasn’t going to a fight off a hug.
Hikari couldn’t fully explain what happened without hyperventilating. It was clear she was distressed so the new school nurse gave her a sedative so she could sleep.

After she was tucked into the office, Izuku and Katsuki sat with Nezu and Aizawa in the principals office.
“I didn’t expect to be doing this again over twenty years after you graduated, but here we are.” Aizawa sighed seeing his two former trouble making students in the chairs in front of him.

“This is a grave matter.” Nezu said solemnly. “Not a fight between school boys.”
He turned the laptop around and showed them security footage of the incident. Monoma and Shinso spoke to Hikari for a long time in the gymnasium. There was no sound and Nezu fast forwarded through the silent conversation that lasted about forty five minutes.
Afterwards, Monoma got on his hands and knees in what looked like a heartfelt apology. And then Hikari held her hand out and threw him to the far end of the gym with her mind. Shinso tried to say something to her and she snapped his neck.
She then held her hand out and launched the weights at Monoma’s head, hitting him in the face over and over before detonating them, causing an explosion to char his body. She then lifted both bodies off the ground and twisted their limbs until Aizawa arrived and stopped her.
Izuku held his hands to his mouth, horrified.

“That can’t be real.” Katsuki argued. “That’s bullshit! Someone made her do it!”

“There’s no way you can get what they said to her?!” Izuku questioned desperately. “Are you sure there’s no villain around who maybe caused this?”
“Unfortunately only those three know what happened. If there was a villain, they’re gone now. And until Hikari is able to speak and explain what happened, we have to send her home with one of you.” Aizawa explained. “This is a courtesy. Don’t abuse it and hide her or flee.”
“Normally, in this circumstance, we would keep her here until we investigate what is a criminal act by your daughter and come up with a plan on how to proceed. Legally. But since you two are the top two heroes. We can get away with releasing her to your custody.” Nezu explained.
“You better get down to the bottom of this!” Katsuki snapped. “Those fuckers must have done something really awful if she did snap on her own! Hikari’s a sweetheart like her father!” He pointed at Izuku. “She would never hurt anyone unless she was pushed into it!”
Aizawa tried to hide the surprised look on his face at the word ‘sweetheart’ considering she had as colorful of a vocabulary as Katsuki and only got along with Iida and Uraraka’s daughter due to her other classmates being that intimidated by her.
But she didn’t have any violent outbursts at least. And actively participated in class. This was the first incident of her causing any known issue. But it was a big one. If he didn’t show up to stop it, Shinso and Monoma would have certainly died.
“We will do everything to find out the truth.” Nezu reassured Katsuki. “But in the meantime, you should take her home.”
Katsuki carried Hikari on his back as he and Izuku walked out of UA in silence. As soon as they left campus, Izuku looked at his former husband awkwardly
He wanted to bring her to his house. But he was sure Katsuki felt the same way. The last thing he wanted after the long exhausting day they had was a fight over where Hikari should go.

“Um.” He tried to broach the subject but hesitated.

“She can stay with you.” Katsuki relented
Izuku nodded gratefully. “You can walk her home with me. Make sure she gets tucked in?”

Katsuki was so shocked by the invitation inside his home that he forgot how to speak.

“O-only if you want to!” Izuku said nervously.

“Of course I want to!” Katsuki blurted out.
Izuku blushed and looked away. They walked home in silence. The stars shining in the sky were blindingly beautiful for such an awful night. Izuku opened the door and cleared his throat. “I apologize for the mess. Hyena is getting used to the house!”
Katsuki glanced at Izuku’s shredded curtains, couch and knocked over figurines.

“I can see that.”

“Hikari’s room is this way.” Izuku guided Katsuki up the stairs to her bedroom which was far dorkier at Izuku’s house than the one she had at his house.
He didn’t realize she was this much of an otaku. Or that she loved magical girl anime so much. He smirked at her pink fuzzy covers that he was going to tease her mercilessly about when they were alone. She always insisted she hated anything “girly”. Liar.
He tucked her in and Izuku planted a kiss on her cheek before moving her hair out of her face and wiping the tears off her cheeks. His tears that fell onto her cheek.

“Hey.” Katsuki grabbed Izuku’s hand. “Come on. We should let her sleep.”
Izuku and Katsuki walked silently to the front of the house. Katsuki was surprised Izuku didn’t pull away his hand.

“Um…” Izuku froze before they got to the door and wiped his tears. “Do you want tea or anything? A drink?”

“Tea is fine!” Katsuki said a little too enthusiastic
Izuku smiled at him and Katsuki felt like his heart almost fell out of his chest as he blindly followed him in the kitchen.

“You can sit on the couch while I start the kettle!” Izuku insisted.

“I like watching you idiot! I mean I’m fine watching you! I mean…”

Izuku giggled. Katsuki wondered if he was trying to kill him. A murderous family was definitively something that was fitting.

After the tea was ready, they sat in the living room and drank it until Izuku broke the silence.

“I wonder what they could have said to her…”
“Nothin’ good.” Katsuki chuffed. “She would never go that far unless they were possessed or somethin’…”

“You think they were?!” Izuku’s eyes widened. “That could be a reason right?! Maybe there was a villain with a parasite quirk and she was trying to knock it out!”
“Or maybe they wanted to test her.., or maybe Shinso brainwashed her!” Katsuki theorized.

“Shinso-kun would never! He’s very particular on not using his quirk for any reason but hero work! You know that!”

“Unless Copy cat pushed him too far… cheated on him or something!”
“But why would he snap his own neck?” Izuku said in disbelief.

“To make it look realistic! I don’t know! It’s so damn frustrating to think we won’t know anything till one of them wake up!” Katsuki grit his teeth.

“Right…” Izuku looked down at his tea cup anxiously.
“It’s just weird, it makes me feel really uneasy that she would just snap like that. I feel like there’s more to the story… that.. and everything with Kirishima-kun.” Izuku groaned. “Don’t you think it’s weird it happened in the same week?”
“You think Shitty Hair’s involved in this?” Katsuki raised his brow.

“The lie about the therapist. I don’t know. Why would he bring Hikari into it? What aren’t we seeing?”

“Dunno..” Katsuki grumbled. “It’s best not to overthink if for now.” He poked Izuku’s head.
“Nothing we can do and losing sleep isn’t gonna help. If you keep thinking, you’ll worry yourself to death!”

“Kacchan…” Izuku rubbed his head. “Do you um… doyouwannastayhere?” He mumbled quietly.

“Huh? What did you say?”

“Do you wanna stay the night?!” Izuku blurted out.
Katsuki felt his heart dance out of his chest.


“Like in the guest room!” Izuku blushed furiously as he rattled his words as fast as possible. “It’s pointless to go to separate homes when we can get the call that Monoma or Shinso woke up at any moment! Plus-”
“Hikari is going to want us both here! So can feel safe enough to tell us what happened together! So.. um, so. If you want, I think still have a couple of your old T shirts to sleep in!”

“You think?” Katsuki raised his brow. “Or you know.”

“I-I know… but-”
“And why do you still have my old T shirts?”

“Um. I don’t know! There’s no point in getting rid of them! They’re nice shirts!!” Izuku stressed.

“Izuku. You moved from our old house to your moms house to a shitty apartment to this house. And you brought them with you?”
“The apartment wasn’t shitty…” Izuku grumbled and averted his gaze. Katsuki missed this. He was so cute to tease. So easily flustered.

“Fine.” Katsuki huffed. “I’ll let you change the subject. Should I leave this shirt here when I’m done?”

“Kacchan!” Izuku covered his face.
“You’re still the same.” Katsuki laughed. “Never changed since we were 5.”

“I think I’ve changed somewhat!” Izuku said defensively.

“Not when it comes to me!” Katsuki grabbed his hand, startling him. “You’re still my creepy little stalker, huh?”

Izuku was speechless.
His mouth opened to say something then closed then opened again and his raced as Katsuki traced his eyes to his lips and leaned closer.

“Kacchan we can’t!” Izuku panicked and shoved him back.

“Why can’t we, huh?!”

“You know why!” Izuku teared up. “I’m sorry!”
Katsuki sighed in frustration as Izuku stood up.

“I-I’ll go get your shirts! And you can take them with you!”

“Izuku!” Katsuki grabbed his wrist. “You’re wrong!” He cried. “I don’t know why! Because you never talked to me about it! We still haven’t talked about it!”
“What is there to even say after all this time?!” Izuku refused to look at him. “You were there! I was there! We don’t have to go over it again! I can’t put it into words!”

“Do you hate me?! Or do you still love me?!”

“I could never hate you, Kacchan!”
Katsuki grabbed his face and turned it to look at him.

“But do you still love me?!” He asked desperately. “Or did your love for me die that day!”

“I don’t want to answer that!” Izuku closed his eyes.

“It’s a yes or no question! Do you still love me?!”
“Why does it matter? We can’t be together!”

“Izuku. I’m not gonna ask you again!” Katsuki let go of him. “And maybe that’s because you probably won’t give me another opportunity, or maybe I will finally take the hint one day but… damnit I miss you every damn second!”
“If I could take that day back, I would! If I could change my answer… fuck…” He sobbed. “I’m sorry Izuku but I don’t know who I am without you! I’m not Bakugo Katsuki if I don’t love you! And I’m not Bakugo Katsuki if I’m not loved by you either!”
“I’d do anything to take that day back! I-”

“Kacchan, stop.” Izuku grabbed his shaking hands. “I love you. I don’t who I am without doing so either. That day didn’t change anything about my love for you. Nothing can. Nothing ever will. And that’s why we can’t be together.”
“Huh? That doesn’t make any sense!”

“I said too much! Let’s just go to bed!”

“No! This is the first honest conversation we’ve had in eight years! I don’t know when I’ll get another chance to-”

“Yes.” Katsuki stepped closer. “Keep going.”

Izuku stared at him then stared down at his feet. “Now I feel stupid.”

“You’re not.” Katsuki pat him on the head. “And I miss hearing what’s in your head. Every thought. So don’t slam it against a wall and keep the shirts.”
“I’ll sleep without one.”

Izuku was too tired to protest. “Will you be able to sleep?” He mumbled.


“I won’t. Too anxious about Hikari so.. do you want to watch a movie instead?”

“All Might Saves the Day?” Katsuki smirked.

“I was thinking All Might Saves the Day II.”
Hikari woke up in a cold sweat in her bedroom. She looked around frantically as tried to process why she was home. The sun was barely peeking out and there was a cat in her room blinking curiously at her.

“What are you looking at?” She growled.
Everything came back to her and she felt her chest tighten. Her parents must be so disappointed with her. She figured she would get the conversation over with and wake her Papa Izuku. She walked to his room and knocked on the door.


No answer. Maybe he had work.
She opened the door and saw the bed was empty and was about to return to her room but she felt thirsty. She headed downstairs toward the kitchen and froze at the sight in the living room.

Both her parents were asleep on the couch, cuddled in each others arms.
Shoto drove as quickly and angrily as he could to Midoriya’s house. Monoma had woken up and Midoriya and Bakugo must have not charged their phones because he couldn’t get a hold of them. But he immediately went and helped with the investigation as soon as he heard about it.
Monoma asked to speak to him alone. He told him everything and had him record it.

“I’m pretty sure….if I confessed to them directly…they would finish me off.” Monoma wheezed. “You might call me a coward… but I don’t think…. they deserve to lose their license…”
“You might kill me too…” He laughed, despite the fact it hurt. “After I tell you what we all did… but.. if you do… they won’t learn the truth. And they deserve to know. And YOU deserve to know everything too.”

Shoto blinked in confusion. “Why me?”

“Midoriya and Bakugo aren’t the only lives we’ve ruined.”

Shoto didn’t know how he made it out of that hospital without committing arson. He pulled up to Izuku’s home knocked on the door frantically.

Izuku and Katsuki jolted awake.

“Oh. We fell asleep?!” Izuku blushed.
“Are we still asleep?” Katsuki said, wondering if he was still dreaming.

“Oh. I didn’t charge my phone! This must be someone from UA!” Izuku rushed to the door and flung it open. “Todoroki-kun?!”

“Midoriya! Is Bakugo here?”

“Yes actually!”

“Good. You need to see this.”
Izuku tried to focus on every word Monoma said. But it was difficult. He couldn’t breath. He couldn’t think. His heart was racing. His whole body felt hot. If it wasn’t for Kacchan squeezing the life out of his hand in seething anger, grounding him, he would have lost it.
It was all so unbelievable.

“Rewind that part…” Izuku instructed Todoroki. “I missed what he said!”

“If I have to hear it again, I’m gonna blow Half and Half’s phone up.” Katsuki said, feeling his stomach twist.

“Try not to.” Izuku said.

Shoto rewinded the clip.
Izuku tried to process everything. The incident that ruined his family. The one that revealed a horrible, ugly truth was all part of a game that had gone too far. Monoma was the man in the mask in his house. But apparently, he was not the only one there that day.
“It started in high school…” Monoma explained to the camera. “It originally was just our childish Class A vs Class B spat. Who could pull off the most elaborate pranks without consequences? We called ourselves the ‘Don’t Get Caught’ Club.”

“DGC..” Izuku said breathlessly.
“Kirishima-kun… Kirishima had a medal that said that!” He said in disbelief. It was right there!

“Shit… if this part of that DGC shit then.. Kaminari… Ashido.. Sero!” Katsuki began to tear up as he thought of all his friends who tried to get him to join.
Monoma began to list all the names of the club members. He said all the names Katsuki said and Kirishima. He also listed the class B participants which was him, Shinso, TetsuTetsu, Kaibara, and Kamakiri. “And last but not least… a surprising addition in our final year…”
“Hagakure… and Uraraka.”

Izuku stood up, in shock. “What?”

“It soon became not just B vs. A. But who could become King of the Pranks. Everyone out for themselves to win the coveted medal.” Monoma explained. “Kirishima was our winner before graduation.”
“His prank?” Monoma looked at Todoroki sadly. “Was giving you a pack of condoms full of holes.”

“Huh?” Shoto can be heard on the other side of the camera.

“He kept one of Saki-Chan’s socks as a token of remembrance for his grand victory.”
The video cut off at that point and Shoto scrolled to the second video.

“I stopped recording because I was this close to finishing what Hikari started.” He explained.

“Kirishima-kun went that far! For a trophy?! That he still has!” Izuku said angrily. “Todoroki-kun! I’m so..”
“That’s not the worst part.” Shoto seethed.

“I don’t think anything I say can make me any less villainous.” Monoma said as the video started back up. “But I am genuinely sorry you and your wife that your lives were made so difficult so young.”
“We all goaded each other. Everyone gave ideas for these pranks and soon it became about self interest. The person who submitted the idea to get Yaoyourozu pregnant was Uraraka. YaoMomo had beat her at the Sports Festival that year. And more pros were interested in her.”
“As far as the prank on the Bakugos… That story is even more twisted. After high school, we all focused on being heroes. Soon, the DGC club was just a memory. A thing we would take to our graves. Most of us stopped interacting with each other.”
“Afterall.” Monoma coughed. “We faced villains every day. It put a mirror up to us. How could we call ourselves heroes if we are capable of such awful things? We grew up, got older, moved on. But… then eight years ago, Kirishima arranged a meeting. One last hurrah.”
Monoma detailed everything that went down that day. There had been peace for some time now. Crime was at an all time low. And those without children were getting bored with their day to day lives. Because there was not a lot of crime,
there wasn’t a lot of movement in the hero rankings. Deku and DynaMight were the fixed number one duo. Because of the boredom, mostly everyone agreed that one last competition wouldn’t hurt. As long as it wasn’t as bad as that prank on the Todorokis.
Except Kirishima was hostile to everyone. Claiming they couldn’t beat him.

“He goaded us on… said nothing could top his prank. He was the only one brave enough.” Monoma explained. “Uraraka chimed in that she’s the one who thought of it. So should actually have the credit.”
“If he was actually as brilliant as he claimed he was. He should come with something. And his idea? A break in to the number one duos home. That should have been the end of it.” Monoma sighed. “We were just going to steal things and return them later…”
“But…the day of the break in, Kirishima decided to up the anty. He said we should give Bakugo an impossible choice. Uraraka didn’t think we should get Hikari involved. She was vehemently against going so far. And we all were uneasy about confronting the Bakugos directly.”
“It became clear this was all part of a grudge he has had since Bakugo asked Midoriya out our second year.” Monoma wheezed. “So, we all thought to back out. It was too much. Too villainous to terrorize a family. But Kirishima became irate and threatened us.”
“He threatened to tell everyone about the DGC club. To out us to you and YaoMomo and what we had let happen. He threatened to go public with everything and we all thought…” Monoma began to tear up. “We all thought it wouldn’t end so badly. Bakugo would pick Midoriya…”
“I’d point a fake gun at him, we’d leave and that would be the end of that. We never anticipated he would pick Hikari. I… I should have never pointed the gun at her. I still remember everything. The look on her face.” He sobbed. “I can’t get it out of my head.”
“I’ll never forgive myself for terrorizing a child. Or for ruining Bakugo and Midoriya’s perfect family. I… I still kept silent. I didn’t say anything. I didn’t think anything I had to say would repair their family anyway. Knowing they weren’t in real danger-”
“Wouldn’t change what Bakugo’s answer was when he thought they were! I and everyone had to live with the consequences of our actions. But I still had nightmares of that little girl. I still….” He cried. “I still remember her looking at her father who didn’t choose her…”
“And saying she forgave him! She was so sweet! So kind! And I still pointed my gun at her! I still pulled the trigger! I still let her think she was going to die! I know you think I’m a coward! And you’re wondering why I waited so long to come forward!”
“I tried to live with myself. I focused all my efforts into saving as many children as I could as penance for my crimes. I focused on putting smiles on their faces. I took up quirk counseling as a side job to help teach scared children how to use their quirks!”
“But nothing could absolve the guilt I had. And then… I went into a restaurant last week. And saw Kirishima on a date with Midoriya. And I became angry! How dare he not have a care in the world for the family he helped tear apart!” Monoma tried to collect himself.
“So… I tried to stop it. I messaged Hikari a photo I took of them, hoping she would stop them. But then Aizawa asked me for help with his first years. I saw her. And… and I had no choice but to come clean. What she did to me… I deserved. But…”
“I should have thought of her future too. I wanted her to end my life. It was another selfish action by me. And you know… she looked scared then too. I really have done nothing but hurt that little girl.” Monoma sighed. “I am going to plead for her to stay at UA. Then retire.”
“I don’t deserve to be called a hero… and neither does anyone else involved. Shinso agrees. I hope he follows my lead, but you, Momo, and the Bakugo family get to decide what to do with this video. I’ll understand.”

The video cut off then. Izuku and Katsuki were speechless.
Katsuki had never felt so hollow. He was betrayed. Completely and utterly betrayed. By everyone close to him. Kaminari spent several days at his house consoling him after he lost his family. Mina spent time cooking for him. Sero helped him find a new house when his old one was-
too painful to go to alone. Kirishima sparred with him to get all of his frustrations out. They all were so wonderful during his split from Izuku. If it wasn’t for them, he would have fallen apart completely. And it turned out… they all were the cause. It was sick.
Katsuki turned to his husband who was shaking all over.


“Excuse me…” Izuku stood up and ran upstairs to his room. Hikari was in the restroom brushing her teeth when she heard his bedroom door slam.


“PAPA!” Hikari ran and tried to open the door but it was locked. She had never heard her father cry so loudly before. She was worried so she closed her eyes and focused her quirk to unlock the door with her mind. She found Izuku on the floor screaming his lungs out.
“Papa! Papa!” She kneeled on the ground and rubbed his. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to cause you such trouble! I-”

“Hika…” Izuku hiccuped. “Hikari!” He hugged and squeezed her tight. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I didn’t protect you, I didn’t keep you happy! I…”
“I’m an awful father and husband! And I… was so stubborn! And so stupid! And I let those awful people tear us apart! People I trusted! People I thought were my friends! People who… OH GOD IM SORRY!” Izuku ran to his restroom and barely made it to the sink in time to throw up.
“Pa-” Hikari cried before she felt a squeezed on her shoulder.

“I got it from here.” Katsuki whispered softly to her. “Go downstairs and stop Half and Half from finishing what you started. Or go with him and finish but don’t get caught.” He kissed her head.
“You’re not mad at me?” Hikari whimpered.

“I would have done worse.” Katsuki said angrily. “Your papa crying is the only thing stopping me from becoming the worst villain in history.”

“Right…” Hikari blinked. “I love you Papa…” She cried. “I…”
“I know you love me too! I don’t feel bad about that day at all! I understand that-”

Katsuki grabbed her and held her tight, crying into her hair. “I don’t know what I did to deserve as amazing of a daughter as you. You’re everything I could have wanted and more.”
“I know you forgave me, but I would give anything to never have you hear the choice I made. I don’t love you any less that your Papa! I just- fuck…”

“I know.” Hikari squeezed him. “You don’t have to explain to me. Go to him. He needs you more than I do.” She kissed his cheek.
After she left, Katsuki entered the bathroom and grabbed his hysterical husband and held him to his chest.

“Kacchan…” Izuku sobbed and hyperventilated. “Kacchan!!!” He couldn’t say anything else, but Katsuki knew what he meant.
He picked him up and cradled him and brought him to the bed where he sat and held him until he finished crying.

“I…” Izuku began to mumble. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry… I…”

“Shh.. it’s not your fault what happened Izuku. None of it is your fault.”

“I was so hard on you…”
“I never talked to you. I let you suffer and feel awful. I let you lose everything. I let them take everything from you! I was so stubborn and I thought I was just doing the right thing because…” Izuku struggled to breathe as he hyperventilated more. “Because I… that day I..”
“Realized…” His voice cracked. “If I was in your shoes, I would have chose the same.” He whispered. “I would have chosen to save you. When Monoma first gave you the ultimatum… my first thought was I was glad it was you deciding and not myself.” He whimpered.
“But then you chose me and I thought what awful parents we were!” He cried. “How could… how could our little girl be safe if none of us made her the priority! I thought at least you had a better heart than I did! Because I’m awful and selfish and want you alive more than air.”
“I wouldn’t even have to think about it! I’d have chosen you in a second!” Izuku sobbed. “And.. that scared me! It scared me that she had two parents whose love was too much to protect her! So I had to do what was best to protect her! I had to leave you so she could be safe!”
“But I don’t know anymore if I did the right thing! I think I just made everything worse! I couldn’t stand being confronted the awful feelings in my heart that I ruined our family! I made Hikari so unhappy! I tortured you and despite that you never gave up on me! I don’t…”
“deserve you or her! And to think…. this was all some game?! I threw away everything for a stupid-”

Katsuki interrupted him with a deep feverish kiss.

“Enough Izuku.” He traced his lips across his face. “Enough fighting. Enough beating yourself up. Enough running away.”
“I was never going anywhere. Nothing you could have said or done would have made me give up on our family. Did these past 8 years hurt? Like a fucking bitch. But you’re here now.” Katsuki squeezed him. “In my arms where you belong. And I’m not letting you go. So stop.”
“I win. Those good for nothing low life’s lost. So give me my damn prize already.”

Izuku knew at that moment there was nothing that could have been done to change this outcome. His years of stubbornness were wasted. His life was always going to turn out this way.
Awfully happy with the man he had a sick twisted all consuming selfish love for. He finally stopped fighting it and gave him what he wanted. Everything. All of him. Just like he deserved. Whether their love was wrong or right didn’t matter. It was always going to end up this way
Shoto sat across from Hikari at an ice cream shop he took her to get away from the obscene noises her parents began to make upstairs.

They awkwardly ate together in silence both mortified by the turn of events.

“Um… how’s UA been going?” Shoto tried to break the silence.
“It’s not going. Remember?” Hikari sighed.

“Right…” Shoto hung his head low.

“How’s Saki-neesan? Her brats giving her trouble?”

“She likes the kids. Teaching is easy for her.”
“Would your life have been easier without her?” Hikari blurted out. “If… if those idiots never… did what they did?”

“Hm..” Shoto pondered. “Easier? Yes. Better? No. I love my daughter. Do I wish I could have had her later in my life? Yes. But then it might not have been her.”
“It would have been a different sperm and then-”

“I KNOW HOW BIOLOGY WORKS!” Hikari blushed furiously.

“Right..” Shoto hung his head down again.

“Um… do you think my parents life would have been better without me? They clearly love each other. And I got in the way.”
“Hikari… your parents love you too. They CHOSE to have you. They spent a lot of time searching for someone with the right quirk to give them their own biological child. They both desperately wanted you. And you have made them happier than I’ve ever seen them.”
Shoto reassured her. “What those awful people we called our friends did is unforgivable. They are the ones who ruined your family. Not you. If it wasn’t for you, your parents would have been even more a wreck. You have kept them sane during this time.”
Hikari looked down at her ice cream and sighed.

“When I was little I used to love watching the way they looked at each other. Every time Papa Kacchan walked in the room, Papa Izuku would get excited. Like a puppy. I haven’t seen him smile like that since that day…”
“I have.” Shoto wiped his face with a napkin. “Every time he talks about you. He has that same look as when he talks about Bakugo or All Might. Maybe you don’t notice it, but you’re everything to him. And to Bakugo too. When Bakugo talks about you, he’s always so proud.”
“I wish there was a time travel quirk.” Hikari sighed.

“So you could stop that day?”

“So I can stop uncle Kirishima from being born!” She slammed her fist on the table.

“You and me both.” Shoto looked at her. He had to be the adult and not recruit her as a murder accomplice.
“We should go. I have to tell my wife what happened. And Saki should be home soon. You can hang out with her until your parents are ready for you to return home.”

“When do you think that will be?” Hikari grimaced.

“Knowing your parents, probably not for awhile.”

Izuku fluttered his eyes open in his now broken bed that wasn’t sturdy enough for his and husband’s activities. He never had to put it through the test and thought he never would. The moon shined through the window and he wondered how time managed to pass so quickly.
He turned to look at Katsuki’s beautiful face, so close to his. He was so blessed. He kissed his nose gently. He missed him. He missed everything about him. He was done fighting it. They would have to figure out what to do about their daughter together.
Katsuki drifted his eyes open and kissed him. "What are you crying for, huh?”

“I’m just so happy.” Izuku whispered. “I finally feel at home.”

“Yeah? My cock is your home, huh?”

“Kacchan!” Izuku head butted his chest playfully, making him laugh.

“Sorry sorry… I’m happy too.”
He smashed their lips together and climbed on top of him. “Too happy. I could die right now and have no regrets.”

“We have to stay alive for Hikari.” Izuku reminded him.

“Right.” He plopped down and caressed Izuku’s face. “We should make a pact right here right now.”
“A pact?” Izuku blinked.

“Yeah… I know what you said… and you know what I did in the heat of the moment. But we are that girls parents. That amazing beautiful little girl. So… even if it would kill me… I swear to you… you or her… I’ll pick her.”

Izuku smiled and grabbed his pinky with his own. “I swear to choose her too. Even if it kills me.”

“Kiss on it?”

Katsuki pulled him forward with his pinky and Izuku sealed their lips together.

“It will kill me though…” Izuku whispered.

“Me too…”
Shoto answered the door and greeted Katsuki.

"Hello." He blinked. "It's late." He looked at his watch that said one in the morning.

"Izuku and I had a lot of lost time to make up for." Katsuki shrugged. "Where's squirt?"

"In our guest room."
Katsuki kicked his shoes off and was greeted by Momo.

"Bakugo-san. Hello." She smiled.

"What are you doing up, Ponytail?"

"I couldn't sleep." She smiled. "Where's Midoriya-san?"

"It's technically back to Bakugo-san." Katsuki grinned.

"Oh! You made up finally?"
"Finally." Katsuki sighed in relief. "And Izuku’s in the car. Cant really walk straight.”

“Oh.” Momo blushed before looking at her tea. “That video… really was something wasn’t it?”

“Tell me about it.” Katsuki growled. “Me and Izuku are gonna figure out what to do tomorrow.”
“Well then how about you let Hikari sleep here!” Momo suggested. “In fact you both can take one of the other guest rooms. We can brainstorm together what to do! All four of us!”

“No offense but we’re not looking for civil options here.”

“Neither am I.” Momo said coldly.
“Uraraka, Kirishima and the others don’t know that we know. We have a lot of options to bury this club to the ground.”

“Heh.” Katsuki grinned wide. “I like how you think, Ponytail.”
Iida Karin ran and threw her arms around her childhood friend, sobbing her eyes out as they met in front of her home.

“Hika-Chan!” She hiccuped. “I was so worried! I’m so…glad…they’re…letting…you…back in!” She sniffled heavily.

“Yeah yeah, Karin.” Hikari rolled her eyes.
“I’m so glad you called me to go shopping with you to celebrate!” Karin squeezed her. “We have to get matching bracelets and shoes and hair tied and backpack charms and ice cream and-”

“You girls ready?” Ochaco, Karin’s Mom walked out with car keys in her hand.

“Yes Auntie.”
Hikari in a saccharin voice. “Karin, I’m thirsty. Do you think you can get me some water while we wait in the car?”

“Anything for you Hika-chan!” Karin nodded furiously and floated as fast as she could inside.

“I’m so glad you girls can hang out again!” Ochaco cheered.
“I feel like it’s been years! Karin is always talking about how much she misses girl time with you!” She unlocked the car door and got inside. Hikari got in the passenger side and as soon as her Auntie Ochaco turned on the car, she used her telekinesis to lock the doors.
“Okay Hika-Chan! I got the water!” Karin floated outside her home just in time to watch the car suddenly pull out and speed away. “Hika-Chan?! MOM?!”

Ochaco looked at her passenger in shock. “Hikari?! Are you…are driving with your mind?!”

“Shut it, Auntie. I’m focusing.”
Hikari ordered. “If you don’t want me to crash, you won’t say another word.”

“Where…are we going?” Ochaco looked around nervously. “Karin’s back there!”

“Remember Auntie Momo? She said you haven’t visited in awhile.” Hikari accidentally swerved the car, making Ochaco shriek.
“What’s this about your Auntie Momo? Why the sudden need to have me vis-RED LIGHT! RED LIGHT!”

“I said shut your damn mouth unless you want me to crash!” Hikari seethed. “Buckle up, Auntie.”
“Woah Midoriya.” Eijiro blushed at how nicely Izuku was dressed.
"You look stunning!"

"You think so?" Izuku greeted him at his front door dressed head to toe in a nice suit, and no tie.

"Yeah. I guess you still can't get that tie right after all this time, huh?" Eijiro said fondly.

"Actually, I was thinking..." Izuku stepped close to him.
"That lovely medal on your shelf would good with this, don't you think? The jewels on it are so pretty, I couldn't get it out of my head. Since this our first real, romantic date.. could I wear it?" He requested sweetly, using his irresistible puppy dog stare.
"Oh..uh-" Ei stumbled back. "That old thing? Do you really want to wear something like that?"

"I'll take really good care of it! Pretty please?" Izuku batted his lashes.

"You know what?" Ei laughed. "You could have it. Consider it a gift from me." He squeezed his shoulder.
Ei quickly rushed to his room and presented Izuku with the medal. Then they walked to his car when Izuku stumbled.

"Woah. You okay?"

"Oh! Yeah." Izuku giggled nervously. "I just um.. over exerted myself fighting a villain so my leg's a little sore. Speaking of!"
"I forgot I left an important report I need to file at Todoroki's! Do you mind if we stop there before our reservation?"

"You sure do love inviting Todoroki along our dates, huh?" Kirishima sighed.

"It will be really fast!" Izuku pressed his hands together.
"How fast can it be if Saki-chan's there? It's a weekend." Ei chuckled, knowing Izuku's tendency to catch up with the girl who was like a second daughter to him.

"We have a lot of time before our reservation!" Izuku grinned. "Trust me."
“Really rare Bakugo suggests a game night, huh?” Kaminari said in front of the Todoroki manor with a pack of beer in his hand.

“Even rarer that he invites Todoroki!” Mina scratched her head before gasping. “You don’t think… THEY’RE HAVING AN AFFAIR DO YOU?!”
“No way.” Sero chuckled. “Todo wouldn’t do that to Saki! And Bakugo is still whipped for Midoriya!”

“He should move on.” Mina grumbled.

“Don’t say that.” Denki looked down guiltily. “Midoriya will take him back eventually. He has to… right? And then we can finally forget…”
“Let’s not talk about that here.” Sero whispered harshly.

“You guys?” A floating colorful outfit carrying a basket full of goodies questioned.

“Toru?” Mina said uneasily. “What are you doing here?”

“YaoMomo invited me over for tea and cookies…”
They all shrugged and knocked on the door. None taking note why they would all be together in one place. Afterall, they always hung out together. Hagakure being there was a little odd. But Momo always had the girls over!

"Welcome!" Momo greeted. "I made enough tea for everyone!"
"Has Bakugo arrived yet?" Mina questioned.

"Him and Todoroki are making the final preparations for the fun game you'll all be playing! They have to adjust because of a few additional guests!" Momo informed them.

"Oh! Who else is coming?" Denki questioned excitedly.
"You'll see." Momo giggled. Everyone happily walked in to the beautifully decorated living room and chatted for awhile. Like it was a normal gathering amongst friends.

"Hi you guys!" Todoroki Saki walked into the living room, trying her best to keep it together but-
she was having a really tough time processing what she was told and seeing them exasperated her emotions.

"Saki-chan! What's wrong?" Mina rushed to her. "Did a stupid man break your heart?!"

"Not.. just a man..." Saki cried and ran to her room.

"Excuse her." Momo said sadly.
Everyone looked a little uneasy when the doorbell rang.

"That's our next guest!" Momo clapped her hands excitedly before walking away.

"Poor Saki..." Denki mumbled.

"I wonder what happened." Toru mused. "Must be tough being a teacher!"

"Y-you guys?" Sero paled.
Uraraka walked in nervously and everyone's jaws dropped. She never visited the Todoroki house. Ever. Her husband Tenya would visit and she would always find a reason to be "busy". Whenever they baby sat Saki, it was always at their house at Ochaco's insistence.
"Toru-chan?" Ochaco questioned as she looked around the room at everyone who was gathered. "What is this?"

"It's game night!" Hikari walked behind her excitedly. "Sit! Papa has a fun game for all of you!"

"Wh-where is you Papa anyway?" Sero scartched the back of his head.
"I'm right here!" Katsuki walked in with a huge grin on his face carrying a giant Barrell painted like one of his grenades followed by Shoto.

"Hey man! Long time no see!" Denki stood up.

"Aren't we a little old to be playing Pop up Pirate?" Mina giggled. "Or Pop up Dynamight?"
"Dunno, ARE we too old to be playing games?" Katsuki raised his brow.

"Hikari-chan... why did you really bring me here?!" Ochaco tried to bolt for the door but Hikari pulled her back with her mind.

"Sit Auntie!" She giggled. "The real fun is almost here!"
"Real fun? More fun than the game?" Mina asked excitedly, not putting any pieces together at all.

"Yes. The prize is almost here." Shoto nodded.

"Ooo! I love prizes!" Mina jumped up.

"If it's from Todoroki, it's bound to be expensive!" Denki said with stars in his eyes.
The doorbell rang and Momo clapped her hands. "That's our final guests!"

As she walked away, everyone chattered excitedly until Denki received a notification on his phone. "Holy shit. Guys."

"What?" Sero questioned.

"There was an awful attack at an abandoned warehouse!"
"How can it be an attack if it's abandoned?" Mina wondered.

"Three heroes were in there, investigating a lead." He said shakily. "And then it exploded... they're alive but their injuries are terrible!"

"Which heroes? Anyone we know?!"

"Tetsutetsu...Kaibara...and Kamakiri."
The room suddenly went silent as everyone looked at each other uneasily.

"Really?" Shoto said using what had to be the worst acting anyone had ever witnessed. "I wonder who did that."

"Oh! Kirishima-kun! Long time no see! And Midoriya! You look lovely! Come this way!"
It hit everyone all at once when Eijiro entered the room followed by Izuku...wearing the medal.

"Hey guys! Oh man! Am I missing game night?" Kirishima questioned, too elated to be going on a date with Izuku to notice the common thread in the room.

"You weren't invited."
Katsuki snapped.

"Kacchan! Play nice!" Izuku scolded.

"I don't have to play nice to someone who is going on a date with my husband!" Katsuki roared.

"Hey! He's not your husband anymore!" Eijiro stood between them.

"I can handle this Kirishima." Izuku walked up to Katsuki.
"Did you handle class B?" Izuku asked coldly.

"I did."

"Good." Izuku gently caressed Katsuki's face before leaping into his arms and ferociously making out with him.

"Huh?! What's going on?!" Eijiro questioned.

"What's going on is we need to go!" Ochaco stood up.
"No one is going anywhere!" Shoto declared before freezing everyone in place.




"WAAHHHH I'M SORRY!" Kaminari wailed.

"EVERYONE SIT DOWN!" Hikari ordered before sitting them all on the couch with her mind. "AND YOU TWO! STOP THAT!"
She blushed furiously as her parents kept swapping spit.

"Oh...right..Kacchan...I have to...use blackwhip." Izuku said between kisses.

"Ponytail can make rope."

"It's not the same." Izuku giggled.


Izuku quickly used blackwhip to restrain everyone as tightly as he could against the various furniture in the living room.

"You did such a good job Hikari. I'm so proud of you!" Izuku sniffled. "You even drove your first car without me there!"

"Izuku, you still can't drive."
Katsuki reminded him.

"But I still wanted to be there." Izuku grumbled. "Anyway! You have to leave this to us now, okay?"


"I really don't want you to see me like this!" Izuku blushed.
"It's best you have the image in your head of your parents as heroes! And now whatever is about to happen!"

"OH GOD!" Kaminari screamed in fear before Izuku restrained his mouth shut. "MMMMM!" He cried.

"You already did a good job with Copy cat and Shinso! Leave the rest to us"
"You just wanna make out more." Hikari rolled her eyes.

"We have make Shitty Hair suffer, don't we?!"

"That's the plan!" Izuku agreed feverishly.

"I liked you better divorced!" Hikari covered her face and ran away to Saki's room. As soon as she slammed the door,
Katsuki smashed his and Izuku's lips together. Izuku kissed him over and over and giggled excitedly before turning to his tied up friends and frowning.

"Now then." He floated to a chair in the center of the room, removing the medal and placing it on the table. "Where were we?"
TBC 🏅 (Sorry this is so smol and I'm leaving you hanging. I gotta nap after work and then the rest of the magic will happen!!!)
“Midoriya!” Eijiro cried.

“It’s Bakugo again.” Izuku corrected him harshly. “No thanks to you or anyone else in this room!”

“Please!” Mina cried. “It’s all his fault! And Monoma’s! The rest of us knew! And we should have said something but we tried to stop them! I swear!”
“Should have said something?” Katsuki slammed an explosion into the ground. “When should have said something Pinky?! When you came by and cleaned my home for me?! When you helped me pack my life away?! When I couldn’t even get up because I was wallowing in misery?!”
“I’m so sorry Katsuki! I am!” She shook.

“How about all the times you babysat Hikari?!” Izuku tightened the restrained so hard she started choking. “How did you manage to look my daughter in the eye after conspiring to a point a gun in her face!”

“I…I’m so…”
“It was all Kirishima!” Ochaco blurted out. “Deku-kun! You have to understand!”

“Another word out of your mouth, and I will snap your neck! How dare you speak to me!” Izuku cried. “How dare you hold my hand when I sobbed after my family fell apart! How dare you-”
“get so close to the little girl whose life you ruined! I can’t believe I let her look up to you as a mother figure! I can’t believe I had you teach her how to do her hair! I can’t believe I trusted you with all her important milestones I had trouble with!”
“I can’t believe I ever called you my friend!”


“Tell everyone what?” Momo asked darkly. “What did you have to hide Ochaco.”

“Y…YaoMomo…I don’t know what you-”

Momo slapped her across the face.
“The only reason I don’t strangle you right now is because while I loathe what you did, I can never loathe what it resulted in. I love my Saki more than anything! But I had dreams! I had plans! And you threw a wrench into them! You have no idea how violated I feel!”
“We fucked up!” Sero confessed. “We went too far! We didn’t stop anyone because we didn’t think they were actually capable of it! But Kirishima and Monoma did the worst!”



“How did you find out?” Hagakaure sniffled. “Who told you? Was it Monoma? Shinso? They’re the only ones not here! They’re liars!”
“You all sure are squirming for something that was a lie.” Shoto noted.

“YaoMomo was all Uraraka and Kirishima!” Mina sobbed. “Our biggest mistake was joining that stupid club and remaining silent! We were just bored!”

“Well good thing we’re all here to play a game, huh?!”
Katsuki grinned wide. “Why don’t you explain the rules, baby?” He pulled Izuku onto his lap on the chair.

“Sure!” Izuku beamed, and rambled off the rules like they were exciting fun facts. “You all are getting a sword that you have to stick in the barrel!”
“Like this!” He gestured to YaoMomo who made a sword with her quirk then handed it to Shoto who lit it on fire.

“Each of your swords will have Todoroki’s quirk! But only one of these holes is packed with Kacchan’s sweat!”

“You’re kidding!” Mina gaped.
“That would blow this whole place up!” Eijiro cried. “Are you crazy?!”

“Yes.” The four said at once.

“But not enough to blow this house up! You’re all going somewhere else to play!” Izuku giggled.

“Somewhere no one will find you.” Momo smiled. “Or save you.”
“LIKE HELL WE WILL PARTICIPATE IN OUR OWN DEMISE!” Eijiro screamed. “We can fight back!! Everyone!” He tired to go full hardening but couldn’t activate his quirk. “Huh?”

“I’m sorry….” Monoma unveiled himself, having copied Toru’s quirk when she walked in.
“It’s time….I do what’s right.”

“YOU TRAITOR!” Uraraka screamed.

“You’re one to talk about being a traitor!” Izuku seethed.

“I am going with you guys to play….” Monoma explained.

“But there is one way out of this.” Katsuki said while crossing his arms. “Apologize.”
“Explain why you did it and why you are wrong.” Shoto said. “If we like your reason, and believe you are genuine. We’ll let you go.”

“Kaminari-kun.” Izuku undid the restraint on his mouth. “You first.”

“I AM SO TERRIBLY SORRY!” Denki cried. “I was awful!! A terrible friend!”
“I never fessed up! And am only apologizing because I was caught because I’m a coward! I let your future be ruined Momo! I let him trick you, Shoto! And Izuku! Katsuki! I can never forgive myself for standing by while your daughter was tormented!” He sobbed.
“I can never forgive myself for ruining your family! And… I’m happy you’re back together even though I can’t celebrate with you!”

“Hmm… I think that was sincere.” Shoto held up a paddle with the number “7”.

“I agree. Very believable.” Momo held up a number ‘8’
“Hmm… no apology for being there for Kacchan despite being the reason he was so distraught. So I’ll give it a 5”

“6. Cause hell yeah you should be happy Izuku and I are back together.” Katsuki growled.

They wrote his total down and had Mina, Sero and Hagakure go next.
“Ochaco.” Izuku seethed for her to go next.


“0.” Momo held up her paddle.

“I DIDNT SAY ANYTHING! HOLD ON!” Ochaco shreiked.

“Demanding something from us? -10.” Katsuki held up his paddle.

“Negative Infinity.” Izuku held up his paddle.

“1.” Shoto said.
Momo glared at him and Shoto amended his score. “Sorry. -1.”


“SHUT UP!” Izuku retrained her mouth. “Kirishima-kun. You’re next.”
“Izuku-” Eijiro spoke before Katsuki blasted him across room with an AP shot.

“No score. You fucking suck.”

“Agreed.” Shoto lit him on fire, causing him scream before cooling his burns off with his ice. Izuku walked up to him and offered his hand.

“Izuku…” Ei cried. “I’m so-”
“I will never love you.” Izuku said firmly before helping him up and throwing him across the room back to where everyone else was. “So I just have one question for you. Was this worth it? Was any of this pain you caused worth it?!”

“I would have done anything… for a chance.”
“In case you haven’t realized by now…there never was a chance.” Izuku declared. “Even if you were the last guy in earth. As long as Kacchan existed in my life, I never had a chance of falling for anyone else.”

“Shall we see which scores we can let go?” Momo questioned.
“I had the highest score, right?” Denki sniffled. “So I can go?”

“Mine wasn’t that far behind yours! Let me go too!” Toru squirmed.

“Actually.” Katsuki grinned and pulled out one of Izuku’s notebooks. “According to the nerd rule book. We only let go if you got a perfect score.”
“Which none of you did.” Izuku mused. “Oh well. Guess you’re all playing!” He clapped his hands together.

“This is cruel!” Mina shrieked. “You gave us hope for nothing!”

“Good. Now go to sleep.” Shinso’s voice boomed causing everyone to pass out.
Izuku, Katsuki, Momo, and Shoto all sat at the bar and sipped on their drinks quietly.

“How long do you think it will take them to realize Bakugo’s sweat isn’t actually in the barrel?” Shoto mused.

“Should take all night. They all will likely turn on each other.”
Izuku noted. “And by the time, they figure out how to leave the maze Momo set up in your garden, the police will be waiting for them.”

“I kind of feel bad for Iida.” Shoto noted. “Maybe I should have warned him what’s coming for his wife.”

“I don’t.” Katsuki said.
“You don’t think Cheeks broke down and confessed the truth to him while married?! Chance he already knows and is protecting her.”

“It’s hard not to suspect everyone these day.” Izuku took a huge gulp of his drink. “I’d like to say Iida would never do that…”
“But I don’t know anymore! I don’t know anyone truly…”

“You know me.” Katsuki poked his cheek.

“Yeah but you’re Kacchan!”

“You know me.” Shoto poked Izuku’s other cheek.


“Down boys.” Momo laughed. “In all seriousness…”
“We can’t go around mistrusting everyone because of a few lousy people. I know it’s easy to let them shatter our faith in people. But… being a hero, being a parent… you see the good in people too. Does the existence of villains prove all people are bad? You can’t let them-”
“shatter your faith in the ones you love. If you do that, they win.”

“You’re right.” Izuku smiled. “I can’t let them ruin this.” He squeezed Katsuki’s hand. “Or this!” He squeezed Shoto’s.

“Hey!” Katsuki seethed.

“Todoroki-kun’s our closest friend!” Izuku explained.
“He would never do anything to hurt us. I know that. And if he did, he wouldn’t be able to hide it. We learned that today!” Izuku laughed.

“Maybe you should take acting lessons, dear.” Momo suggested before giggling.

“Was I really that bad?” Shoto questioned.

“The worst!”
Katsuki barked.

They all drank laughed and reminisced for about an hour before ordering one more round of drinks.

“And then Saki tripped!” Momo laughed, recounting her failed UA entrance exam.

“She tried so hard!” Izuku cried.

“In a way, I’m happy she didn’t become a hero.”
Shoto sipped his drink. “She seemed to relieved to have failed the exam. I’m happy that she felt safe enough to choose her own path. And she’s a wonderful teacher. I’m proud of her.”

“She’s great.” Katsuki agreed. “I hope Hikari’s actually happy at UA.”

“Why wouldn’t she be?”
Izuku blinked.

“I dunno. Something tells me she never really had the drive like you and I did. She seemed more angry like Half and Half at the beginning of our year.” Katsuki noted.

“You think…what happened effected her that much?” Izuku sulked. “Clouded her dream?”
“It’s not your fault.” Katsuki kissed his husband. “Or mine. But we got a lot of time as a family to make up for.”

“Yeah.” Izuku smiled. “Let’s go home.” He laced his hand in Katsuki’s. “Together.”

3 Months Later

“Kacchan! Quick! Have you seen my costume?!”
Izuku ran around their new home frantically . They sold both their houses and bought a cozy cottage together close to the school.

“It’s right here, nerd.” Katsuki grinned.

“I can’t believe our little girl is already participating in her first sports festival! Im so nervous!”
“Don’t be a puddle of tears yet. Our debut as a returning Hero Duo is at the opening ceremony! And the last thing the media needs to run with is photos of you with snot all over your face!” Katsuki rolled his eyes.

“Right! Ah! I’ll try to keep my composure!!!”
They walked hand in hand into the arena and several people took photos of them, fangirling about the reconciled couple.

“Wow! Remember our first sports festival, Kacchan?” Izuku rambled.

“Right. That damn Half and Half!”

“You’re still bitter about it?!” Izuku laughed.
Hikari stretched and took deep breaths as she prepared for the first round.

“Do you see that?” One of the class B girls whispered. “That’s Iida Karin right?”

“Why’d they let her compete?”

“Her mom’s awful, you know!”

“Karin!” Hikari marched up to her childhood friend.
“Oh… hi Hika-Chan.” Karin said nervously. “Did I do something wrong?”

Hikari stared at her before holding her fist out. “You’re the person to beat this Sports Festival. So count on me! I’m gonna kick your ass in the finals!”

Karin’s tired eyes shined brightly. “Right!”
She bumped her fist. “Let’s give everyone a good show!”

Hikari tried to not obsessively check social media but she couldn’t help it. Her parents were already trending. And she had to hold back her own tears of joy at their happy faces in all the photos.
The past few months had been a dream. Things were finally as they should be. Her family was a perfect doll house set. There may have been some cracks in the walls. But they were repaired and renovated and made more stable than ever before.

“And now!”
Hikari’s Auntie Eri, hero name Rewind Girl, announced to the lively audience. “It’s time for a speech from our highest scorer at the entrance exam! Bakugo Hikari!”

Everyone cheered as she took the stage.

Hikari looked at her classmates then found her parents in the crowd.
Her Papa Izuku was crying and her Papa Kacchan was desperately wiping his face with a hankerchief and scolding him to pay attention.

“When I first came into UA, I said I was going to be a hero for revenge. But I’ve since changed my mind!” She announced.
“I want to be a hero that anyone can call family! I want to bring people together! And I’m gonna start by winning this whole thing! I can’t afford to lose! So watch me!” She grinned. “Plus Ultra!”

“Plus Ultra!” Everyone cheered.

Izuku and Katsuki watched her proudly.
“We raised a great kid, huh Izuku?” Katsuki squeezed his hand tightly.

“Yeah.” Izuku nodded furiously. “I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for never giving up on us. Thank you for fighting for me.”

“You know I always will.” Katsuki squeezed him tight.
“Cause it’s a fight I’m always going to win.” He whispered in his ear and Izuku couldn’t help but kiss him at the fireworks began to start the festival.
/End Thread 🧡💚

WHEW! Thank you all for reading! I just had to get this out of my system! I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it!
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In this town, everyone had quirks except for him. Which was how he lost his memory! It was accident and the one who did it was really apologetic!
But it was okay because everyone in the town was really helpful in reminding him who he was and what he did for a living! Kacchan and him were both detectives who protected this town since there were no heroes assigned to it!
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"Yeah! There's lantern sharks! And Lemon sharks and Whale sharks! And Nurse sharks!" Kazui and the kid, Mahiro became fast friends. Kazui ended up following him and his family all through the aquarium.

"You should come have dinner with us!" Mahiro begged.
"Yeah! That sounds fun!" Kazui completely forgot about his class as he walked out of the aquarium with them to the parking lot.

"Where are your parents, dear?" Kazui's mother asked him. "We're happy Mahiro made a friend, but.. maybe it's time you go back with your Mama?"
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Jul 20, 2023
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CW: Self Harm, Dark themes (But major healing and love at end!)

Midoriya Izuku lived his biggest dream as the number one hero. It was a short time, but it was the best time of his life. He lost One for All at 23 years old and now he was back to being quirkless.
Izuku gratefully guzzled the water as Katsuki held his head to his heart and let him hear it beat. He always knew exactly what to do.

“Kacchan, you had a hard night last night.” Izuku reminded him. “I saw the news, you were helping those civilians evacuate for hours.”
“The last thing you need to worry about is my runny eggs!”

“Izuku!” Katsuki kissed him. “When we got married, I made an oath. In sickness and in health, damnit! Helping you and your runny eggs is my job that I take seriously!”

Izuku smiled gratefully at him.
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Bakugo Katsuki was a very important businessman. No, he was more like a business tyrant. Needless to say, he was extremely busy and this annoying ass wedding planner was the last of his worries. He looked at his assistant,
“I had the wrong idea about you. Thank you for watching over my son. Please continue to allow him to be part of your success.” Inko bowed.

“It wouldn’t be success without him.” Katsuki smirked before standing up. “I’ll try and take more days off for the both of us.”
Izuku jolted awake as his alarm blared for him to get ready for work. Shit! Was he at his mom’s?! He hadn’t slept here in two years, at least. His began to pound. Oh no.
Oh no.
Oh no no no!

How much did he drink last night?! What did he do?!
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