Please stop associating european countries with "beautiful" dreams.
You will only enter a Machiavellian (cunning, duplicitous, in bad faith) nightmare.
Bollywood has brainwashed Indians to associating positives with places like Poland, Switzerland, UK, etc.
Reality is different.
"Indians introduced British men in the delights of regular bathing."
"Those who had returned home (to Britain) and continued to bathe and shampoo themselves on a regular basis found themselves scoffed at as ‘effeminate’."
William Dalrymple in White Mughals
THE first Englishmen who came to India as servants of the East India Company were bewildered by the Hindus taking a daily bath. Those Indians who visited England in the 17th and 18th ce, had not recorded their impressions about bathing facilities in the houses they lived in.
For most Englishmen of the 17th and 18th centuries, a bath must have been a rare experience indeed, affordable to the very rich, who perhaps took baths when they felt particularly obnoxious. Such indulgences were possible only during the few weeks of what the English call summer
Desis in India have been aspiring to go english literature since pre independence.
They learn literary devices like similes that show blackness as sad and bad.
#Racist#Literature influences the social life style, culture and literature of India.
How did English literature become part of Bengali / Tamil/ Hindi literature in 2022? Why should Indians reads Conrad, Maugham, Orwell anymore in school? Bharat needs a grand narrative. Otherwise the world majority sees the word Bharat and
they go "Bharat detected opinion rejected". They box the Bharatiyas into a category titled "ignore".
Years of anti-bharat-brainwashing by English literature poetry/prose iassociates barsat🌦️ with death/sadness and black Kali as negative.
If "every fetus has the right to be born",as per what american supreme court decided in Roe Vs Wade, then why did Americans fund sterilization of poor women in the 1950's and 60's in India, Korea, China and Reunion islands?
Fetus of poor non americans had no such right ?
Is religion, culturally regressive traditions, or race to blame for gender imbalances? No, Not really. Both Confucianism and Hinduism reserve the most terrible of fates for those who kill fetuses. As does Christianity condemn abortions.
The role of Western governments and elitist institutions turns out to be hitherto mostly unexamined, and more ominously, more critical in the disappearance of 160 million girls in Asia
Officially unfollowing Salvatore Babones. His tweets asking about India betray his deep american insularity every single time. This zombie nacho tweet is the last straw.
Explain why Dior would price J'adore 30 times more than jasmine oil, its key ingredient?
Because you the customer decides demand. Because you the customer will pay pittance to the Tamilian flower lady but pay 30 times the cost of jasmine oil to french Christian Dior.
Then after ensuring that Dior is rich due to your choices , you will study hard at institutions subsidized by Indian tax payers and get a job in Dior to yourself get exploited for cost arbitrage favoring Dior.
AND You will never be caught dead wearing malligai in your hair.
Why would you never want to wear malligai in your hair but instead spray on extremely overpriced and Unsustainable j'adore?
Simple answer. Cultural epistemicide has taken place. Contant prejudice allows you to believe that exploitative french perfume is best.