1. Do you know who is behind coordinated and very well-planned attacks against #AdaniGroup?
You need to invest 5 minutes in reading this thread and you will understand who is behind the attack against Adani. #UnmaskingSharpshooters
2. On the last 25th short-seller Hindenburg Research published a report and very well-planned and coordinated attacks started against Adani.
This attack is very similar to how Anti-India George Soros broke the Bank of England and the Bank of Thailand.
3. After a report of short-seller Hindenburg research, a cartel of Indians has created a negative narrative against Adani.
This is not a natural narrative against Adani. This is a very well-planned attack.
Let me show you how
4. This attack is not started on 25th January 2023 after the Hindenburg research report, but It was started in 2016/17 from Australia.
Adani got a project for Carmichael Coal mine in 2010 in Australia.
5. In 2017 a protest against Adani was started by a few NGOs under the leadership of 350.org NGO. They have formed a group #StopAdani to stop this project.
6. This NGO 350.org is funded by the Tides Foundation heavily.
7. But do you know who funds Tides Foundation?
Check out names and amounts for just one year!
It has the names of the Soros, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller, Omidyar, and Bill Gates.
8. In India there is an NGO National Foundation for India (NFI).
Before I tell you about this NGO, Let me show you a list of donors to NFI.
It has also the names of Soros, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller, Omidyar, Bill Gates, and Azim Premji.
9. Let me remind you that under the leadership of Azim Premji an NGO IPSMF started, which funds Altnews, The Wire, The Caravan, The News Minute, etc propaganda news websites.
10. Now Let's come back to National Foundation for India (NFI) again.
Seema Chisti is a Media Fellowship adviser at NFI.
She is Editor at The Wire. She Writes for The Caravan and She is the wife of CPI(M) leader Sitaram Yechury!
11. Ideally it should be in the news that the wife of a communist politician gets a salary and perks from an NGO which is funded by billionaires like Ford, Bill Gates, Azim Premji, Soros, Rockefeller, Omidyar, etc! But anyway let's move on.
12. The Wire has a special tie-up with Soros, Ford, Bill Gates, Azim Premji, Omidyar, and Rockefeller-funded NFI.
13. Interestingly, The Wire has written a series of five propaganda articles against Adani regarding their Australia project in 2017!
14. Dhanya Rajendran is another Media Fellowship adviser at NFI.
She is co-founder of The News Minute, which is funded by IPSMF and received support from Soros via MDIF.
Interesting right?
15. This Dhanya Rajendran has created a cartel of people and propaganda websites with the name Digipub.
Money laundering accused, hardcore communist Prabir Purkayastha from Newsclick is vice-chairman of this cartel.
16. Now check out the names in the list of founding members.
IPSMF funds almost all.
If you will check the timelines of people involved with propaganda websites, you will find almost the same propaganda tweets and coordinated attacks against Adani
17 Let me show you a few random examples from this cartel. How they have started the coordinated attack on SM and their websites with their propaganda articles and tweets against Adani.
Let's Start with Dhanya Rajendran, founder of the Digital cartel Digipub
18. Next member of this cartel is @TheDeshBhakt
Just check his timeline.
19. Next I checked randomly, Ajit Anjum and Alok Joshi.
They are an individual member of the Digipub cartel.
Check their timelines.
20. I don't want to make this thread very lengthy by posting about each one of them, so I am giving you the list of these #DigitalSharpshooters here. You can check their websites and SM accounts.
You will understand very easily that they are involved in a coordinated attack.
21. All these above #DigitalSharpshooters get training and funding from foreign NGOs and from their Indian partners to target people or organizations which are nationalists.
22. New #DigitalSharpshooters get their training from these foreign-funded NGOs and they got recruitment by propaganda websites like The Wire, The Caravan, Altnews, Newsclick, etc.
23. Let me show you one example.
Alishan Jafri got a fellowship in a foreign-funded NFI.
BBC documentary was started with him!
Seema Chishti helped and mentored him. Seema Chisti was an editor with BBC for ten years and now she is the editor of The Wire. Wow!
24. #DigitalSharpshooters who work for Propaganda Websites like The Wire, Article 14, The Caravan, Aljazeera, etc got fellowships from this foreign-funded NFI.
You can check on their website to validate this.
25. Why I have said that this is a very well-planned and coordinated attack?
Just check out retweets of the #StopAdani Australia group.
26. Few more retweets by the Stop Adani propaganda group.
27. This propaganda Stop Adani group is continuously retweeting Ravi Nair's tweets. Who is Ravi Nair?
He writes for The Wire, Newsclick, and Janta ka reporter.
All of these are part of Digipub.
28. Last but not least.
If these people are really concerned about financial fraud and shell companies. Let me give them a tip. Let's see if they expose these people or not.
29. Ritu Kapur, partner and financier of Dhanya Rajendran in The News Minute and co-founder of #DigitalSharpshooters cartel Digipub had a shell company in the UK.
They closed it within a few months without filing a yearly return.
30. I might be under attack very soon as I am exposing the Deep state, their stakeholders and their Digital #SharpShooters
31. Few more explosive details by @thehawkeyex in his thread 👇
Unmasking foreign agents who are working as journalists!
In December 2023, Hannah Ellis Petersen, a reporter from the British newspaper The Guardian, met Pakistan's high commissioner and discussed 'mutual interest.'
2. Just after a few months, she came up with the story to target India.
3. Yesterday, again, Hannah Ellis Petersen came with a hit job article.
This time, her co-author is a deep state-funded communist agent, Ravi Nair.
1. Here is the list of so-called Independent journalists funded by USAID-funded Earth Journalism.
This list has the names of 86 Indians who write articles on their pay roles.
Do you know where their articles are published?
To know read this thread now👇
2. See how USAID funds millions and works closely with Interviews Network, the parent outfit of Earth Journalism Network.
USAID funds it to create its assets worldwide.
3. When I checked the biodata of so-called Independent journalists, I was shocked to see that most of them write propaganda articles for websites like The Wire, Aljazeera, and other IPSMF-funded websites.
1. Here is the extremely important investigative thread
No one should miss it👇
2. A propaganda podcast, 'Khakiland,' is created by Islamist sympathizer Maktoob media in support of rioters like Tahir Hussain, Umar Khalid, Khalid Saifi, and many others who attacked Hindus with preplanned riots.
They are repeatedly publishing such propaganda stories.
3. Creator of this propaganda podacast are Shaheen Abdulla and Aslah Kayyalakkath.
Both of them are founders of the radical propaganda website Maktoob Media.
People associated with the terrorist outfit HAMAS are whitewashing the terrorists who are in jails in India.
Shockingly, Apple and Spotify also gave their platforms to radicals to whitewash the crime of rioters.
Here is the extremely important investigative thread
2. A propaganda podcast, 'Khakiland,' is created by Maktoob media in support of rioters like Tahir Hussain, Umar Khalid, Khalid Saifi, and many others who attacked Hindus with preplanned riots.
3. Creator of this propaganda podacast are Shaheen Abdulla and Aslah Kayyalakkath.
Both of them are founders of the radical propaganda website Maktoob Media.