Through the perspective of supply chains, Church taking control of marriage and family makes sense entirely.
Also, Prophet Muhammad was a genius.
Patriarchy makes sense entirely, and it was to defend ....women.
Prophet Muhammad saying up to 4 wives was due to excess women because of wars when men would spend time and/or die. Excess Women would end up as slaves or prostitutes or die of hunger.
Constituting marriage with up to 4 wives solved that societal and supply chain problem.
The Christian Church, if we see it through a supply chain perspective, marriage was sanctified and taken control of in order to elevate women to be as much equal to men as possible.
Patriarchy as a system defended women, if we see it through supply chain eyes.
Presidenti jugosllavo-katolik, që tani quhet Kroaci, tha që Kosova i përkiste Serbisë, por nuk i përket më tani. Ai vazhdon ta mbështesë atë që tha.
Kjo është prova e dytë që katolicizmi modern është një qelbësirë anti shqiptare.
Është e qartë që islami modern dhe ortodoksia moderne janë qelbësira anti shqiptare, por shqiptarët që gjithmonë kanë shikuar nga Vatikani që të na mbështesë si perëndimorë, jo si turq myslimanë, tani ta kenë të qartë.
Disa muaj përpara Patriarku satanik Irenej i kishës satanike serbe, falenderoi Vatikanin e qelbur që paska rënë dakord me satanistët e kishës serbe që Kosova është Serbi.
I remember speaking with DC insiders in 2015-2018, asking them about concern on supply chains.
Their reply was: NONE. They trust the Bankers.
Things have changed.
Pentagon openly is saying they were wrong on trusting finance, they were wrong on disregarding supply chains, and the only that matters now according to pentagon is
I am saying that the world is trying to replace USD with BARTER.
This is self evident. They are declaring it, everybody is declaring it.
Am I saying that they will succeed at the very end?
What I am saying that SAYING AND TRYING is more than enough to break supply chains, which is happening.
Seeing that the world is shifting from SAYING TO TRYING, Washington DC now has woken up to the fact that supply chains are breaking down, because they own supply chain has already broken down.