Looking forward to tearing more about @WildlifeTrusts's 2030 Strategy, and the challenges & opportunities that they face in achieving their goals #NatureSeries
.@KathrynABrown opens her presentation by giving a potted history of The Wildwlife Trusts, going back to their foundation in 1916, through to present day as the UKs 7th largest landholder with 2,300 nature reserves with over 3k staff, 37k volunteers & 900k members #NatureSeries
Brown moves on to announcing the 2030 Strategy - which not only continues to move forward on its founding goals of preserving nature, but also reversing the trend of biodiversity loss, with an increased focus on nature-based solutions to help reverse & decline #NatureSeries
Brown says there is also a new focus on community engagement - empowering people to take "meaningful action" to reverse nature decline both within their local communities as well as #SocialPrescribing to help with social connections & mental health #NatureSeries
On nature-based solutions, Brown says that it is about ensuring nature "is used to address local & global problems", which not only includes habitat loss & climate change, but also wider societal & human health issues #NatureSeries
Looking at 2022's impact report, Brown gives case studies on the work TWT is doing on nature-based solutions, including nearly £2.2m invested in 159 natural flood management activities. Brown says she is keen to be testbeds for areas where Govt policy is "lacking" #NatureSeries
Turning to recent examples, Brown discusses the Aviva Rainforest Programme - which TWT believe is funded by the largest private donation for a nature-based solution in the UK, aimed at restoring UK's rainforests, turning them into publicly accessible nature reserves #NatureSeries
Turning to community-led adaptation, Brown highlights an example from #Somerset that is empowering residents to decide for themselves the types of nature-based interventions (e.g. Sustainable Drainage Solutions) they can implement to help adapt to a changing climate #NatureSeries
Brown also gives an example of natural flood solutions from #Sheffield, where a series of floodwater ponds & water pathways have been created for places for water to go, removing flood risks & creating a "photo trail" for tourists to capture the changing landscape #NatureSeries
Turning to challenges & barriers to nature-based solution, Brown says that the main challenges revolve around gathering the right evidence & how this is translated into practical actions #NatureSeries
In particular, Brown says it is important for The Wildlife Trusts to ensure all of its Trusts are collecting data in a robust and uniform way and making the best use of the data that it is collected #NatureSeries
Brown goes through the findings of the WT's "Evidence Emergency Project", which shows strength of feeling as to whether TWT was evidence led. Also identified barriers to evidence incl. lack of opportunities to share best practise & academic research behind paywalls #NatureSeries
Next, Brown moves on to how this evidence is translated in to practical action. Brown goes through the reports published by TWT which set out their objectives in various areas, including nature-based solutions #NatureSeries
First, Brown describes the mapping of data and how TWT put together a risk register, which helped the different trusts to prioritise their local issues against the national objectives, depending on differing regional circumstances #NatureSeries
Part of these challenges, Brown explains, come from the fact that TWT doesn't have a lot of realtime data from events such as heatwaves & depending on volunteers to collect research means it can be inconsistent in terms of what is collected & when #NatureSeries
Part of these challenges, Brown explains, come from the fact that TWT doesn't have a lot of realtime data from events such as heatwaves & depending on volunteers to collect research means it can be inconsistent in terms of what is collected & when #NatureSeries
Ideally, Brown wold want to measure condition of non-protected areas (marine/freshwater & terrestrial), areas of habitats under active restoration, connectivity, people taking meaningful action for nature & urban biodiversity #NatureSeries
On human action, Brown says data shows that 1 in 4 people will engage in "nature positive" actions such as gardening or feeding the birds, but little robust data exists on whether those actions have meaningful positive impacts #NatureSeries
Finally, on "tunnel vision", Brown says there are three main areas that nature-based conditions can have a positive impact - climate, nature & people. However, Brown expresses concerns that siloed thinking can only address 1 segment, leading to "perverse incentives" #NatureSeries
The webinar now moves on to a Q&A session #NatureSeries
On the rainforest project, Brown welcomes the partnership with Aviva. Notes that, as an insurance company, they are often "more switched in" to the benefits of nature-based solution, as they understand the risks & wish to play a role in mitigating them #NatureSeries
On the challenge of aligning priorities with available funding pots, Brown admits that it can be challenging. Gives example of flood management, where funding from Govt is just for the interventions, but TWT will measure biodiversity gains "as a matter of course" #NatureSeries
On how they acquire new land, Brown discusses the philanthropic loan scheme, which allows high-worth individuals to loan money to the trust to pay for land, but giving their fundraising team sufficient time to raise money to pay back the loan #NatureSeries
Looking forward to what should be an interesting @CIPR_PA event on the role of #MetroMayors and how public affairs practitioners should seek to best work with them to deliver on their agendas #CIPRPA
First, @gerisilverstone notes that PM Starmer's first meeting was with Metro Mayors & the Devolution White Paper & forthcoming Bill as well as "hotly contested" Mayoral Elections in May shows that Metro Mayors are becoming increasingly influential in English politics #CIPRPA
@gerisilverstone First speaker @LabourTogether's Eleri Kirkpatrick-Lorente says she believes power has been "overly centralised for too long" which has resulted in places being underinvested & left behind. Notes Labour are "cognoscente" of the problem which is why we are seeing more MMs #CIPRPA
Looking forward to what should be a fascinating day looking at Labour’s Growth Mission and how we can ensure this is done in a sustainable & inclusive way #IGConf24
The conference is opened by Baroness @ayeshahazarika. She notes that, while “Growth” is the “political buzzword of the day” for politicians, many ordinary voters are still unaware of what growth “looks and feels like” #IGConf24
@ayeshahazarika Hazarika argues that it is “essential” that regions and local authorities help to deliver on Growth. Argues that Labour is the “party of devolution & place” & highlights the importance of Metro Mayors to Labour achieving its goals #IGConf24
First session of the day @jonathancgrant, @mollymjones & @rachel_persad address the “sacred cows” of research culture and asks if there is a better way of doing it #HEFest24
@jonathancgrant @mollymjones @rachel_persad First, Persard argues that any culture, including research culture “needs to evolve to reflect the needs & values of its time”, noting that if the gap between funders’ & researchers’ needs “grows too big” we will see diminished ROI & undermine value of R&D #HEFest24
First panel looking at the decade ahead, and how the new Labour Government could reshape Higher Education #HEFest24
First Sally Mapstone discusses @UniversitiesUK’s Blueprint For Higher Education, giving a potted overview of its formation & its policy objectives. She welcomes it seems to be “gaining traction” with policymakers #HEFest24
Looking forward to what should be an informative day’s conference on #HigherEducation policy debates during the ongoing election period and beyond #UUKPolAffairs
First @UniversitiesUK CEO @viviennestern notes this Conference is happening at a fortuitous time, with new leadership in 🏴 & 🏴, Stormont back up & running, and “the mother of all battles” as we go into a general election #UUKPolAffairs
@UniversitiesUK @viviennestern @UUKevents Reflecting on how quickly time has moved in politics recently, Stern advises delegates to “focus on the unimportant people” who are on their way up - “making friends before you need them” rather than seeking to purely influence those already in power #UUKPolAffairs
Looking forward to attending this important hustings event in person & find out more about the different parties’ positions on R&I, higher education & other important topics #SIThustings24
First speaker Viscount Camrose (Jonathan Berry) sets out the @Conservatives agenda for SIT. He argues that SIT “often doesn’t get enough attention” in a GE campaign so welcomes the opportunity to “rectify” this tonight #SITHustings24
Berry says he believes that this next Parliament will be required to engage on SIT issues “more than any other Parliament before it” & therefore it needs to be “more important to the next Govt than ever before” #SITHustings24