It’s a black day for #SriLanka not because of its past but because of its present.
We have a gov. led by an unempathetic, fascist ruler who is putting up a 200mn show to satisfy a wet dream, while medicines have run out, children are starving, and millions are suffering.
When people peacefully show dissent to the absurdity of this ‘celebration’, they are mercilessly teargassed and beaten by the police.
This is why the Janatha #Aragalaya must continue. ✊🏽
The indifference from the opposition parties, especially SJB/NPP to muster anything against this colossal waste of money is a stark reminder that 9 July did not happen because of selfish political parties but because of the sheer will and power of the people.
I would like to apologise to Lankan twitter for inflicting Prasad the saviour on all of you.
But it’s important to recognise that there are many Prasads in Sri Lanka.
Pseudo activists who see themselves as saviours and above criticism.
I won’t say anything after this 🧵 🙏🏽 1/4
This isn’t the first time, I have dmed him before when he used one of my videos back in April last year. And Prasad isn’t alone on this, there are senior journalists and activists and even news outlets who do this and even resell content. 2/4
While it’s been painful, it’s been illuminating. Esp. about this crop of activists who are similar to our politicians, when questioned they resort to whataboutism and personal attacks. They are also unaware of the history of those who came before them. Those who fought for rights
Just a public service announcement to all tweeps (journalists/activists) who share photos, videos or visual content without crediting the owner or citing the source. “my friend sent it on whatsapp” doesn’t cut it.
🛑 Don’t exploit the hard work of journalists on the ground.
Also, how does giving credit to those who are working tirelessly on the ground, some even risking their lives come under ‘commercial-oriented ethics’?
You realise that you are gaining social capital by exploiting other people’s work.
For example, Lankan journalists/citizens were able to report and provide visual content of instances of #PoliceBrutalityLK and crackdown by the Army, during the #Aragalaya
Not to mention so many other communities here ranging from tech to gaming to academic to corporates etc etc.
It’s unimaginable how a completely clueless manchild #spacekaren is able to fuck things up this badly for millions of people around the world, just because he has money.
Thank you @samarajiva. I guess in the spirit of transparency, it would be good to reveal these multiple sources of funding. There is so much we don’t know about #ApiGodaYamu
Also, what is this ‘citizen’ movement’s position on Ranil as president?
Looks like this new ‘citizen’ ‘movement’ is effectively anti-aragalaya and by extension another movement to safeguard the current SLPP government led by Ranil.
A weird thing happened near Liberty protest. It was peaceful until a bunch of guys walked out of nowhere and started pushing and shoving the police. They were aggressive. The same ones you see below👇🏽
They were calling other protesters to join in. #ProtestLK#SriLankaProtests
Eventually, when they saw people weren’t joining in they stopped. And went to the corner and started speaking to this woman. One of the them was hurt. They were calling her ‘Madam’. I saw this Madam earlier as well. #ProtestLK#SriLankaProtests
Here she instructs them not to attack the police. Then she says ´වැඩේ හරිනේ. හරිනේ වැඩේ. එච්චරයි ඔනේ. අපි කරන්න ගිය/ආපු, වැඩේ හරිගියා'
A supporter says: 'අපේ රාඡකාරිය අපි කරනවනේ'
She leaves. Supporters cheer ´ඡය වේවා'. #SriLankaProtests