@NicolaSturgeon At every opportunity, over the 4 years I've been watching this issue, you have refused to acknowledge that Men might lie about being Trans.
You now personally feel under scrutiny and worry your power is being threatened. It's disgusting. @ForWomenScot
You whipped your party to pass the GRR bill. You voted down every single damn amendment that would have stopped rapists, convicted sex offenders and convicts using Trans status to evade police by changing their identity, or using a GRC to access victims. You did that. You.
You were told, directly and publicly by @ForWomenScot , @legalfeminist and @mbmpolicy in written evidence and committee statements, of the danger of predatory men lying about being trans, to get access to victims and rape and abuse them. You dismissed their concerns, publicly.
You claim to be a 'feminist to your fingertips' but had to be publicly shamed into even having these Women's interest groups give evidence. Initially you only listened to women's groups funded by @scotgov who are forced to be trans positive or be defunded. forwomen.scot/29/12/2019/fun…
You had @ShonaRobison standing in Parliament asserting this absolute nonsense, a lie so egregious it made me feel physically sick.
This was said a year to the day, that Sarah Everard was murdered by a predator using his job as a Police officer to access victims.
Remember the Forensic Medical Services bill from 2022, @NicolaSturgeon ? Remember you fought tooth and nail to keep the definition of medical staff aligned to 'Gender' and not sex? Remember Womens' horror at potentially being intimately examined by a transwomen?
So, I do not believe your protestations now. You are as much a Feminist as I am a furry pink handbag.
I judge you by your actions and you are a consistent betrayer of Women's Rights and a believer of dangerous gender ideology that erases and attacks lesbians, gays and bisexuals.
You aligned yourself with Queer ideology and gender politics thinking it would attract young voters to the SNP. You used internal elections to get your followers and loyal people onto committees to augment your personal power and silenced critics, preventing votes at Conference.
Now the public are paying attention and you, frankly @NicolaSturgeon are panicked realising your power and credibility are threatened.
I used to admire you. Now I understand you are a threat to me and my #LGB kin, and all Women.
Just go, now with some dignity.
Because, the reality is you've utterly fucked up through your own hubris, your lies, your manipulation of your own party and trying to con the Scottish public.
It's only going to go downhill from here. Even @AlynSmith declined to support you this week.
Read the room. Resign.
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The tragedy of AIDS/HIV; it killed huge swathes of Gay & Bi men who grew up *just* as homophobia was lessening.
They would have been amazing mentors and teachers of truth & history to the #LGB now vulnerable to gender ideology and the Queer lies & poisoning of our history.
Every time I see a trans activist lie that Trans people were integral to gay equality and liberation ... Every time I see people try to define homosexuality as same gender attraction ... every time I see the lie that you are bigoted for not dating transwomen I seeth with rage
Trans rights activists and queer theorists are deliberately trying to erase homosexuality. First they attacked Lesbians and invaded Lesbian bars and clubs, driving them back in the closet and underground.
Then it was Women & single sex spaces & services.
@Sarah_Alice_X Let me explain in my terms.
We Gay men, Lesbians and Bisexuals campaigned for equality when you could be fired for being gay, evicted for being gay, shunned by your family for being gay, assaulted or murdered for being gay & very few people gave a fuck 1/
All we wanted was equal rights: employment protection, housing safety, to be able to walk down the street without being attacked, ability to marry who we love and simple respect from wider society. We gained that for the whole #LGBT community be peaceful campaigning 2/
We chained ourselves to railings, wrote to MPs, described the harms #LGB people faced calmly, whilst remaining steadfast in our own identity as Lesbians, Gay men and Bisexuals. We helped people realise we were no danger. We weren’t paedophiles, we weren’t AIDS spreaders /3
When I joined the fight against gender ideology a couple of years ago, in reaction to my Mother and Sisters being scared of @scotgov proposed gender reforms, I was a bit of a naive idiot.
Well meaning, but largely ignorant of the ongoing struggles of women and their history.
But leaning on my Scientific training, I pushed my ego to the side and saught out knowledge. I read up, asked questions and am grateful to have learned from a huge community of women on here about their lives, challenges, fears, concerns and victories.
I've fought and campaigned all of my adult life for #LGBT rights and realising and learning how a smallish group of TRA had been cuckoos in the nest of not just #LGBTQ campaigning but Women's advocacy groups too has been humbling. Us gays won our fight & fell asleep.
It should be taken as said, that rape and sexual abuse are horrible, evil, crimes. (I know from personal experience.)
Reporting of rape is too low. Prosecution of rape is probably too low.
As a society we need to support Women better. 1/16
That said, it’s a well established tactic to smear your opponents and accusing them of socially unacceptable crimes is the most effective.
If Mr Salmond was accused of a history of recreational shoplifting it wouldn’t have had quite the same perilous impact. 2/16
I know very little about Mr Salmond and his history, but in court he admitted extra marital affairs, so there was the beginning of a smear. It was probably known to close political associates.
That is a matter for Alex and Moira. They may have had an open marriage. 3/16
There's a lesson in the fall of @UKLabour.
The party membership was swelled massively a few years back by influx of younger members revulsed by the Tories ... And after the fluke election of Corbyn, Momentum was formed.
They are a very effective campaigning and lobbying group, who are more than prepared to get stuck in and get their hands dirty to get results.
They've forced constituency votes to get rid of Labour MPs and candidates they didn't approve of, influenced change of policy ...
And have been described by Labour MP Owen Smith as entryists, parasitic on the Labour main party, who are like Militant.
A lot of the left wing, new party policies, such as mass renationalisation, have come from Momentum which positions itself as very left of centre.
@WingsScotland has been in existence for, I think, 8 years and has relentlessly pursued investigative journalism to support the Independence cause.
Stu did all if this online to organise and inform people when few else were.
Wings now has a monthly readership well above 1/4 mil. people and is part of the Scottish public consciousness.
For this he draws only the equivalent of minimum wage, the bulk of fundraising activities go on publications, research and site running costs.
People's first objection is he can be rude. Yes, if he's pushed he pushes back. That's his style and his choice.
If you dont like it, block him.
If you don't like him, I'm sure you're consistant enough to similarly admonish other rude people, aren't you?