#MAID#AssistedDying The Canadian Government is postponing a change in the law relating to this very controversial topic. The @rcpsych psychiatrists are making a fuss. The pseudoscience should be immediately denounced as such & those professing and/or practicing it investigated.
The #pseudoscience of psychiatry has done great damage to humanity across the world. The practitioners should be assumed guilty, rather than innocent, and investigated for crimes against humanity.
All @Psychiatry is bogus cant, starting with Freud the serial abuser of gentlewomen in Vienna and London. The couch🧐☹️👽💀. Some mean good, but in my experience all do bad, whatever the motives. Much of their motivation is sick, devious, and evil.
So ignore their whining, since the Canadian Government must be treading on their very lucrative turf. And boot them out of decent society.
The sane, sensible, legal and collective decisions made in Canada about #AssistedDying are a model for us all. At the end of the day, when death awaits, whose body and mind is it? The @Psychiatrists or that of the person dying?
For a variety of reasons, including monetary, the psychiatrists want the power to decide our liberty, our sanity, & whether we can choose to die if we wish. Those defending them should be ashamed. Psychiatry is a tool of fascism. Total control of the human soul. #pseudoscience
This thread is of great interest to urban planners post-pandemic. I’m sure that there is a similar movement of people from UK and I suspect Irish urban centres to their periphery. Or to the countryside.
My guess as to the reason for the long-term movement at least since the 1990s and its recent reversal is that a steady trend had developed in which people moved to get a job, or to be with friends and relatives, or they followed traditional migration routes.
The pandemic destroyed long-term built-up habits and routines, including family life. It frightened people and forced them to rethink their lives and life styles. It broke supply chains, but also demand expectations, leaving us frustrated and disappointed.
I have heard this being said many times, & I believe that it may be the case. Indeed, I would not be surprised to learn that of the main reasons for Brexit was that the English elite felt that it was much too risky staying in the EU because they may stand to lose out financially.
Maybe they - the Etonians and their American pals (Trump, Mr SB & two-shirts in prison) thought that some of their vast fortunes (compared with the rest of us) would have to be paid over to the tax man. A bit like @nadhimzahawi with his dad and his dodgy tax affairs.
It aways looked suspicious that just as the EU was preparing to bring in new money-laudering laws, & bringing the banks to heel, some of the rich private-equity buccaneers and wide boys from East London would have a go at breaking the UK for their own ends.
What utter nonsense. I’m an economist, who has worked on the whys, hows, whens & wheres of economic growth both in the UK, its regions & countries, the EU & globally. I’ve been researching into economic growth since I joined the CGP in 1965 under Sir Richard Stone.
Economic growth requires strong government & regulation for the economy to function efficiently. It is obvious that banks, companies & people, all have to be regulated or we shall anarchy. Or the state of the union that we have observed ever since you @Tories came to power.
Economic growth requires: stable govt, a vision of community well being, a consensus 5-year plan, high share on investment in GDP, public provision of networked and safety services (water, energy, transport, health, security, govt). You have failed. A loser.
This seems a rather absurd discussion - not really a debate, but a venting of idealistic dreams. I address the critics of the MPs. Open your collective eyes and look at yourselves being limited in vision & thought. Marxists? Socialists? Demagogs? Leftie agitators?
Those criticising MPS need to look around at the food banks, the desperate looks of the homeless on the streets & the state of the Government, which is little short of hopeless incompetence. At the very least, @Keir_Starmer is a decent person, uncorrupted, a leader & a lawyer.
The other lot have some or none of these attributes. We’ve had journalists, PR experts of dubious quality, & Etonian elite cliques running the country, throwing each other the Great Offices of State like footballs to each other. Shameful.
Here (your tweet) is the key to your thesis. How do the democracies of the world prevent the right to “free speech” from destroying the very democracy that allows its citizens their freedom to do so? The answer is obvious: to exist, democracies must restrict some freedoms.
Democracies must protect themselves against their enemies. Otherwise malign, self-interested groups will conspire to take power to enrich themselves. It’s happening right now with the bankers and with the Knit-Poo-inspired right-wing groups everywhere, lusting after money.
The love of money is the root of all evil. Democracies are hanging on a thread, as Knit-Poo continues his cyber war on the West, no holds barred. Webs of invisible shite have been woven around money-lusting politicians, some amateur to a fault.
Neoclassical economics makes the normally hidden assumption that there is a benign dictator running the show, so that maximum utility is achieved in the economy. The behaviourist branch of this mainstream economic theory adds irrational behaviour, namely slow & fast thinking.
The benign dictator is assumed to be rational, and his subjects are assumed to be identical representative agents, with some irrational behaviours. The model is neutral about democracy because there is no democracy if there is a dictator. In other words, the model is bonkers.
Neoclassical economics is one of the most pernicious and malign pseudosciences.