Physiologic flow should be always antegrade and hepatopetal ( towards trasducer). Could be monophasic or gently ondulating,
In doppler it should be red (get the smallest angle posible).
To Remember:
Fugal: Away
Petal: Toward
Normal velocity: 16-40 cms
2/ 7 Hepatic vein ( mainly in atrial contraction ) gets transmitted through the hepatic sinusoids wich causes cardiac variability of portal waveform , and is accentuated in thin subjets.
4/ 7 Increased pulsatility.
Is defined as a pulsatility index > 0.5.
3/4 Ying-yang , or pepsi sign described in both true and false aneurysms.
On Doppler ultrasound, the yin-yang sign indicates bidirectional flow due to the swirling of blood within the true or false aneurysm.…
After appropriate technique to get PWD of suprahepatic Veins.
Look for the 4 classic waves of the tetraphasic spectrum of the hepatic veins (a,S,v,D).
Most of the flow in the hepatic veins is hepatofugal (towards heart).