TheRealVerbz (Jason Verbelli) Profile picture
Feb 11, 2023 56 tweets 39 min read Read on X
In this thread, I'll introduce the brilliant work of Dr. Edward Dowdye.
Credible Challenges to General & Special Relativity, Doppler Shift Theory & more.
If Einstein were alive today, he would concede to Dr. Dowdye's scientific evidence and mathematical proofs.
#BlackHistory Image
The brilliant work of Dr. Edward Dowdye…

Why Should We Question Relativity? (FAQs)…

Optics, Electrodynamics & Gravitation based from Re-Worked classic physics/ Galilean Transformations under Euclidean Space…
16 Peer Reviewed Papers by Dr. Dowdye.
Hosted by NASA and Harvard:…

Propagation and Re-Emission of Light:…

Natural Philosophy Bio:…

More background for Dr. Dowdye:…
Plasma Physics - Flaws & Corrections:…
Double Slit Re-Emission Explanation:…

Inelastic collision and Conservation of Kinetic Energy…

More regarding collisions and center of gravity.…

Gauss’ Law of Gravity:…
Gravitational Lensing in Empty Vacuum Space Does Not Take Place:…
An Ideal Inelastic Collision Model using Center-of-Mass Frames Shows Conservation of Kinetic Energy…
The Shapiro Delay: A Frequency Dependent Transit-Time Effect…

Gravitational Light Bending History is Severely Impact-Parameter Dependent:…
Dr. Dowdye's work dismantles Albert Einstein's Relativity.
Gravitational Potential Gradients and Refraction in Space #BlackHistoryMonth…
NASA Engineer Disproves Claims of Light Bending by Relativity. #BlackHistoryMonth
Stars Bend Light by Refraction, Not Gravity:…
Dr. Edward Dowdye corrected over 120 years of Einstein's flaws.
#BlackHistoryMonth Image
Dr. Dowdye discusses the misconception of #GPS and atomic clocks that are said to validate Relativity. Image
Ron Hatch - GPS Co-Inventor and internationally recognized expert of 50 years disputes Relativity. Wrote a Book called "Escape from Einstein" which details how GPS has nothing to do with Relativity.…
Dr. Essen - Atomic Clock Inventor Rejects Relativity…

Relativity & PopScience Mythology…

Paul Marmet - GPS & Illusion of Constant Light Speed

The Collapse of Lorentz Transformations…
Ron was friends with Dr Dowdye. Ron was going to rewrite his book Escape From Einstein to correct his errors but died before he got a chance. Ron still used a luminiferous aether to distort packets rather than re-emissions of secondaries without need for Aether or 4th Dimension. Image
When Albert Einstein published his General Theory of Relativity (GR) in 1915, he proposed three critical tests... insisting in a letter to the Times of London that if Any one of these three proved to be wrong at any time in the future... the whole theory would collapse. Image
Alternative to the Perihelion of Mercury & Radio Binary Pulsar System (PSR) 1913 +1916 under Classic Physics.
Mass remains constant in Galilean Electrodynamics.
The mathematical equivalent to Relativistic procedures yielding the same predictions & solutions without Relativity. Image
Alternative to Gravitational Redshift and more by Dr. Edward Dowdye
#BlackHistoryMonth Image
I put all the slides from my presentation (and more) into 1 article.
Challenging Relativity and current models of Gravity.
Complete with equations, video links and corroborating material.
Lists of References, Citations and Peer Reviews included at the end.…
Understanding the differences between Relativity (Lorentz Transformations) vs Effectivity (Galilean Transformations)
Dr. Edward Dowdye reformulated Classical physics equations that yield the same predictions and solutions as Relativity but without need for #Relativity at all. Image
The consequences of re-interpreting all past experiments and observations under Galilean Transformations is catastrophically devastating to #Relativity and over 100 years of accepted "facts". Image
It's the duty of the scientific community and all "peers" to acknowledge & understand a new model that yields the same predictions and solutions as Realtivity, but in a more simplistic and elegant manner. EVERY alleged "proof" of Relativity can be dismantled and reinterpreted. Image
Alternative to Gravitational RedShift from Dr. Edward Dowdye. Using only elementary math & Galilean Transformations. Einstein said, if there were any other methods able to derive the same predictions and solutions at any time in the future… that relativity would not be needed. Image
Some challenges to Gravitational Lensing based upon real observations and data collected from #NASA satellites. Image
Actual observations over 14 years by the Max Planck Institute showing NO Lensing whatsoever and NO distortion whatsoever. Relativity simulations insist we SHOULD see rings of light as stars pass behind an alleged #BlackHole
The depictions by Relativity have NEVER been observed.
@elonmusk When I post a clear HD GIF or video clip... it is butchered by Twitter's compression of the file.
Light only Refracts at the boundary of a celestial body. Light does NOT progressively bend around a celestial body as depicted by Relativity's model of gravity and non-existent space-time curvature.
When you shine a light at a glass lens, the light bends ONLY AT the surface. Image
Hopefully Twitter compression doesn't pixelate these next couple tweets...
Gauss' Law of Gravity applied to the Solar Plasma Limb.
Gravity does not bend light. Nor does gravity have ANY direct effect on electromagnetic radiation as Relativity depicts. The effect is only INDIRECT.
Challenges to Gravitational Lensing & More:…
Gauss’ Law of Gravity:…
Gravitational Lensing does not exist.
#Einstein Rings do not exist. Image
The most commonly used phrase I hear when trying to discuss these topics is, "That's above my pay grade." Image
Who is willing to step their game up and spend the time to understand these credible challenges that can change the entire world's understanding of Space, Time, Matter, Energy, Gravity and Light?! Image
Checkmating #chatgpt3 in 2 minutes or less. Can't wait for #chatgpt4 to have wider access to material that I can sort through.
Been waiting for funding to hire graphic designers to make visualizations out of my diagrams and Dr. Dowdye/ Petr Beckmann's challenges to Relativity. Image
@elonmusk I would love to help program #truthgpt
It is crucial to have heretical and credible challenges to current Scientific models. if there is another way to yield the same predictions and solutions… But with an easier method, it should not be banned or censored.
Evidence can be re-interpreted using a completely different model to yield the same predictions and solutions, but with and entirely different process and understanding.

Take GPS for example.
Perhaps you've already heard that GPS, by the very fact that it works, MUST confirm Einstein's relativity; also that Time Dilation MUST be real.

But these are little more than popular fictions, according to the distinguished GPS expert Ron Hatch.
Here Ron describes GPS data that refute fundamental tenets of both the Special and General Relativity theories. The same experimental data, he notes, suggests an absolute frame with only an appearance of relativity.

Ron has worked with satellite navigation and positioning for over 50 years, having demonstrated the Navy's TRANSIT System at the 1962 Seattle World's Fair.

He is well known for innovations in high-accuracy applications of the GPS system including the development of the "Hatch Filter" which is used in most GPS receivers. He has obtained over two dozen patents related to GPS positioning and is currently a member of the U.S National PNT (Positioning Navigation and Timing) Advisory Board. He is employed in advanced engineering at John Deere's Intelligent Systems Group.

Ron wrote a Book called "Escape from Einstein" which details how GPS has nothing to do with Relativity. But rather has to do with re-emissions from different frames of reference.
(although Ron Hatch still used the luminiferous aether medium as a distortion of a primary rather than re-emission of secondaries)

Ron Hatch was friends with Dr. Edward Dowdye and was going to re-write his book to correct it because it was based on an Aether.
But Ron had to tend to his ailing wife who had parkinsons and dementia. So, for the last decade of Ron's life, he wasn't able to write another edition.

Petr Beckmann also referenced this error in his book called Einstein Plus Two.

Along with Dr. Louis Essen who developed an atomic clock.

And quite a few others.

So what people attribute to one model… Might not actually have anything to do with the claims in reality.
Thus the flaws of Lorentz transformations versus Galilean transformations.

Dr. Louis Essen - Atomic Clock Inventor Rejects Relativity:

GPS, Relativity and PopScience Mythology:

Paul Marmet - GPS and the Illusion of Constant Light Speed:

The Collapse of Lorentz Transformations - Paul Marmet:…Image
I was able to get a signed copy of Ron's book, Escape from Einstein.
Hidden behind the cover of the book was this short quiz Ron included. Image
Petr Beckman wrote a book in 1987 called Einstein Plus Two and it's a lot like Dr. Edward Dowdye's stance.
(Was Very difficult to obtain a hard copy). Image
Einstein Mistranslated:…
All this talk about black holes, white holes, worm holes... the only holes in nature are pink... but these nerds wouldn't know anything about that. 🤓
A video I put together to give people context to the differences between Classic Physics vs Relativity - History, Examples and Alternatives.
(This was deleted by YouTube because they say it specifically qualifies as "Medical Misinformation")
All the light you ever see is the re-emitted light from the electrons making up yourself.

It is never the same light from the Sun that comes in through your window and into your eyes. The electrons making up the window produces a brand-new secondary light, and then the electrons making up your eyes produce a brand-new tertiary light.

It is not the same light ricochetting off the surface of a mirror. The electrons making up the surface of the mirror absorb the incoming primary... which diminishes to zero... as those same electrons reproduce a brand-new secondary light as an equal and opposite reaction.

It is not the same light traveling from a distant galaxy to a telescope. The light is absorbed by intergalactic media and is then re-emitted as a brand new light. Traveling relative to the interfering medium.

It is not the same light detected during the double slit experiment. The electrons making up the sensor and detector itself are measuring the frequency of interference between the source and electrons making up the target.

It is not the same light refracting through a prism or lens. The electrons making up the prism/lens will re-emit and brand-new light internally and then again out the other side.

The same light never distorts and continues on.
It is a brand new light at every point of interference.
And that new light is traveling relative to the electrons making up the target...
All observers and sensors and detectors can ultimately only measure the re-emitted light from the electrons making up themselves.
And since all electrons making up an observer are traveling relative to that observer...
it serves the illusion that the velocity of light is the same to all observers.
It is not.
It is physically impossible to measure the velocity of any primary packet. The act of measurement introduces interference which produces a secondary.

"If the velocity of light is even a tiny bit dependent upon the velocity of the light source... then my entire theory of Relativity and Gravitation is false." -- Albert Einstein
Here is Part 2 of the Classical Physics versus Relativity.
This one more focusing on the differences of how time and gravity is perceived between the two models.
If time is indeed a constant and is Not relative... what would that mean for looking at distant objects through a telescope?
If time is constant... there is only Now to observe. We are not looking back in time when we see stars and galaxies.
In the video are some examples of what you would see through a telescope in Real-Time versus the delayed transmissions which propagate at the velocity of light.

This concept is Very difficult for people since Relativity tarnished the critical thinking process for many.
The first model you encounter will be the dominant one and psychologically what people will defend.
If you encountered the classic physics model first... you would find Relativity nonsensical and absurd.

Doesn't matter if you agree... just want people to understand the differences and consequences of the opposing model.
Who would you rather believe… Kneel DeGross Tyson, or Dr. Edward Dowdye?
🤡s like this will get the larger public to realize black holes do not exist.
Metallic hydrogen exists, which is a state of condensed matter that is so stable it is incompressible by definition. Making any alleged gravitational collapse or black hole formation impossible.
(We'll get to that in the near future in the thread.)
Petr Beckman - Howard C Hayden and Galilean Electrodynamics Clippings

Einstein Plus Two and Challenges to Realtivity…
Dr. Louis Essen, Inventor of an Atomic Clock, was not fond of Einstein or Relativity. Image
Propagation and Re-Emission of Light.
On the Rectilinear Motion of Wavepackets…

The Shapiro Delay: A Frequency Dependent Transit-Time Effect…

Gravitational Light Bending History is Severely Impact-Parameter Dependent:…
Illusions of Relativity: Space-Time vs Real-Time

This is a Part 2 to the Illusions of Light and Time video.
This presentation is a comprehensive expose on the differences between Relativity and Reality.
Representing many years of intense research.

We are NOT looking back in time when we see distant galaxies and stars!
Relativity is opposite from Reality.

Realitivity uses the framework of Lorentz transformations.
But we will be interpreting light, time and reality under the framework of Galilean transformations.
These visuals and context will help people understand the stark contrasts between the two models.

The gravity and light that leaves a star continues to propagate out even after the star is extinguished or blows up or is destroved.

The bullet that already left a gun continues to travel out even if the gun is destroyed after the bullet leaves.

The water that already left a hose will continue to travel out even if the hose is turned off or is destroved.

The sound that already left a speaker will continue to travel out even if the speaker is turned off or is destroyed.

I don't expect people to agree... but I do expect people to take the time to understand the differences between the models.

In this video I provide some data to challenge the strongly held belief that time dilates and that the rate of reality is experienced subjectively between distant locations.

And I propose some thought experiments with some eventual physical experiments that can determine an unreconcilable discrepancy between Relativity's Space-Time model versus how we actually view reality in Real-Time. Regardless of distance.

Some references:
In this extensive Twitter/X thread, I introduce the brilliant work of Dr. Edward Dowdye. Credible Challenges to General & Special Relativity, Doppler Shift Theory and more.
Retired NASA Engineer, University Professor of Mathematics and internationally recognized expert in atomic physics, optics, LASERs and satellites.…

In this extensive Twitter/X thread, I introduce the brilliant work of Dr. Pierre-Marie Robitaille.
His work is dedicated to new ideas about the nature of the sun, metallic hydrogen, thermodynamics, and the microwave background.

Pierre-Marie Robitaille, Ph.D., is a retired Professor of Radiology from The Ohio State University. In 1998, he led the design and assembly of the world’s first Ultra High Field MRI System. This brought on the need to question fundamental aspects of thermal physics, including ideas related to Kirchhoff’s Law of thermal emission and more.

The collapse of Kirchhoff's so-called law brings astrophysics back to the drawing board. No black holes, no dark matter, no big bang, no gas giant stars.
I posted in this thread at least once a day without fail for 5 months. The totality of Dr. Pierre's uploads and interviews to date.…

Important Links and Documents. List of Credible challenges and alternatives to Dark Matter, the Big Bang, Relativity, LIGO, Composition of Stars, Doppler Shift and more.
Based upon plasma physics, optics, Galilean Transformations, classic equations, 3D Euclidean geometry and Occam's Razor. Data, experiments, peer reviews and references galore. Magnetics, Gyroscopes, Nanobubbles, Cavitation, Crystals, Cymatics and more.
(everything that YouTube deleted me for)

Plasma Physics - Flaws & Corrections:…

• • •

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Feb 11
People still believe in black holes in 2025!?? Surely this has to be a troll?

All this, talk about black holes, white holes, worm holes… The only holes in nature are pink… But these nerds wouldn't know anything about that.

Problems with black hole theory and mathematics…
Kirchhoff's law is invalid.
Lane's Law is invalid.
Eddington's Virial Theorem is invalid.
Gravitational collapse is invalid.
Hawking radiation is invalid.

The math for black hole theory says the heat capacity of a black hole is negative. So the more mass that is added… The colder the black hole gets according to their math.
Yet they constantly contradict themselves, saying how there is either infinite heat in a black hole (as Stephen Hawking suggested in his books)… Or that there is negative heat. Which is a violation of thermodynamics.

The laws of thermodynamics are stable, and cosmologists do not get to arbitrarily violate those laws because they think they get weak signals from billions of light years away, which they say justifies overturning known laws of physics.

But these older equations they are using are violating thermodynamics, and what is called intensive and extensive properties.
What can now been known as the fourth law of thermodynamics.

If an equation has an intensive variable on one side, then the product of that equation must be intensive on the other side.
If an equation has an extensive variable on one side, then the product of that equation must be extensive on the other side.

Hawking, Birkenstein, Eddington, Lane, Kirchhoff, Planck, Penrose, Jeans, Parker, Susskind, Greene, Cox, Smoot, Penzias, Wilson and many many more have violated laws of thermodynamics in their papers and theories and simulations, because of outdated invalid equations.
This is catastrophically devastating to astrophysics, which brings it back to the drawing board. But people are still unaware.

Below are some references and discussions about the equations their flaws and corrections.

April 10th, 2019 - Claims of a Black Hole Image: The Day Astrophysics Died…

Scientific Analysis - The Claim of Black Hole Image!…

The Black Hole Image - Data Fabrication Masterclass!…

The FOURTH Law of Thermodynamics? The 4th Law Explained!…

Intensive and Extensive Properties - A Note of Caution!…

Thermodynamics and the Virial Theorem - Do's and Don'ts!…

Does Gravitational Collapse Occur?
Insight from the Laws of Thermodynamics!…

Gravitational Thermodynamics - Is It Science?…

Gases & Gravity - Boltzmann, Jeans, and Gravitational Fields!…

Eugene Parker and the Solar Winds!…

What are Black Holes?
Science or Science Fiction?…

Can Stars BEND LIGHT? General Relativity and Gravity with Dr. Edward Dowdye!…

The Laws of Thermodynamics Correctly Taught:…

Three Honest Astronomers Agree- The Black Hole Image is an Artifact?!…

Peer reviewed paper from M. Miyoshi, Y. Kato, and J. Makino, The jet and resolved features of the central supermassive black hole of M87 observed with EHT:

Challenges to Gravitational Lensing and More:…

Over 60 Papers by Dr Robitaille:…

Extinction Shift Principle: A Pure Classical Alternative to General and Special Relativity,
Dowdye, Jr., E.H., Physics Essays, Volume 20, 56 (2007) (11 pages); DOI: 10.4006/1.3073809…

Gauss' Law for gravity and observation reveal no solar lensing in empty vacuum space:…

Gravitational Lensing in Empty Vacuum Space Does Not Take Place:…

The Shapiro Delay: A Frequency Dependent Transit-Time Effect…Image
E.H. Dowdye Jr., 2018, The Solar Plasma Limb is found to deflect Microwaves from Extra Galactic Radio Sources at Lowest Impact Parameter Corresponding to the Solar Plasma Limb.…

"Time resolved images from the center of the Galaxy appear to counter General Relativity", Dowdye, Jr., E.H., Astronomische Nachrichten, Volume 328, Issue 2, Date: February 2007, Pages: 186-191. Published on-line at:…
(Search under author: Dowdye)

INFINITE ENERGY * November/December 2009 * Issue 88
"Are the Conventional Concepts of Gravitational Lensing Adhering to the Observational Evidence and Mathematical Physic Fundamentals?", Infinite Energy, Volume 15, Issue 88, 2009…
Read 4 tweets
Jan 16
Part 1 of 5
Magnetic Waves, Induction & Coherence

This thread of videos will demonstrate some of the concepts of magnetic waveforms, magnetic bearings, and a completely revolutionary method of magnetization which results in exotic behaviors.

The video starts with a segment from Eric Laithwaite, the father of the Mag-Lev train. And giving a demonstration of a linear induction motor from his presentation called "The Magnetic River".

Rather than a straight track, we wrap it in a ring.

(These videos were deleted by YouTube... labeling everything as "medical misinformation.")
Part 2 of 5
Magnetic Waves, Induction and Coherence

This video shows another demonstration from Eric Laithwate and the linear induction motor.

I show the non-linear induction motor as a comparison to show the same principles are applied... but to continuous motion in a particular direction of orbit.

The magnetic rollers transfer their kinetic energy like billiard balls... but this deals with a constant tangent.
So this is how charged particles behave a particle accelerator. But normally... those subatomic particles are too small to see, and that's inside of a giant tokamak or closed chamber like a hollow donut.
The magnetic fields confine the particles and the plasma in the accelerator chamber.

But we can mimic the same dynamics on a table top by showing the magnetic rollers are behaving similar to the subatomic particles in an accelerator chamber.
Transferring their kinetic energy without needing to physically knock around like a Newton's cradle.
It's like a magnetic version... but in a ring.

The more rollers present... the more they self-align and maintain that spatial coherence. Because they are compressing together and restricted from vibrating or clashing due to Lorentz force.
Part 3 of 5
Magnetic Waves, Induction and Coherence

This video shows an example of a basic magnetic waveform imprinted onto a ring magnet.
The axially magnetized ring has a North and South pole oriented on top and bottom of the ring.
But in addition to that... there is a magnetic waveform which emerges with rotation. As an AC subcarrier sine wave. Like a tuning fork.

Those waveforms interact with eddy currents to produce magnetic bearings. The waveforms are the reason why the rollers levitate and spin like the Mag-Lev train.
Read 7 tweets
Aug 15, 2024
Current nuclear theory suggests that you can only extract 0.063 watts of power from 1 gram of Strontium-90. A man named Dr. Paul M. Brown developed something called the Resonant Nuclear Battery. The technology can extract 7500 watts from that same gram of Strontium-90. That's over 100,000 times more energy than what is claimed is possible.

In late 1980s, Dr. Brown patented a resonant nuclear battery and successfully demonstrated a 75 watt prototype. It used a 2 millimeter long Strontium-90 needle to produce electricity comparable to NASA's Plutonium based RTGs which produce 0.54 watts per gram.…

Brown died under mysterious circumstances just before his company NuCell was set to launch on the stock market. His partner and attorney Phil Talbert was witness to his efforts and stifling and wrote a book called The Half Life of a Nuclear Battery.

Apparatus for direct conversion of radioactive decay energy to electrical energy:…

Alpha-Beta Voltaic Effect – NuCell Resonant Nuclear Battery:…

The Half-Life of a Nuclear Battery – Amazon:

Dr. Brown attempted to communicate with John Searl in the 1980s. He wrote 13 letters to John Searl because Paul Brown said he had built his own SEG unit called the DPU (Demonstration Power Unit) using a Strontium-90/Neodymium alloy.

Here is one letter:…Image
A man named Mark LeClair, of Nanospire, Inc, built a cavitation device in his garage for $250 that generated nuclear radiation and formed diamonds. (using only water, images of the results included in the first link below). He and his business partner were severely radiation poisoned for more than a year, lost their hair and almost died.

I was fortunate enough to host the Global Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference in Boulder, Colorado in 2013 where I introduced LeClair's presentation. Brilliant guy. (He kinda looks like Stew from The Hangover.)
Mark solved a 100 year old cavitation erosion equation mystery.

So... if Mark LeClaire found a method to generate nuclear radiation from cavitation of water in a closed cycle... and Dr. Paul Brown in the first post could directly convert the nuclear radiation to electrical current... then why not combine both of these concepts to bypass the need for nuclear reactors and refining fuel rods to ultimately just boil water and make steam?
That's only up to 30% efficient anyway.

The direct conversion of radioactive decay to electric output would be a big blow to the nuclear industry... As would the production of nuclear energy from water and the subsequent conversion of that on-demand.

Cavitation Experiment/ Results/ Theory of RNA & DNA Synthesis and LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions):…

Take this viral - LeClair's Cavitation Experiments:…

WebArchive discussion of LeClair's claims and experiments:…

3rd Party Replication?:…

Cavitation Implosion Compared to Nuclear Explosion In Reverse:…Image
The concept behind Dr. Brown's resonant nuclear battery is that it harnesses the radioactive decay to generate power at a constant based on the half-life of that material.

A standard American household requires up to 10kW of energy available for all combined appliances on at the same time in the home and accounting for spikes when turning on an off the vacuum or something like that.
Let's say 15kW to play it safe.

Strontium-90 has a half-life of 28 years. 1 gram can deliver 7500 watts at a constant. Adding mass means additive power.
2 grams can deliver 15kW.

That would require just 2 grams of Strontium-90 to power your house at a constant for 28 years before needing to replace the 2 grams because the battery would only be half as effective after the 28 years.
(It wouldn't be a sudden jump but rather a slow depletion and at the 28 year mark, the battery would deliver half the power as it did the day it was first started.)

Effectively turning the half-life of a radioactive material into a battery for the half-life of the material.

So... if you have carbon 14 with a 10,000 year half-life or something ridiculous like Thorium with a 14 Billion year half life... That would mean you could power your house at a constant for 10,000 years or at a constant for 14 billion years with just a minuscule amount of mass for fuel.

But if you do something exotic in a coherent state and deplete that energy too much, the half-life might be reduced from 10,000 years to 100 years. Or 1 year, or 1 hour depending on how that energy is converted and for what purpose.
The point is that there's much more energy that can be harnessed in ways that mainstream models cannot fathom how it's possible.

Because the mainstream models are wrong. You can't violate thermodynamics. You can only violate people's misunderstanding of thermodynamics.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 25, 2023
In this thread I'll present info on #Nanobubbles, their fantastic properties and how they can help clean the #OhioChemicalDisaster ... and more!
This technology is mainly in Japan. I've tried for years to get others in the US to pay attention, form businesses and help people. Image
Had to reupload these vids to #rumble because #YouTube says it's MEDICAL MISINFORMATION...
When enough nanobubbles latch onto an impurity in a body of water... the impurity will rise to the surface to form a scum. Vacuum off and you have pristine water.…
#Nanobubbles can be used to clean Algae Blooms and Red Tides. Again, bringing all the suspended impurities to the surface which can be skimmed off and safely removed. Leaving the total volume of water clear and clean and full of oxygen for the sea life.…
Read 13 tweets
Aug 15, 2022
There was no Big Bang. Redshift and the Z measurement is completely misconceived. Here is just a fraction of the evidence presented by Eric Lerner. In this thread, I will post over 30 detailed sources to substantiate.
The self-noise of the telescope named “ROT-54/2.6” is 2.6K.
(ROT Stands for Radio Optical Telescope.
It is 54 meters in diameter. And it generates a heat signature of 2.6 Kelvin.)

This is by far the most sensitive radio telescope ever built...
Read 64 tweets
Oct 5, 2021
SEG Voltage Controlled Homopolar MockUp Demo 10V @ 2 amps = 8 lbs moving 200 orbital RPM/ 1450 Centripetal RPM.
See comments for detailed explanations.
Consider it as a hydroelectric dam on the quantum scale. The "media" is the internal kinetic energy of electrons. #GreenEnergy
What is the SEG Mockup? - (Searl Effect Generator - Steemit Article)
#GreenEnergy #physics #magnets #quantum…
Read 15 tweets

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