🧵This is a must read and I ask everyone to read, retweet and amplify this topic, so we can clean out the 🇺🇦info space from this stinking cloaca once and for all - and can concentrate on helping #Ukraine winning this damn war and saving 🇺🇦 lifes. (1/x)
After reading @inversefox thread, please come back and do what we all should have done in the first place: kick them out of your networks, boot them out of your spaces, stop discussing with them, which gives them just more visibility in the algorithms. (2/x)
The following are accounts involved in @Ukraine_DAO, pro-activly running their agenda of harrassing, doxxing, threatening and bullying volunteer workers, charity organisations and soldiers in Ukraine. These are by far not all DAO accounts, but the worse of the worse. (3/x)
It is highly recommended to EVERYONE, to block all of these accounts right away:
You want to treat the following accounts likewise, endorsing, supporting and defending the actions and the agenda of that DAO cultists, framing and downplaying it as a rightious fight against Westsplaining and for the cause to "amplify" ukrainian voices. (6/x)
Someone could say, those could be just "useful idiots" for the DAO. But in the light of all the accusations out there for months, the active participation in their info space, discord servers and twitter spaces with their statements, this is utter nonsense. (7/x)
All of these knew exactly what they were supporting & are still doing it up to this day. May be you´ll be surprised, as you will find accounts here, which reside in your follower list or you are following them. I have blocked all of em & I recommend to everyone to do so: (8/x)
The number of victims of that DAO grows daily, as they - now that it´s openly questioned & discussed - dare to tell others that & how they have been targeted by them. Meanwhile, some have filed criminal charges in several countries, incl. 🇺🇸🇫🇷🇬🇧 & the 🇺🇦 SBU. (9/x)
Please retweet and inform your followers about @Ukraine_DAO, their accounts and their actions, so everyone can be warned ahead of interacting with them and becoming their next victim.
And this is what Mrs. DAOs friends are made off, she defends up to the bone. What would it need for you, to build your circle of trust with such scumbags?
Since I was made aware that lzhmash12k isn´t linked anymore in the above posts: may be he wants to avoid that people can block him via the mention, so he changed his handle to @Izhmash12k (with a capital i instead an l).
Living the life of a war profiteur, living on grifted money while burning - literally - over 1 million donated US $ due to sheer incompetence. A nice, short info-🧵 by @_MrPickle .
Seit Jahren ist die schleichende Verschiebung im politischen Diskurs der CDU beobachten. Was einst als unantastbare "Brandmauer" zur AfD propagiert wurde, entpuppt sich bei genauer Betrachtung als gezielte Strategie, die längst vor den jüngsten Entwicklungen ihren Anfang nahm.
Es lässt sich leicht recherchieren, wie die CDU systematisch Netzwerke mit rechtskonservativen und rechtslibertären Kräften in den USA und Europa knüpfte, um gesellschaftliche Narrative zu verändern und eine spätere Zusammenarbeit mit der AfD salonfähig zu machen.
📰 Zelenskiy Appoints New Commander of Ukraine's Ground Forces
The replacement of Oleksandr Pavliuk with Major General Mykhailo Drapatyi as the Commander of Ukraine's Ground Forces likely signals a strategic adjustment in Ukraine's defensive war.
Drapatyi is known for his expertise in military training and his role in stabilizing front lines. He brings extensive knowledge of tactical operations.
In the past, he has been involved in planning defensive positions and coordinating reserves, making him well-suited for the current situation, where Russia is intensifying pressure in strategic areas like Kharkiv.
Make no mistake. That DAO is doing the work, russian infowars haven´t achievedand I wouldn´t wonder, if the SBU would find out, they are a russian asset.
That´s what those scumbags are doing. Read what that Ukraine_DAO did here. Again and again and again. Intentially, following their agenda.
Noch absurder wird das Ganze, ruft man sich mal die Zahlen ins Gedächtnis. Unsere aufrechtdeutschen Besorgtbürger™ argumentieren ja auf ihren Xxgidas nur zu gerne mit den Kosten, die Flüchtlinge verursachen. (/2)
1991 bis allein 2004 "flüchteten" 1.200.000 aus dem ehemaligen Staatsgebiet der DDR in den Westen, also ungefähr 7.5% der gesamten damaligen DDR-Bevölkerung. Und das sicherlich nicht aus Gründen einer politischen Verfolgung, (/3)
sondern aus persönlichen und wirtschaftlichen Gründen: besseren Verdienstmöglichkeiten, bessere Arbeitsmarktchancen, bessere Entwicklungschancen und besserer Infrastruktur. Die 18-30-Jährigen stellten dabei über 40 Prozent, der Großteil darunter junge Frauen. (/4)