US heat waves
During the past 50 years, when heat waves have increased, mortality from extreme heat has fallen pretty much everywhere in the US…
That is good news!
Let's keep it up
US (mainland) hurricanes
IPCC, WMO, UNNCA are all in agreement
No upwards trends in landfalling hurricanes, including the strongest storms
Everything you find in this thread
Is consistent with what has been reported in the IPCC & found in official data and the peer-reviewed literature
A new climate reality: Less warming, but worse impacts on the planet
The most severe climate change scenarios now appear less likely, but extremes are nonetheless poised to overwhelm societies, scientists say…
This whole article reads like a response to our recent work, such as this with @matthewgburgess@jritch
Mayr was also a eugenicist who worried that eugenics association with racism would derail discussions of overpopulation - "drown in human bodies" & proposed the need to get government approval to reproduce
This 1971 review of Ehrlich and Ehrlich by Roger Revelle titled, "Paul Ehrlich: New High Priest of Ecocatastrophe" is really something
The poor should stay poor, to allow more for us
Hence the concept of "never-to-be-developed countries"
I had no idea Revelle was so spicy:
"No one can blame the Ehrlichs, living within a few miles of the Bay Shore Highway between San Francisco and San Jose, for thinking that the four-fold growth of California's population since 1930 is a disaster"
Why I do not trust hurricane studies, example 1763
A new paper claims:
From 1980 to 2014
➡️88 US hurricane landfalls
➡️of which 22 were Category 4 or 5
Big if true
Not true
In actual fact
➡️55 US hurricane landfalls
➡️of which 4 were Category 4 or 5…
Given that this entire paper is based on a model calibrated to erroneous landfall statistics the paper likely needs to be retracted, as there is really no fix other than a re-do
But before any re-do, they'll want to address other issues
How does such a simple error get thru PR?
Eagle-eyed @RyanMaue notes my axis is off (I got 1979 in there, not enough coffee), actually only 3 from 1980-2014
Hugo, Andrew, Charley