This was investigated under 49 U.S. Code § 44709 - Amendments, modifications, suspensions, and revocations of certificates
(a) Reinspection and Reexamination.—
(1) In general.—
The Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration may….
reinspect at any time a … or reexamine an airman holding a certificate issued under section 44703 of this title.
(2) Notification of reexamination of airman.—Before taking any action to reexamine an airman under paragraph (1) the Administrator shall provide to the airman—
(A) a reasonable basis, described in detail, for requesting the reexamination; and
(B) any information gathered by the Federal Aviation Administration, that the Administrator determines…
…is appropriate to provide, such as the scope and nature of the requested reexamination, that formed the basis for that justification.
The reexamination failed under paragraph (a) sub paragraph (2) subsections (A) and (B) specifically lacking “a reasonable basis”
@Delta you’ve been hacked. Adding more thrust won’t work. To wit:
Coaxial cable itself has no physical limit. The electrons move at the speed of light across copper wires.
.A coaxial cable may be created with different thicknesses of copper, and different numbers of conductors (though I assume you mean single conductor) in addition to different grades of shielding, and insulators.
All these properties affect the frequency capability of the cable. But, the frequency capability does not directly relate to transmission rates, because data is transmitting using multiple modulation techniques.
First among them is he’d be up against Trump. I don’t care what you do or don’t think of Trump. Doesn’t matter.
DeSantis this cycle would not be good for the country. Why?
You have to think on a strategic level.
DeSantis has four years left in his term. That’s big. Why? One simple answer is he makes Florida sing. COVID? He told companies in Florida you may not mandate. For anyone took look around and say, (which they did) he’s killing people!
On the contrary we see died suddenly
Whether that was good fortune or sadistic, depends on how much holy water you drink and what flavor. If you’re still fervently vax, see England and review their data. It doesn’t matter what I think, it’s what you think.
A. The aforementioned winds are from opposing directions....
My Response:
That defies logic but the Chinese must have created the Garmin aera 900.
That defies logic the Chinese must have created the aera Garmin 900. Here I thought the 660 was the latest. An ATP said Garmin was operating a secret DOD GPS/Weather portable device that would change the weather.
Think Swallowswell AKA Fang Fang had something to do with this?
@JaneyMackWriter When two trade associations adopt my work as policy or best practices, they better give me attribution, they learned quickly. Probably 20yrs old at the time.
A byproduct is I wrote an amended version for shippers and gave seminars. That’s when the boss wanted to talk.
@JaneyMackWriter You wanted to see me? Yes, I understand you’re giving freight claim seminars and charging pretty good for it. I understand you had 40 people at your last one. At your list price of $300, that’s $12,000 gross.
You’ve got that partly right, the morning session is $200….
@JaneyMackWriter If they want the afternoon session I get $300 total. This is company work. I’m confused, why is it company work? Didn’t you write your manual using knowledge gained on company time?
660ft. That I can get on 5 acres. I’m looking now, waiting the right deal, clear approached, ie no tall trees. Hanger on my property 25C in the morning 30C at least 30 minutes before sundown.
Preferred aircraft Citabria 7GCBC (flaps) many with 150hp already Some 115hp run outs. STC to 180hp. All identical aircraft some with news spars. They’re wood. A bad batch was made in the 70s.
Speed not an issue unless you feel the need to manually use you knee to impart forward pressure on joystick. Been there, didn’t like it, solution, simple, reduce power a fair amount, like 60% or less. The horse power just get the plane out.
@Uber support can you get me a progress report? You went dark on me. Your lost and found department appears irretrievably broken. One package, a decade of being a user, in fact stood up for you to city hall when they weren’t going to let you into Naples proper.
@uber I don’t know who to call, your app takes me to only the department that is dis-empowered and advises me to call the police. That started immediately after a Jan 17 trip with Ricardo who, though sent at least likely 4 urgent messages, all non-responsive.
@uber Evidently he’s been dark for 4 days. Uber lost and found will not speak as to the activities of Ricardo and cannot tell (more likely not say) if he has received the messages.
That was the first time I used Uber to go multi stop shopping.