Charges dropped! We celebrate the absurd charges being dropped against one of our comrades and call for the same for all of those detained. Our statement below:
The shameful ban on commemoration and protest
during the last Nakba Day marked yet another milestone in the criminalization of
Palestinians and Palestine-Solidarity in Germany under the guise of “fighting
In the name of “remembrance culture,” Germany
bans Palestinians from mourning the Nakba. Simply mentioning Palestine or even raising a Palestinian flag are immediately framed as potentially antisemitic.
Today we are witnessing the first of numerous cases in which the accused are charged with allegedly attending a demonstration, one however which did not take place due to the ban. They are accused of acting against the law on freedom of opinion, and of “potential antisemitism”.
So we ask: Where was the ban just a few months
earlier, when thousands of conspiracy theorists, a Berlin state attorney among them, used antisemitic slogans, relativised the Holocaust and broke corona rules while marching in Berlin? In the very same Bezirk?
Where was the ban when declared neo-Nazis
gathered on the final day of a Jewish festival in Weimar in 2021 to spread hate? There – at what was probably the largest population of Jews in Weimar
since the Holocaust – the German police and government refused to block a Nazi march.
Instead, the police protected the NPD, Dritte
Weg and others self-admitted fascist, antisemitic and racist demonstrators.
Again, white Germans, from Weimar to Neukölln, members of known antisemitic organizations, some the very successors of the Nazi Party, are given a greater "Right to Freedom of Opinion" than Palestinians trying to mourn the globally acknowledged horror of the Nakba.
How is this justice? Who does this serve? Not us as Jewish Berliners for one. Whether we like it or not, the Palestinian experience is intimately tied up with both German and Jewish history.
Apparently, the very presence of Palestinians and specifically their legitimate attempt to commemorate the Nakba constitutes a threat to the German narrative of linear progress after the Holocaust.
Driven by the guilt complex for the crimes of your forbears, you pat yourself on the shoulder for silencing Palestinians while ignoring the growing Nazi presence among your contemporaries - how outrageous, how hypocritical!
Your "Erinnerungskultur" is meaningless if you cannot apply it to German society today. It is meaningless when it consists of banning commemoration and public mourning, and when it sets racist hierarchies in determining who has the right to freedom of opinion.
We demand the Berlin state's attorney drop all cases. The city must cease its harassment campaign against Palestinians and their supporters, including Nakba Day bans, and focus on the long-ignored problem of state complicity in and inaction against racist and antisemitic groups.
Wir freuen uns, dass die Anklage gegen eine_n unserer Genoss_innen eingestellt wurde, und fordern die Einstellung aller anderen Verfahren. Unser Statement:
Das Verbot des Gedenkens & der Proteste am Nakba-Gedenktag 2022 ist nicht nur beschämend. Es ist auch ein weiterer Meilenstein in der Kriminalisierung der Palästinenser_innen & der Solidarität mit Palästina in Deutschland unter dem Deckmantel der "Bekämpfung des Antisemitismus".
Im Namen der "Erinnerungskultur" verbietet Deutschland den Palästinenser_innen, die Nakba zu betrauern. Die bloße Erwähnung Palästinas oder das Hissen einer palästinensischen Flagge werden sofort als potenziell antisemitisch eingestuft.
Gestern nahmen Mitglieder des Jüdischen Bund Berlin zusammen mit verschiedenen anderen jüdischen Gruppen und Einzelpersonen sowie nichtjüdischen Unterstützer*innen an einer Veranstaltung zum Gedenken an das Novemberpogrom... Mahnmal Levetzowstraße in Berlin-Moabit teil, das von einem antifaschistischen Bündnis organisiert wurde.
Nachdem wir unser Transpi "Jüdinnen*Juden gegen jeden Faschismus" ausgepackt hatten und uns näher zur Bühne begeben wollten...
...stellte sich uns eine Handvoll Leute in den Weg, die sich als Organisator*innen zu erkennen gaben. Sie fingen an, uns auszufragen und suchten nach Gründen, warum wir uns nicht an der Veranstaltung beteiligen sollten.
Yesterday, alongside various other Jewish groups and individuals as well as non-Jewish supporters, Bund members took part in an event commemorating the Novemberpogrome at the Levetzowstraße Memorial in Moabit organised by an antifascist alliance.
After raising our banner Jews Against Fascism Everywhere and moving towards the centre of the crowd, a handful of people identifying themselves as organisers stepped in our way. They began questioning us, struggling to find reasons why we shouldn't join the larger event.
Maintaining our position as antifascist Jews, we marched without national flags or symbols and simply sought to have our voice heard as part of the commemoration. Members of the predominantly ethnic German “antideutsch” proceeded to block our sign with Israeli derivative flags.
15 May marks 74 years of the ongoing #Nakba, the forced expulsion and ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. #b1505
The recent assassination of #ShireenAbuAkleh on 11 May by the Israeli occupation forces and —
the additional desecration of her coffin at her funeral is simply another brutal example of the ongoing Israeli destruction of Palestinian public life and their rights to self-determination and self-expression. #b1505
Shireen Abu Akleh, a journalist, has been called the voice of Palestine and named ‘the daughter of Palestine’ in her death for rendering visible the Palestinian experience to the world. Her murder is a manifestation of the persistence of the Nakba to this very day. #b1505
After a two-decade war in Afghanistan that ravaged through every village, leaving no family unscathed, US military forces abruptly left, leaving an ill-equipped Afghanistan to its own devices.
This is the last of a long list of foreign military forces present who in addition to “ensuring safety”, have killed countless civilians during violent night-time raids, predator drone strikes and other military operations for which investigations will never see the light of day.
In the last weeks, the Taliban have swept through dozens of districts, conquering vast areas and now control over half of the country. Internally displaced civilians have started crowding in cities, exacerbating existing issues of unemployment, hunger and lack of medical aid.
In Afghanistan herrscht seit zwei Jahrzehnten ein Krieg, der jedes Dorf verwüstet und keine Familie verschont hat. Nun sind die US-Militärs abrupt abgezogen und haben ein schlecht ausgerüstetes Afghanistan sich selbst überlassen.
Diese letzten ausländischen Streitkräfte im Land haben nicht nur für "Sicherheit" gesorgt, sondern auch zahllose Zivilist*innen bei gewaltsamen nächtlichen Razzien, Drohnenangriffen und anderen Militäroperationen getötet...
...Ermittlungen zu diesen Tötungen werden nie das Licht der Welt erblicken.