While I do have an emotional attachment to the project, which shows absolutely all signs of being an actual cult, as a former member of it, it's my ethical duty to talk about it. Some people may not understand the entire notion of ethics or duty in the first place, though...
Godot leadership's political stance against a Ukrainian contributor and maintainer has lead to unprecedented consequences for Godot leadership. They didn't expect that I'd continue talking about their wrongdoings for so long, and they thought that they could get away with this.
I'm definitely not the only one who Godot leadership has permanently banned. But their decision, along with the Russian war against Ukraine, has opened my eyes to many things in terms of toxic leadership.
Godot leadership may even express their "support" for Ukraine when they face a situation that they cannot avoid, but as hypocrisy goes, these are just empty words. And not just words, but manipulations and lies. It's not about what they say, it's about their actions.
The way Godot community is currently managed is mutually exclusive to democracy values. They cannot possibly support Ukraine by definition. Godot leadership is inspired by authoritarian regimes out there, including russia, just look at who bootlicks Godot leadership currently.
I'm not talking about democratic governance, which is different to democratic values. Ukraine happens to elicit these values to the world, and toxic, authoritarian leaders around the world are literally outraged by this.
As you hopefully have figured by now, what seemed to be a local conflict between me and Godot leadership has turned to be a by far more important endeavor, namely promoting democratic values in Open Source communities. For as long as the war is ongoing, I ought to continue.
There definitely exist Open Source projects that share democracy values. Due to all of this, I just happen to use Godot as a prominent example of this failure now, it's like a failed democracy state, which ironically was never about democratization, but more like idolization.
If you're truly interested, I invite you to read my free eBook which explains all of the above in great detail, and by doing so, hopefully you could build a stable, fruitful, and egalitarian Open Source community, and not an imitation of those values:
The "Messiah complex" of Juan stems from his desire to save the world from those "evil" corporations. Taken together with above, he probably wants to show that he's a "Superman":
But perhaps this has more deep roots. Recall the "Thanos" tweet of Juan? Perhaps this "Godot meteor" is connected with his desire to "purge" the userbase that use "commercial software"?
Notice how Godot leadership deliberately leaves out important information when they say it's a company of "Godot veterans", but those "Godot veterans" and Godot leadership are the same persons.
Feel free to familiarize yourself with my previous threads on this topic to understand why Godot is not community-driven and my explanation of why the mentality of Godot leadership is not open as you might have expected:
So yeah, I did reach out to someone from the outside, as you see above. Otherwise, I'd still be contributing to Godot and continue being deluded by Juan's cult indoctrination.
I recall a proposal in Godot which suggested to hire a full time marketing person. This is exactly how cult communities tend to fixate on promoting their ideology. Why not just make the product speak for itself?
Even then, Godot doesn't need a marketing representative, because Godot's toxic leadership achieved this by making a cult out of Godot already. Proposals like above are simply a byproduct, because the process of promoting Godot is built into their ideology.
Godot followers will go out of their ways and suggest Godot in other unrelated communities. They'll write bad reviews on other engines to make Godot stand out. They achieve their superficial and unrealistic image of superiority by putting others down.
Behavior of Juan, aka @reduzio, lead developer of @godotengine, can be summarized as undue influence, which manifests as hypocrisy, lack of empathy, inattentiveness, irresponsibility.
Juan posses a belief that he's destined to help people to make great games. He attempts to create a game engine which could allow users to create both casual and AAA games with little to no effort. But if you run after two hares, you will catch neither.
Juan focuses his efforts of making the engine accessible to everyone. He will always prioritize features that make the image of Godot look nice in the eyes of beholder, like editor features or movie maker mode, at the expense of neglecting core parts of the engine.