Though there'll be a deposit fee (2.5%), LPs will only get 30% of the trading fees generated, with 50% going to the foundation and 20% for $GRB buyback and burn.
a. Governance
b. Yield farming by depositing as LPs
c. Trading NFTs on Garbi Marketplace
- Revenue share by staking
- Governance
- Boost APR in LP pool
- 10% profit when Zero Loss Lottery + 25% tx fee
10/ Yield Reward
60% of the reward is received in $veGRB
40% of the reward is received in $GRB
11/ $GRB Deflationary Mechanics
• 5% profit on Zero Loss Pool used to buy $GRB burn
• 0.5% profit on Farms used to buy $GRB and burn
• 0.04% of the Swap trade fees are used to buy $GRB then burn
• 0.5% of the deposit fees are used to buy $GRB burn.
12/ Roadmap 🛣️
- GarbiSwap - launched ✅
- GarbiFarm - launched ✅
Almost done and ready to launch
- Zeroloss Lottery
- Garbi Game
- Garbi Academy
We got yield aggregator, lending aggregator, DEX aggregator, now is the time for lending pool optimizor!!!
@MorphoLabs gives you the same liquidity and risk parameters but improved APY! 💸💰
Here's an overview 🧵🦋🧵
1/ @MorphoLabs is peer-to-peer layer built on top of peer-to-peer lending protocols such as @AaveAave and @compoundfinance but with improved rates for both borrowers and lenders 🔥
2/ @MorphoLabs aims to solve capital inefficiency, such as rate spreads between borrowers/suppliers APY.
1/ @NestedFi is a trading platform that makes crypto investment simple, social, and safe.
Nested gives you easy access if you want to start investing in crypto (without KYC ofc) 💰💰
2/ Users can easily build portfolios from scratch, or you can copy others' portfolios as 'investment advice'; there are also details about their investment allocation.