🔴 The EU Commission is taking 8 countries to court for failing to transpose the Whistleblowing Directive (meaning, for failing to protect #whistleblowers). 1/5
➡️ ec.europa.eu/commission/pre…
🇪🇺 EU countries have had YEARS to adapt the Whistleblowing Directive into national laws. Only a few did it on time. Many have done it over a year after the deadline (Dec 2021). As of this day, this is the situation. ⬇️ 2/5
The countries that the 🇪🇺 EU Commission is taking to court are Czechia, Germany, Estonia, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, Hungary and Poland. The Commission found their explanations for the delays 'unsatisfactory'. whistleblowingmonitor.eu
Our colleague @marie_terracol, Whistleblower Protection Lead at TI, says that "while EU governments must act urgently to protect #whistleblowers, they should not use their own past delays to justify working quickly behind closed doors." 4/5
Our partners @OCCRP have announced one end of year award you wouldn’t want to win...
This year’s Corrupt Person of the Year is Yevgeny Prigozhin, a Russian oligarch who controls the mercenary Wagner Group. occrp.org/en/poy/2022/
Prigozhin built his wealth similarly to many other oligarchs, even serving a jail term for robbery as a young man – but later in life he turned to geopolitics when he began using his Internet Research Agency to spread disinformation, including interfering in the US.
In 2014, the Wagner Group arose after Russia’s initial attack on Ukraine. While Prigozhin’s precise connection to the group’s beginnings is opaque, he now proudly asserts ownership of the organisation that has been linked to numerous human rights abuses around the world.
🔵 Not even two months after #Cyprus opened up its beneficial ownership register to the public, we are already seeing the benefits of knowing who really owns companies. 🧵
A new @OCCRP investigation has uncovered a network of shell companies – mostly registered in #Cyprus – controlled by a man likely acting as Russian banker Andrei Kostin’s proxy.
🇵🇪 ¿Qué está pasando en Perú y por qué es importante para la lucha contra la corrupción? HILO ⬇️
1/ El lunes, el Congreso del #Perú destituyó al presidente Martín Vizcarra de su cargo con acusaciones de #corrupción que habrían tenido lugar mientras era gobernador provincial. Desde entonces, miles de personas han salido a las calles para protestar. elcomercio.pe/lima/marcha-na…
2/ La destitución de Vizcarra no es una victoria para la lucha contra la corrupción. Por el contrario, es un problema importante. Los cargos en su contra no han sido probados y, de hecho, estaba liderando una campaña anticorrupción en el país. infobae.com/america/americ…
🇵🇪 What is going on in #Peru and why it is important for the fight against corruption? THREAD ⬇️
1/ On Monday, #Peru congress removed President Martín Vizcarra from office over allegations of #corruption while he was a regional governor. Thousands have taken to the streets daily in protest. de.reuters.com/article/us-per…
2/ But Vizcarra’s removal is not a victory for anti-corruption. It is actually a major problem. The charges against him have not been proven, and he was in fact leading an anti-corruption drive in the country. theguardian.com/world/2020/nov…
🔴New Financial Secrecy Index 2020 from @TaxJusticeNet shows that the corrupt has plenty of options to choose from: anonymous companies, secret bank accounts & limited exchange of information – all available in major financial centres like Cayman, USA, Switzerland or Hong Kong.
The 🇺🇸 US is the 2nd biggest enabler of financial secrecy, according to the 2020 Financial Secrecy Index (#FSI2020). Will Congress finally take action to change that and pass legislation requiring companies to disclose who their real owners are?
While #FATFweek takes place in Paris, the new #FSI2020 shows that much work needs to be done to close down loopholes enabling corruption across the world. @FATFNews could start by reforming its standards to make beneficial ownership registers a requirement across FATF countries.