MONITUM - Do not presume that someone is Catholic simply because he says so. Neither presume that he is, because he claims to be a conservative or traddie. Many who make this claim are modernists and Freemasons. -- Judge them by their actions [THREAD]
Now while it is easy to recognize a Marxist or Liberal who claims to be Catholic but who is nothing but, it is not so easy to recognize a Modernist who claims to be a traddie or conservative ...
Modernism is the error that truth is in the sentiments. Modernist conservatives read news and events as they feel them, not as they are. That means that they follow the MSM narratives and pretend Catholics have no objective rights or beliefs.
A blatant case of the above, is the reactions to Cardinal Roche's "Rescript". Only a pope can issue a rescript of a meeting he has with a subordinate. A Cardinal cannot do that. To claim otherwise, is simply false, as all Catholics know. But Modernists who claim otherwise..
Modernist Conservatives and Traddies do this because they want you to live in a persecution complex, whereby you surrender your rights and believe you only have them if you resist legitimate authority ....
But the truth is that you have rights prior to all acts of authority, even in the Church, and that Jesus Christ protects those rights by keeping the Pope from transgressing His Laws. That is why it is very necessary to examine carefully the news ...
Because since a rescript by an inferior has 0 canonical value, it cannot be said to establish any obligation or take away any right. >>
Thus since Traditionis Custodes was published by someone without the petrine munus, and since Paul VI Missale Romanum did not abrogate Quo Primum, there is absolute no canonical question that Catholic retain the rights to ALL the Sacraments and liturgies of the ancient Missal
And in vindicating such rights by words or actions, they are not only NOT disobedient NOR divisive, but are acting as perfectly obedient Catholics and are promoting TRUE ecclesiastical unity.
$TWTTR #Twitter has become #1984 -- Get alook at the 5 new tweets for which @MilitarisCath was threated with suspension 5 times. This is on toop of the 6 threats of suspension from last night @TwitterSupport your platform is broken
Tweet 1
If you were wondering why modern man does not rebel against injustice, the Scamdemic revealed why: most are totally psychologically controlled by the MSM, despite how much they may criticize it. The whole reality they believe in is a lie, they dont have the ability to even see it
Here is a list of lies you were trained to believe with greater loyalty than even Christian Faith
1) Democracy is the best form of government 2) Your vote is counted 3) Your elected official serves you 4) The Masonic Lodge is not Satanic 4) The good should tolerate the wicked
5) The godless have just as much right to vote and govern as the faithful Christian 6) Its safer for everyone is a Christian is not put in power 7) Liberty requires that the Gospel not influence law and court decisions 8) Man evolved from an ape
NEWS AT ROME: For 4 weeks, the Italian Newspaper, the Libero, has published articles demonstrating that Benedict never validly resigned the Papal Office. -- And not a single person in the Vatican, not a single Bishop or Cardinal has contradicted that newspaper.
Our Sources in Italy say that the entire Catholic Episcopate is in turmoil. Not a Few no longer hold Bergoglio to be a Pope, and judge that he is a flagrant Heretic. There are calls for a Synod to Depose him in public.
Here are the Articles in English translation with links to original Italian
If no one in the GOP is demanding that the Electoral Votes be counted by the @VP in accord with the 12th Amendment and not in accord with the unconstitutional provisions of the 1887 Electoral Count Act, then THEY ARE JOKING YOU by objecting to the votes from AZ GA MI PA and WI
Because barring the impossible occurrence that both the US House and Senate both agree to uphold the GOP objections to the rival Electoral Ballots of these states, #ChinaJoe will win. Don't you realize that the #CCP did not invest in this scheme without studying the laws first?
That is why it is a Masonic deception to insist that you call your Reps & Senators insisting they object. WHAT U SHOULD BE DOING IS INSISTING THEY not count those states at all, for lack of being regularly cast, and follow the 12th Amendment, remitting the election to the House.