🧵ALARMING: The EPA says #EastPalestineOH's air & water are safe, but its NOT testing for dioxins—"one of them is the most toxic chemical ever tested in the U.S." -science director Steven Lester
Dioxins cause cancer, reproductive/developmental/immune problems, diabetes, etc...
"EPA had to know when they were going to burn vinyl chloride that dioxin would be formed. It's CRIMINAL that they didn't come forward w/ that. It's in some ways up to folks in this room & town to hold them accountable," -Steven Lester, science director Center for Health &… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
"Dioxins once they are in the soil they don't break down very easily...because they are big and heavy they tend to accumulate in certain pools and that includes sometimes inside of organisms [like fish you consume]" -Dr. Carla Ng, Professor University of Pittsburgh Civil and… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
"You can't keep your eyes blinded to something to is this big of a problem in a small town community," -John Williams, electromechanical engineer. Says dioxins can cause toxic shock syndrome, vaginal bleeding, miscarriages, cancer...
@louisd217 SUPPORT Status Coup's ON-THE-GROUND INDEPENDENT reporting as a member for as low as $5-10 bucks a month. It's the only way we can continue reporting in #EastPalestineOH: StatusCoup.com/Join
EXCLUSIVE: Students at #EastPalestineOH middle school revealed school is allowing kids to drink from water fountain after train explosion (parents granted permission for interview).
"We've all been having runny nose & headaches...when we go out of town we feel better" -Kylie
Despite Gov. Dewine & EPA claiming water in #EastPalestineOH is safe, many water experts warn it is too soon to declare water safe. Bob Bowcock, a water treatment engineer with 30 years of experience, told SC schools should be taking extra precautions...
The middle school students--McKenzie, Ronnie, and Kylie—told @louisd217 they and their siblings have runny noses, rashes, headaches, burning eyes, and burns on their leg when they shower. "When we go out of town...we feel better. When we come into town, our eyes start burning."
"Are one of my children gonna have to drop dread?"-Candice, #EastPalestineOH resident w/ 5 sons who have rashes & other symptoms after explosion. Sons had to take DECONTAMINATION SHOWER before DR—who couldn't diagnose them w/ chemical burns w/out guidance from health dpt.🧵THREAD
"Every time I get a shower for two hours it's like my body is on fire: why have I never experienced that for the 44 years that I've lived in East Palestine?" -Candice DeSanzo says. Her kids are also having diarrhea, nosebleeds, coughing, headaches, and sore throat...
"Everybody is getting sicker & sicker: they've not only ruined my home, my health of my children, they've ripped my life away from me, it's not just our houses— it's just a house—these people in town are my friends, they're my life...nobody can sustain life the way we're living."
EXCLUSIVE: Our @louisd217 confronts Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine about his response to #EastPalestineOH train explosion.
"I didn't say that," DeWine denies when asked why he said he didn't call Pres. Biden back after Biden offered "anything you need" in response to train explosion.
@louisd217 DeWine did say he didn't call Biden back: "The president called me & said 'anything you need' and I have not called him back after that conversation. I will not hesitate to do that if we're seeing a problem...but I'm not seeing it."
@louisd217 SUPPORT Status Coup's ON-THE-GROUND INDEPENDENT reporting for as low as $5-10 bucks a month. It's how we grow: StatusCoup.com/Join
Water in East Palestine creek that flow BELOW the area deemed filtered and "cleaned" has visible chemicals and a foul smell. @louisd217 and @JonFarinaPhoto report.
Jon and Louis will be in East Palestine THIS WEEK. Follow #EastPalestineStatusCoup for the latest.
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For more updates on the East Palestine ecological disaster as well as BREAKING news from across the country, uncovering what the mainstream media covers up, follow us @StatusCoup on Youtube:
EXCLUSIVE: As @amazon ALB1 holds its union election,HR is falsely telling pro-union workers serving as legal observers they must use their limited unpaid time off hours or vacation time—while Amazon's observers still get paid.
"My husband is disabled I need my job!"
@amazon In audio obtained by Status Coup, ALB1 worker/union organizer Heather Goodall confronts HR rep Jude about this.
"You guys are violating the law!" Heather told Jude, stressing that legally pro-union observers do not have to take unpaid time off or vacation hours...
We're told Amazon's union-busting consultants are hovering over workers during multi-day election
"They're watching everything workers are doing to the point that they’re nervous, scared, & feel like Amazon is going to find out if they vote against them" -ALB1's Heather Goodall
"Racism is deeply entrenched in American society. You can stand here and act like racism is not alive and well–You're lying." Elizabeth City, NC #AndrewBrown protester Tony speaks powerfully on the racist history of this country, including COINTELPRO. @JonFarinaPhoto reports.
WATCH MORE LIVE: Andrew Brown Protesters Face Arrest as Curfew Passes in Elizabeth City North Carolina
"[Police] have continued to try to get us to do things. They push us–they want to make us break. But, we're continuing and staying peaceful. We continue to stand strong."– #AndrewBrown protester in defiance of the imposed 8 pm Elizabeth City, NC curfew. @JonFarinaPhoto reports.