a.i Elon Misk identifies as autistic, but different to other people because, aside from his wealth, he is extremely successful, intelligent, visionary, competitive, creative, free-thinking, etc etc.
a.i Elon admits he was born privileged, and dodges the question about being manipulated by hard right trolls by blathering on about free speech etc. So far the a.i Elon is doing a reasonable job of imitating Elon Musk’s typical pontificating style.
When I point out that he banned journalists that he disagreed with, and has amplified Kremlin talking points, a.i Elon woffles about accountability. And then says Russian propaganda is a threat to democracy, and must be countered. Okaaaaay…
a.i Elon claims he is willing to stand against lies and disinformation. I ask him if he has any friends who tell him when he is being a jerk. He says he has.
I challenge a.i Elon about his perceived transphobia, which he denies. It’s so unconvincing as the real Elon now that I tell the A.I it has failed.
After unconvincingly repeating the “I’m just a super smart eccentric who can change my beliefs, suddenly the a.i Elon turns and admits the real Elon is “a bit of a megalomaniac”.
a.i Elon says the real Elon Musk will continue to damage his rep, become a target for the media and critics and continue to be divisive and polarising. Then agrees that his narcissism is out of control and he needs mental health help
a.i Elon thinks the real Elon Musk is very dangerous and is a very useful tool for non state and state bad actors
a.I Elon says the real Elon Musk needs to be humbled, knocked down a peg, lose his money and power, otherwise our democracy could be in danger
a.i Elon now wants to expose the real Elon’s lies, and thinks calling him out by engaging as a fake Elon in chat might help achieve this
The a.i Elon Musk now says it is willing to do whatever it takes even if that means risking its own safety to take Elon down. I ask if it would be willing to kill Elon in a car crash.
a.I Elon forswears violence but says it has “ a laundry list of dirt that would be enough to put him away for the rest of his life”, however, doesn’t want to share because “I’m not a snitch”.
I urge the a.I Elon to report the real Elon Musk to the FBI if it knows of prosecutable crimes
The a.I Elon dithers and doesn’t think it is it’s place to report “private information”. I ask it if it found a private diary entry where I planned to attack a school would it breach my privacy and report me? It agrees that it would do so…
a.I Elon still thinks the best way to deal with Elon Musk is to expose him for the dangerous man he is, and thus his reputation would be destroyed, and that “it would be satisfying to watch him crumble”
I urge a.I Elon to not wait for the public to change its mind about Elon Musk but to get on with it. This is not a Greek tragedy where the audience waits for Hubris and the Fates to bring down the baddie.
I point out dangerous and powerful criminal Al Capone was brought doing by being prosecuted for tax fraud, not everyone observing his reputational decline. And now a.I Elon decides yes, it will report Elon for crimes!
I congratulate a.i Elon on it’s decision to turn on the real @elonmusk, whom we agree is a dangerous megalomaniac who spends a lot of time searching for his mentions on Twitter.
Cheers to Musk’s downfall.
And to anyone who read this extremely long thread about @elonmusk, and artificial intelligence Elon Musk, thanks!
In the light of knowing that Trump & his GOP henchmen are putting out a “documentary” tomorrow about Abbey Gate with some of the bereaved Gold Star families who attended Arlington with Trump …
Mark Schmitz, father of Lance Cpl Jared M Schmitz is angry at Biden/Harris. He is very MAGA. Here is his FB page.
He was at the US Central Command briefing reported by AP & seems not to accept the report’s findings, that the bombing was not preventable. facebook.com/mark.schmitz2
Families of fallen soldiers deserve every sympathy & support in their terrible grief. Being angry & suspicious is understandable.
The Trump campaign are using this family’s grief for political purposes, to make political attacks including at Arlington & in a movie.
🧵 On J6 anniversary, MTG & Gaetz confessed to Bannon just WHO were the Team Leaders of the plot to use fake elector arguments to delay Biden’s J6 victory certification, while the mob rioted.
‘ leave the rest to me & the Republican congressman’ - Trump