Market overview, key $SPX level to watch and info this week, CTA position info, general trends market, economic calendar, and various other info.
A short thread 🧵
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$SPX: As mentioned many times in previous tweets, 3950 has been held as a support from gamma, vanna, & as well as being 200 SMA. It all adds up from TA & PA perspective.
🔑 level to watch: $VIX- >22, bearish. 22-21 is chop. <20.60 for squeeze to 4040/4080.
RES @ 4065.
This is gamma (GEX) total profile for the next 2 expirations- mark 🔑 levels.
How to read this: MOST $$$ at $400 spy. (C/P). This means most hedging by MM.
Surprise? No. Major psych level & major 🧲 months!
Predominately bearish 395-390.
Less hedging aka dealers involvement these strikes, can suppress volatility unless $VIX pushes >21.80. And >22.30- big extreme moves.
In neg gamma , which means larger intraday moves with elevated $VIX.
IV drops- vanna kicks in, 🧲 to $400 spy , $spx 4010~.
The tech indicator. Has shown quite a retrace since it’s run(due to CTA also being -12% short in January to net Long). CTA also net short here we stay below Friday’s high levels.
Apollo algo @_d3f4ult giving sell signal on 1H. Still holding and 🔑 watch $292.50/293
$DXY: Dollar on a vengeance?
Remember: $DXY is opposite of stock market. $DXY bullish is BAD for high beta (TECH QQQ), emerging markets and general all markets.
$YEN been approaching highs USD/YEN.
$EURO near lows. $DXY can be bullish here.
Good keep your 👀 on $DXY daily
$TNX: 10Y rate. I mention this a LOT.
What’s it mean? Rates rates rates.
This follows 10Y bonds, bullish 10Y= bearish $TLT.
Higher rates= more pain stocks due tighter lending standards.
🧵 Ever wonder why markets sometimes go completely crazy after options expiration? Buckle up - I'm about to explain why timing + volatility can create the perfect storm...
1/ First, let's talk about what happens during normal options expiration (OPEX).
Market makers are constantly hedging their positions to stay neutral.
It's like a carefully balanced dance.
2/ Two key players in this dance: Vanna (how delta responds to volatility changes) and Charm (how delta changes as time passes). These create stabilizing flows that help keep markets in check.
Basic overview, strategies & guidance , most common mistakes!
Education ⬇️
Gamma: (GEX) , which is a dollar-denominated measure of option market-makers' hedging obligations.
Things to remember/bookmark:
▪️High GEX env = lot of hedging needed = liquidity is added(+ GEX) or subtracted (- GEX)
▪️+ GEX = + gamma = Long calls go 1.0(delta) as they become ITM
▪️(-) GEX = long Puts go -1.0 as they become ITM
+ GEX: IV(volatility is crushed), dips are bought, rips are sold. Liquidity is added . Moves are more controlled
(-) GEX: IV expands (UP), dips and rips are executed in opposite manner- More unknown / faster more volatile moves
If you hear “+ gamma “ or “-“ gamma environment above 🔑 level, that’s what ⬆️ means.
Delta: Measurement of change in option price as stock moves ⬆️ or ⬇️
▪️Between -1 and 1 for every option
▪️-1 to 0 for Puts
▪️0 to 1 for Calls
▪️More “in the money” the strike moves to option, more value it gains, closer it gets to -1 for Puts or +1 for Calls
▪️>90% options expire worthless. (Market makers and casino want you to lose; so find ways to have a value before option expires)
Spreads: The EDU that skips 1000+ hours on YT, and books.
How to master what the "books" don't tell you.
DJ Khaled- They don't want you to win.. but the ARCHITECT does
Level up the edu- 🧵⬇️
👉Defined Risk/Reward
👉Great for Low IV env
👉Volatility crush strategies exist as well
👉Best for sideways action(combination- Iron condor) 👉Theta(Contract price burn) works in YOUR favor-- Ie you collect Premium by selling the SPREADS
👉4 Options with same expiration date but different strike prices
👉2 options (Puts), 2 options (Calls)
👉Goal: Is for the stock to stay range-bound between 2 strikes(short side Call and Short side Put)
👉Inner options= Are called "bodies
👉Outer options=Are called "wings"