of course on the day my essay finally comes out unpacking/critiquing this Jonathan Chait quote from 2 weeks ago, he's moved onto pundit-ing about the lab-leak theory haha...
...omg, Chait has somehow managed to link the lab-leak theory to "rushing kids into hormones & surgeries" – because of course he has! #GalaxyPunditBrain
...in thinking about it, I guess the two issues (origin of Covid19 & efficacy of gender-affirming care) have 3 things in common: 1) experts in the field largely in consensus, 2) the few who disagree are given disproportionate attention (either by ppl with racist or transphobic...
...political agendas, conspiracy theorists, or journalists who think the "debate" makes for an interesting story, and 3) despite that disproportionate attention, some ppl (like Chait) still complain that the issue is somehow "being suppressed" & "you can't talk about it"...
...since Chait has been going after @RottenInDenmark about both these topics (& also over the term "reactionary centrism"), you should read this thread which really succinctly summarizes the evidence against the lab-leak theory:
if you are so obsessed with a stranger's genitals that, when they say something rather mundane, you imagine that they have made a ridiculous statement about their genitals, then perhaps you're the one who's the sexual threat, not them?
...some confirmation regarding who is the real threat here:
let's be clear: they're critiquing this study b/c it found *too low* of a regret rate. but if the study showed a 5% or 10% regret rate for gender-affirming surgeries (what Megan calls "normal" here) you *know* that they'd be screaming about how high & unsafe that would be...
...FYI I don't think Singal or McArdle are TERFs. but it's the same circular logic. no result or interpretation would please them other than "transitioning is bad & people shouldn't do it no matter how much it improves their lives"...
...a few ppl (seemingly Singal-stans) are asking me pointed questions about the methodology. I haven't read this study yet (b/c paywall), but I can say two things: 1) the 0.3% result is in line with this meta-analysis of 72 studies showing... whatweknow.inequality.cornell.edu/topics/lgbt-eq…
...as a related aside, as a longtime trans writer & activist, I think it's super-important to know who your audience is, what their assumptions are, what you are hoping to achieve, and to tailor your article accordingly...
...e.g., I've written a lot about trans-exclusion from feminism & gay liberation. if I'm writing *for* those communities (e.g., in a feminist or queer outlet), I can get away with airing differences in a more forceful manner, as it's a "family affair" (so to speak)...
apropos of something, here's an essay I wrote back in 2017. the title conveys my mood at the moment: "stop pitting detransitoners against happily transitioned people"... juliaserano.blogspot.com/2017/06/stop-p…
...as a general rule, most trans ppl have friends & acquaintances who have detransitioned/retransitioned (for a variety of reasons) & we are supportive of them. I welcome any & all research to further understanding & address their needs...
...I don't doubt that *some* trans ppl harbor negative attitudes toward detrans ppl. just as *some* detrans ppl harbor negative attitudes toward trans ppl (e.g., those who align w/anti-trans movements & work to undermine GAC: slate.com/human-interest…)...
while I was away, we apparently had both "bisexual women" & "dick energy" Discourses™. while I'm loath to weigh in directly (as both are complicated + I don't know all the specifics), this discusses unconscious meanings we project onto both (no-paywall): juliaserano.medium.com/penises-privil…
...& this related essay explains why conservatives gratuitously smear all #LGBTQ+ ppl "gr00mers" while simultaneously embracing actual gr00mers like Andrew Tate (hint: it's not about sexual exploitation/abuse, it's about stigma-contamination; no-paywall): juliaserano.medium.com/anti-trans-gro…
...both these essays draw heavily from my latest book Sexed Up: How Society Sexualizes Us, and How We Can Fight Back. if you're interested in learning more, this chapter-by-chapter preview summarizes the book and all topics covered therein (no-paywall): juliaserano.medium.com/sexed-up-a-cha…