but Cecil Rhodes was merely following the example set by his peers back home in England
when Cecil Rhodes was colonizing the land of the Shona, the British empire led an attack on the Kingdom of Benin that erased the largest human-made structure ever built
Killmonger’s museum speech in this scene from Black Panther has made many people aware that the British empire stole the Benin Bronzes from the Kingdom of Benin
what many don’t know is that the British burned Benin City while stealing the Bronzes
so when the British tore down the Benin Bronzes from the palace and other places in Benin City, it was the equivalent of ripping pages out of a history book there was only one of
that history is still lost as many of the Bronzes remain in British possession
so when Ron DeSantis and other republicans act to restrict the teaching of Black history in K-12 classes, they are perpetuating a form of violence intrinsic to white supremacy, a violence carried out against Black people for centuries
i feel like an omitted consideration common to many of the responses i got to this thread is the fact that Millennials, Gen X, and other older cohorts in the LGBT+ community dealt with compulsory heterosexuality at a systemic scale
like for sure, there’s a lot of shitty anti-trans and anti-gay legislation being pushed, but it does not reflect the zeitgeist
as of 2021, polling data from PBS and NPR revealed that 66% of Americans are opposed to anti-trans legislation, and that includes republican voters
but in the 80s, 90s, and 2000s, homophobia and transphobia were so widely accepted that even a supposedly liberal state like California voted against gay marriage: twice
52% of Californian voters supported a ban on gay marriage in 2008
transphobic cis people claim to want scientific justification for trans people being trans, but when faced with scientific evidence, they reject it
transphobes have no interest in science that affirms being trans, only in science that supports their transphobic bigotry
like, Ray Blanchard’s “transexualism typology” frames trans women’s transness as linked to being effeminate homosexual men or hyper heterosexual men who are aroused by being women
Blanchard’s bigoted theory has been discredited numerous times, yet transphobes still invoke it
for transphobes, science isn’t about objectivity, but about the appeal to authority and confirmation bias
transphobes form conclusions first, then look for evidence that supports their conclusion rather than using evidence to shape their conclusions
i’ve had quite a few people coming into my thread about LGBT+ history, and the recency and fragility of queer rights in America, to tell me “America isn’t the whole world!”
yeah, you’re right! that’s why i’m an American, talking to other Americans, about issues in America
y’all NEED to get over this assumption that when a person tweets about a subject, that they are supposed to consider every possible variation and exception for that subject
i’m allowed to talk about American social and political issues without speaking about every other country
like, i get that homophobia and transphobia are a global crisis. i get that gay liberation is further along in some countries than in the United States, and much further behind in other countries
but none of that negates what i’ve said about the political climate in the U.S.
when gay marriage was legalized in 2015, the oldest of Gen Z were turning 18 years old, the legal age for marriage in most of the country
meaning Gen Z has never been marriage eligible during a time when gay marriage was a crime
like, for sure, there are members of Gen Z who understand their queer history in an academic sense, but y’all didn’t live it, or were so young that little of it affected you directly if at all, unless you had gay parents, which is statistically a negligible percent of you