Some poets: We hate The New York Times more than The New Yorker. Actually, we love The New Yorker.
Really? That's interesting.
The @nytimes had an entire series called THE DISABILITY SERIES. So that happened.
Remind me, again, when @NewYorker last pubbed disabled writer?
And while we're here: How many openly & out disabled editors does @NewYorker actually employ? How many staff? How many tech people? How many ANYONE AT ALL openly and out as disabled at #TheNewYorker
Poets of a Certain Pedigree & possibly my Elders in Disability Studies:
"Cy, this is not the way to go about it."
Really? Interesting.
Because I've been "going about it" the other way, by writing poems, for FIFTEEN YEARS and nothing has changed.
What's up with @NewYorker for the abled poets who just haven't noticed their favorite zine reeks of fascism + ableism:
@TheBrooklynRail : ... in response to the ableism in her poem “The Star Market” in The New Yorker. In the penultimate stanza, your speaker interrupts herself to
say, “No one likes the poetry police. I’m not the poetry police.” Can you say more about what you mean by that? And have there been instances in which readers have reacted negatively to your criticisms and activism?
@TheBrooklynRail : Do you have any suggestions for dealing with defensiveness or fragility in the face of dissent?
Cy: I’m thinking of how Žižek, when answering a question, often says, “Did you see this movie? It’s not even a good movie.” Right? And then he moves on
"We have been invaded by the proliferation of the impossible Real" quoting Lacan
"Science affects nature but it does not affect the subject. Disjunction between science and the human psyche." Rik Loose paraphrasing #Freud from Civilization & Its Discontents
"Stars in the sky? They never lie. They do not commit errors. But humans do [...] Knowledge is based on an unlimited universe and when applied to Earth it encounters limits."
Rik Loose talk: The Fall of the Object to Earth:
Object a at the Zenith Immonde and Discontent
(I have like a team of 17 support ppl bc this workplace harassment been going on a minute so obviously I have team of support ppl & I told each "dont be obvious on social")
is indubitably watching me tweet & abt to txt:
How do I know? Because that specific support person? That is her only thing she says. She says, "I am here to tell you to get off the internet" and I say back "thank you very much. That is excellent advice. For someone else. You still wanna support tho?" and she says, "YES."