I've been watching 'Rhinoceros' today, and thinking about (well, grieving) all the ordinary, non-nefarious Covid minimisers & denialists, especially those I love or was close to, and I have thoughts:
They are brittle
They are fragile
They are terrified of being terrified
When they talk about #livinginfear they are projecting their own fear, and their fear of fear (metafear) onto those of us who simply face what is
We just want them to care
We just want them to *take* (some) care
But they want to play pretend, because caring, for them, means facing their fear, and their metafear, and maybe relinquishing some of their comforts
So try as we might to get through to them, we're mostly just creating more resistance
The reality is they want us to shut up
No, they NEED us to shut up
They want us to stop making it so hard for them to live in denial
The choice they have made (when it IS in fact a choice) is to manage away the immediate short-term threats of fear/anxiety/overwhelm instead of responding to the short/mid/long term threats of SARS2, and its cascade effects on society
They assume too that those SARS2 threats probably wont apply to *them* in those rare moments when they allow themselves to even consider it
Not true, but try telling THEM that...
Somehow they've convinced themselves that this is all ok because *only others* are suffering
(again, not even true, but try telling them)
That is not a healthy place to be
So, with teeth clenched and their backs against the wall as Covid closes in, they defend themselves in any way they can
They HAVE to
They pathologise our concerns
They say we are anxious or mad
They other us
Marginalise us
Smear us
Ignore us
They don't want to hear or see us
We ARE the pandemic to them
We're a PTSD trigger 😷
We're a mirror held up to their callous, ableist and selfish behaviour
That mirror must be smashed to protect their egos and their desperate need for "normal"
🧵A year ago my Mum had shoulder replacement surgery.
I was so worried about her getting infected with Covid while she was in the hospital. Omicron 1 was accelerating fast.
She was worried too, but her pain was so great, she couldn't delay the operation.
The nurses and doctors were masked during her surgery, and in her ward (although only with surgical masks 😒), and she took a portable HEPA with her, to put next to her bed. She wore an N99 when she could.
Somehow she avoided infection. I was so relieved!
Fast forward to this week:
Mum just had another surgery. Her other shoulder. Again, i was concerned she'd be exposed to Covid while especially vulnerable.
How are gaslit parents who've been forced to send their unwell kids into school for months and months supposed to suddenly 180 and take this new stance?
Err on the side of caution, but repeat infection to Covid is desirable or even necessary? Their heads must be spinning!!!
You Covid-welcomers, you immunity-debt-mongers, you bullshitting callous infection-pushing extremists, YOU have created the perfect conditions for confusion, panic and tragedy.
IMPORTANT POINT from those UKGOV DoH guidelines on discharge of C+ patients into care homes.
Govt *pledged to provide* the PPE needed for safe care of residents & discharge of C+ patients into homes.
That was their end of the *deal* and they failed to keep it.
And care homes were *still* struggling to get adequate PPE well into May 2020! LONG after the first peak. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8…
Please watch the glorious Jodie Comer in C4's dramatisation "Help". She plays a care home worker in Spring 2020, going through that first terrifying wave, with PPE shortages, no testing, terrible Govt advice and pressure to accept C+ patients into homes.
"The donation, of $630,225, was made in February 2018 in the name of Ehud Sheleg, a wealthy London art dealer who was most recently the Conservative Party’s treasurer."
"But docs filed with the authorities last year...say the money originated in a Russian account of Mr. Sheleg’s father-in-law, Sergei Kopytov, who was once a senior politician in the previous pro-Kremlin govt of 🇺🇦. He now owns real estate & hotel businesses in Crimea & 🇷🇺."