To go back to Dr Schwartz’s comments, first, points for originality. Second, the grasping cringey desire on the part of women to be recognized by men, instead of G-d, is but a shadow of the arrogance of men who defy a community’s norms but expect the privileges of complying.
If a synagogue expects a certain hat, either wear the hat or expect the consequences. That’s what adults do.
The idea that one openly lives a lifestyle that flouts G-d’s laws and fully expects others to apologize for their behavior and bend laws to accommodate them, is appalling. It’s pandering of the worst sort.
@chayykay There is mystique to being a woman, something special and impressive about childbirth. That is what they are appropriating in this photo. The new mother in a hospital bed is an iconic image reflected in the reality of being human. Proud Mother. New Life.
Notice that they are both mothers in the photo. As much as motherhood is demeaned in the Roe culture, there is still an aspect of awe and admiration for what a woman’s body can do, for the world G-d made, for the joy and miracle of new life.
Celebrating new life is something in the vein of racism in 2023, but the obvious irony in men taking credit for childbirth powerfully illustrates the respect we still have for the physical feat of pregnancy and childbirth.
This message is messed up. Before the spokesman. Stupid point. I know it resonates with a lot of women. But it’s stupid. Masculinizes the feminine and belittles women who led great lives before feminism. A higher profile is not what women need. Less degradation is.
Women’s rights will have been achieved not when there are more women CEOs than men CEOs, but when there is zero domestic violence in this country. When laboring women have the right to labor with dignity, according to their unique circumstances.
Zero prostitution, zero sex trafficking, zero pornography. Rights For Women.
Not naming weird things no one cares about in honor of women.
Listening to @RabbiGoldberg about eating, ironically, on a fast day, about how eating is contact with the Divine, contact with the life force. (Paraphrasing, I hope accurately.)
I don’t like when people call food “junk.” Food keeps body and soul together. It’s holy. It’s a gift from G-d. Food keeps us alive. If all we had was potato chips, it would keep us alive.
First point is that this is not always how the world works. If it were, you wouldn’t have feminism. The Temperance Movement of the late 1800’s/early 1900’s came to combat the practice of men drinking away the money their family needed to live on. Drunk men were probably
also abusive. Men left women home caring for children to go see other women. This is all basic human nature. Women were not to blame at all for these dynamics. Feminism came to unchain women who were chained to bad men by their small children. Education, work opportunities,