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Mar 8 152 tweets 27 min read
BKDK Angst w/ Happy Ending

#bkdk #bakudeku


"I mean..we've been friends for so long and I just got used to feeling this way there's..another." Izuku admitted to Shouto. They sat in his dorm room with cups of cold tea while Izuku let out what he needed.
"I..I'm happy for him, don't get me wrong..but..I can't help that bit of selfishness within me." He whispered, his hands shaking slightly bringing Shouto to take the cup out of his hand and place it down on the table.

"Is..Is that wrong?" He asked, looked up at him worriedly.
"He's my best friend and I want the w-world for him but I..I can't stand to watch him not look at me."

Shouto shook his head, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Far from it. You're allowed to be upset about it. You love him. Anyone would upset at that point."
Izuku frowned, tearing up, "I-I told myself I wouldn't cry, I'm sorry.." He chuckled quietly without humor as he wiped his tears as best as he could.

"Let yourself cry, it's clearly taking a toll on you."

Izuku looked down at his lap before breaking completely.
"I-I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

"It hurts so m-much Shou.."

"I know, it's okay."

Izuku ended up crying for some time and Shouto sat with him through it all. As he calmed down he heard his phone ring with an incoming call. An all too familar ring
He took a breath as he looked at it seeing the familar nickname of his childhood best friend on the screen. He sniffled, wiping his eyes before answering it, hiding his pain as best as he could.

"H-Hi Kacchan!"

"Where are you, nerd? You're not at your dorm and I need advice."
Izuku felt his heart hurt a heavy amount as he took a deep shaky breath, "With?"

"Ochako! Who else? I'm taking her out to dinner and I need help picking out a gift."

Izuku looked up at Shouto with a saddened expression and curled in on himself.
"I...I'm at Shou's but I..I can meet you at your dorm and help you go and shop.."

"Fuck, you're a lifesaver. Thanks nerd, I'll see you soon." He sighed out of relief on the other line before diconnecting the call leaving Izuku to slowly move his phone away from his face.
He felt his heart pound heavily in his chest as he hit it a couple times to try and calm himself down.

Shouto took notice of this and gently took the phone out of his hand and instead held both of his hands, warming them up with his quirk for comfort.
"You know you don't need to help him if you don't want to." He told him softly, running his thumb over his knuckles.

"...I'm his best friend..and one of hers too..".

"His, sure, but not as much hers anymore because of this you know."
"I still know a lot of what she likes..and I would always help Kacchan no matter how much I'm hurting..I can't punish him for how he feels..I can't make him love me.."

Shouto sighed and nodded before pulling him into a tight hug. "I'm here for you..remember that."
Izuku hugged him back, nodding, "Thank you Shou..You're amazing."


Izuku sat down at the cafe table, taking a sip of the water cup he was given as he waited.

Its been 5 years since they've graduated UA and 5 years since Katsuki and Ochako got together.
Sure, he was still heartbroken over it all but he couldn't just stay away from their relationship. Katsuki was still his best friend.

He fought with Ochako about their relationship when they got together which already tainted him and Katsuki some.
He still remember that fight and the call he got from Katsuki after it.


"Ochako how could you do this to me?! You /knew/ I liked him! I went to you and Shouto every single time I expressed my feelings for him..and you took him from me!"
"Look, it's not my fault I started liking him! You were taking too long to tell him and we started hanging out some more and I just knew I had to be with him! If he loved you he wouldn't have accepted my confession. If anything, I'm doing you a favor!"
"I would have accepted a rejection over one of my best friends betraying me!"

"You see this as a betrayal?! You don't own him you know! You're being childish at this point, Izuku."

Izuku's eyes widened as she said that before shaking his head, looking away.
"I want you out. I..I don't..want this to taint our friendship..I cherish it.. But I can' this right now." His voice cracked as he spoke.

Ochako just scoffed at that and didn't say another word as he walked out, slamming the door on the way out.
Later that night was when the call came. He was sure Katsuki was going to be asleep by then as Izuku himself was in the process of getting ready to sleep.

He heard his unique ringtone and took a deep breath as he answered it.

He wish he didn't.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"W-What? Ka-"

"Ochako came crying to me a few hours ago saying you no longer wanted to be her friend because we were together, is that true?"

"Kacchan, w-wai-"

"She said you were being an ass to her because suddenly we're together-
And you don't want to be friends with her if she's with me?! How immature do you have to be, Izuku?! We're not kids anymore. This was going to happen at some point and you know it. Did you think we were going to just be an inseperable duo forever?!"
Izuku was silent as he listened to him.. That wasn't..what happened at all..

"We're not. We decided we were going to be hero partners, sure, but us as people are our own. I want this relationship with Ochako and if you can't understand that I don't want a friendship with you."
Izuku's heart broke as he said that, his hands starting to shake. He couldn't argue that that wasn't what went down between him and Ochako. That would mean admitting what was clearly not good now.

"I'm happy for you guys, Kacchan. I really am. I'm sorry I made you think-
Otherwise. You guys are my best friends..just..right now I don't want to talk to her.. I hope you respect that.. I still want to be friends with her.."

Katsuki was silent on the other line before just sighing, "Whatever." He said before disconnecting the call.

He stopped calling him Izuku that day, instead just settling for Deku or Midoriya. He stopped getting replies to his messages that day too.

It took a month before they started to fix anything.

Though it felt like the only reason they fixed anything was because-
Izuku knew things that Ochako liked and Katsuki needed it.

It took a lot longer for them to start really talking again and no matter how much they repaired there was still a part that just wasn't the same.

But Izuku was happy just as long as he got to keep Katsuki in his life.
He messed with the straw in his drink as he waited.

He should have been here by now, right?

He's the one who invited him?

He sighed as he leaned his head on his hand and decided to leave it be and wait. It was another 5 minutes before he got there and took the seat-
In front of Izuku. Izuku looked up at him, giving a small smile, "Hey, Kacchan."

"Shit, have you been waiting long? Sorry, I was talking to Ochako and got held up and we were figuring this out and-"

Izuku held his hand up, shaking his head, "No..I..Haven't been waiting-
Long.. I just got here." He whispered. He didn't know if Katsuki knew he was lying but if he did he didn't say anything as he just moved on.

"Sorry for just like suddenly inviting you out here I just have something really important to ask you."
Izuku nodded, tilting his head, "What do you need to ask me?"

"Let's order and catch up first then I'll let you know." Katsuki said, grabbing the menu, looking it over.

They fell into a bit of conversation talking about most things new.
Katsuki congratulated him for the number one spot in the hero rankings.

Izuku just thanked him but couldn't help but feel upset about it. He was grateful for the rankings but..

They were supposed to do it together.

Instead, Katsuki ended up being a duo with Ochako.
No use reminiscing now. This was his decision. He wanted to work with his girlfriend, he couldn't stop that.

Their food came out soon after and they began to eat the small cafe treats before Katsuki took something out of his pocket, sliding his over to Izuku.
"Read this before I ask you what I need." He said, taking another bite of his food.

Izuku looked at the envelope, to Katsuki, then back to the envelope, setting his fork down and slowly picking it up, opening it.

What was inside shattered him.
"I thought it'd be better if I invited you in person."

Izuku read over the words once, twice and multiple times over but no matter how many times he read it it still said the same thing.

'You're Invited To Our Wedding!

Katsuki & Ochako'
He didn't want to read past that point to know when, he didn't want to know where. He couldn't bring himself to. He took deep breaths as he looked at him.

"When did you guys get..?"

"Maybe.. 6 months ago? I was planning to ask her months before that though.."
Izuku kept himself from bunching up the invitation in his shaking hands as he listened to him talk.

He didn't know about this.

He didn't know about anything.

Out of everyone, despite everything, he still told him everything he was going to to in their relationship.
He never once was invited to help him ring shop or even once asked the places she loved the most..

All of this was happening and he didn't know any of it.

"C-Congratulations Kacchan!" He tried to smile as much as he could and held back the tears that wanted to form.
"Thanks Mido. That brings me to my question."

Izuku nodded, starting to mess with his sleeve, "Yeah?"

"Will you.. Do me the honor.. Of being my best man?"

Izuku couldn't stop the tears with that question.

He was happy for him.

So happy.
But he was hurting so much.

"Oi! I didn't think you'd cry over that! I know it's exciting but-"

"I'll b-be your best man Kacchan."

No matter how much he was hurting he would never make him think for a second that he was.

He had to be supportive.

He was still his best friend.
Later that day Izuku came over to Shouto's place and cried to him and Sero about everything. Shouto promised he'd be there for Izuku during the entire thing as did Sero.

Shouto had been there for Izuku since this all started and Sero tagged along when he walked in on-
Shouto comforting Izuku about Katsuki back in highschool.

Izuku was happy to have them, he had lost both Iida and Tsu when he and Ochako stopped talking and he didn't really have anyone else besides Shouto.

Now that Shouto and Sero lived together he ended up being able to-
Talk to them both whenever he needed. Though Sero was close with Katsuki he still understood Izuku's side heavily.

"You know you didn't have to say yes.. You'll probably have to do a speech.. Will you be able to handle that?" Sero asked him, a hand on his back.
"F-Fuck I didn't even think about that..I..I think I'll be okay.. He took my crying earlier as pure happy tears s-so I'm sure if I cry again it'll be the same...I don't know if Ochako will think the same though.."

"Will she even be okay with you there?" Shouto mentioned.
Izuku froze for a moment before looking at him. "I..I don't know..I didn't even think about that..I'm sure he told her about i-it..right?"

"I guess..we'll have to wait until wedding rehearsals.." Sero sighed.

Izuku hoped everything would be okay.

"I thought I told you I didn't want him here!"

"It was days before the wedding, I wasn't going to change what I already decided."

Izuku passed by a door where he heard familiar voices argue.

"Do you just not care about how he hurt me?"
"That was 5 years ago! We've been fixing our friendship and I wanted him to be my best man, is that so bad? I told you I didn't want Mr.Prez invted either but he walked you down the damn aisle! So we're both sucking shit up!"

"The reason you don't want Tenya is-"
Way different than why I don't want Midoriya here. How much more could I have asked for? I just wanted our day to be special but no! You had to invite him!"

He heard a sigh come from Katsuki and his voice quieted some, Look..what do you want me to do?"

"Don't talk to him?-
Rest of the night?"

"I...o-okay..I don't want to see you upset..." He whispered.

"Thank you for listening to me.."

"You're welcome, love."

Izuku covered his mouth as tears flowed down his face. He shook his head as he quickly found himself running towards the nearest exit.
He cried as he ran out of the reception hall to wherever, he didn't know, he just needed to be far from there.

He ignored the messages that pinged on his phone and he ignored the calls he got.

At a point he ended up sitting on a bench and cried for god knows how long.
It hurt.

It hurt so bad.

He let the rain fall on him as he sat and cried. He cried until he couldn't cry anymore and until his voice was hoarse.

He didn't know how long he sat and before getting an u/ber to get home

He was so tired.

Izuku hadn't talked to Katsuki since that day and tried to take time for himself.

He hung out with Shouto and Sero going out to try new places and started to talk to some other old friends like Shinsou and Monoma more.

He started to be happy again.
That was until he got a phone call.

And kept getting phone calls.

At 1 in the morning.

He picked up sluggishly, having just woken up to the noise from his phone.

He picked up to something he didn't expect to hear.

That shot him awake instantly. "Kacchan? What's going on? What's wrong? Where are you?" He asked frantically, standing up.

"Can..f-fuck I don't even deserve to ask this of you I just.."

"Go on.. I'm listening.."

"C-Can I come over?"

"Of course."
It was another 10 minutes or so until he was there but Izuku saw how tired and broken he looked and how poorly he hid the fact that he had been crying.

Izuku instantly hugged him him began his crying once more.

"I'll be here to listen when you're ready." Izuku told him-
As he guided him to sit down so the couch with a cup of warm tea for both of them.

//Extra CW: Cheating Mention, Fighting (not bkdk), Hurt + Comfort//

Katsuki bounced his leg as he looked at the cups to his lap then up at Izuku.

"Before I do..I'm..I'm so sorry, Izuku.."
He whispered, shaking his head. He looked ashamed. "For everything. Ever since I got with her I..I've been hurting you in the name of w-whatever form of love I was in..You didn't deserve that..I-I don't deserve to even call you a friend."
Izuku shook his head, gently reaching over to hold his hand. "I may have been hurt..and if I'm being honest..I don't..know how easy it'll be to stop hurting..but right now I'm here for you. I'm going to listen because no matter what you're still my best friend at heart."
"I-Izuku.." He whispered shakily before nodding, squeezing his hand.

"She told me not to worry a-about him while actively telling m-me to stay away from you..I was a fool to ever believe her! I should have known when she didn't want you in my life anymore but different-
Expectations were set on me!" He raised his voice, rememberance in his eyes as he looked away. "Ever since we got together it felt like she closer to him.."

Izuku tilted his head, "Who's..if you don't mind me asking..who's this 'he'?"
Katsuki took a deep breath, his hand shaking, "None other than that fucking class president." He was starting to try and mask his sadness with anger. Something Izuku learned to pick up on so many years ago. "I thought I could trust him! I thought I could trust them both!"
"Kacchan..breathe." Izuku whispered, running his thumb over his knuckles as he watched him slowly do so.

"We just got married, Izuku..we had so much fun on our honeymoon, I took her where she always wanted to go..I got her ring custom made to match what she liked I.."
He shook his head, squeezing Izuku's hand a bit. "I gave her the world..but her world wasn't the one I gave her..instead it was him and the world he gave her." He looked down to hide his eyes but Izuku didn't miss the way his hand swiped against his face.
"She's been cheating for so long.. And I just..didn't know.." He muttered, "I just found out..we had a huge fight over it..she called me insane and deranged for accusing her and that the proof I had was's not easy to believe her when there's /so much./
Izuku was in pure shock from everything he heard. Ochako? The same Ochako that came between him and Kacchan because of how much she "loved" him and essentially ruined their friendship because of how much she "loved" him was cheating on him?
"Can you..tell me more about the fight?.." Izuku asked quietly, "Where did you get the proof?"

Katsuki took a deep breath before nodding and starting to talk.


Katsuki's eyes widened as he looked at the message he just received from Shouto.
He hasn't texted him in so long and suddenly he's texting him something that he never thought he'd see.

K: What is this, icyhot?
S: What? Don't believe it? Open your eyes, Bakugou. I wouldn't lie to you about this.

Katsuki kept looking at the pictures on his-
Phone. They were all of Ochako and Tenya. Every single one was them in a different area sneaking around and holding hands or arms around one another or kissing and going to stay in hotels and going on vacations together.

He looked through them so many times but each time-
Nothing changed. This was real.

Ochako was cheating on him.

He dropped his phone, taking a step back away from it.

Right at that moment was when the wicked witch herself came back home.

"Kats! I'm home! Where are you, I miss you!"
Katsuki looked towards the door as footsteps came towards it. His breathing picked up once the doorknob turned and there stood Ochako.

He couldn't see the wife he loved so much.

He just saw the villain she's been for so long.

"Oh, Kats, what's up? You look upset!"
Katsuki looked down at her, he couldn't tell if he was more upset or angry at her.

Right now he just felt /so/ betrayed.

"When..were you going to tell me..?"


"How long were you going to let me stay wrapped around your finger until you couldn't stand to keep me?"
"K-Katsuki I'm confused.." She looked at him, trying to keep the atmosphere in the room light and act innocent.

"You know what? I'm confused too Ochako. I'm confused why you didn't just fucking leave me instead of cheating on me with Iida! That would hurt a lot less than this!"
She stayed silent for a moment before standing her ground, giving him a neutral expression, "I don't know what you're talking about Katsuki. This isn't funny."

"Don't act fucking innocent! I've seen the pictures, I-"

"Those are photoshop. I don't know what you've seen-
But I think you're blindly and stupidly following what you've seen." She hummed, stepping closer. "I would love to see this proof you have. See how it tricked you so easily. You know, it really hurts hearing you accuse me so easily. I thought you cared about my feelings."
Katsuki stared at her as he listened to every word she said.

Has she always argued like this?

Is she right? Is he in the wrong?.. No..he couldn't be.. He knows what he saw. He's seen a lot of photoshopped pictures and that didn't have that look to it.
Plus those photos seem to have been taken by Shouto himself or at least someone close to him..he..

No. He wasn't wrong.

"You know I care about how you feel. I've cared about how you feel since I first confided in you back in UA about Deku. You know this. I would /never/ make-
You feel small for how you feel. I know what I saw though, this isn't just photosh-"

"So who sent these photos to you, huh? /Was/ it Midoriya? I thought I told you to stop talking to him." She was starting to get defensive. "Of course him out of everyone would send that to you."
"For your information, I haven't heard from him since the wedding which is where you told me to stop talking to him. You never said anything about after that!"

"Well you should have known!! God! Why is he always such a problem between us!"

"You're the one that brought him up!"
Both of them were yelling now. Sometimes yelling over the other. They haven't fought this bad since graduating highschool and Katsuki told her he wanted to still be a duo with Izuku.

"This wasn't even about him! I won't tell you who sent them but you can-
Look through his and mines conversation right now and see nothing having to do with this. You know what! Do you want to see the pictures? Maybe you'll recognize which days these are from." He grabbed his phone and opened the folder once more showing her them all.
Her expression told everything. The way she tried to keep her face neutral but the fear slipping through no matter how hard she tried to hide it.

"You know, I thought I could trust you. I gave you my heart, Ochako." He shook his head, taking his phone back.
"You were the only other person I let myself trust after Izuku and you just..did you ever love me?" He whispered, clutching his chest. "You so easily went to Iida..I mean.. How long has this been going on?"

Ochako shook her head looking away from him, "N-No.. It's all lies.."
She whispered, her voice cracking. "I.." She tried to find something to say but she couldn't as she turned around and just said. "You're not easy to love, Katsuki. I tried. I did. It just didn't stick." She admitted.

Katsuki didn't know how to respond-
To what she said. He didn't stop her from walking out. Instead he called the one person he could talk to.


Izuku listened to him talk about the fight and once he was done instantly hugged him. He was furious about all that Ochako said about him but more importantly-
The stuff she said to and about Katsuki was unforgivable.

It made him understand more why Katsuki distanced from him so much. He couldn't forgive yet but he understood and accepted.

"I'm so sorry you went through that, don't deserve that.. You had every right-
To be upset about all of this that happened.. She broke your heart..not even just broke.. She stepped on it. For /so/ long she was with someone she told you you were just insane to be worried over.. And I'm so sorry you've dealt with this for so long.. "
"T-Thank you..I..I should have known something was up when she left so often for events.. I should have left her when she started talking so badly about you but she just.. She helped me so much I didn't think she could do any bad.."
Katsuki basked in his warmth, sitting closer to him. "She helped me so much too..but..I was still hurt by her.. Betrayal comes from so many different angles you don't even know where or when to prepare your defences.."

Katsuki nodded and they sat there together for some time.
Once they separated Katsuki looked at him with a frown, "Was.. Was what she told me about you a lie too?.. About how you hurt her.. All the way back in UA?.."

Izuku stayed silent before nodding slowly, smiling sadly, "That day the one hurt was me.."
Katsuki looked at him in shock before shaking his head. "F-Fuck, Izuku I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.. Please..I..I want your side of all of this.. You don't need to give me it now if you don't want to but..I want to know..

Izuku looked at him for a long time before taking a breath.
TBC + A poll to leave this on cause I'm just a bit tired ^^;

Should Izuku tell him his side now or after they mostly make up?
I've woke up! But I'm adding another poll after reading some comments and qrts!!

Should Izuku tell him he loves him now (as apart of explaining everything) or leave it for until Katsuki heals and just explain everything w/out his love for him
Polls are in and we're continuing now!!


"Kacchan, I'm going to tell you everything. What I need for you is to just listen to me. No matter what you hear I don't want any interruption or excuses or anything. I just need you to listen, can you /please/ do that?"
Katsuki looked at him and nodded, "Of course..tell me everything you need."

Izuku sighed before beginning,

"The day you and Ochako together was the same day a big part of me was lost and that part was you." He started, messing with his sleeve.
"I never thought a day like that would come after how much I told her about you..about how I felt about you..but the moment I saw you two in the halls I didn't know what to do. I betrayed by was hard to not be upset...
So we fought. I told her how betrayed I felt and just like you she tried to twist the way I felt into how she felt instead. I never once stated I didn't want to be friends. I just told her I couldn't talk to her at that point. I was hurting and I watched her take my-
Best friend—no..I watched her take the man I loved away from me." He watched Katsuki's eyes widen at the confession but he kept silent in respect to Izuku.

"I told her everything about you. I told her how much I loved you, out of all my friends she heard the most if it. She-
Used to teased me about how much I liked you..but she told me about how you guys started talking more and how she fell in love with you and there before me..So I just sat in silence..I couldn't tell you this when you were /so/ happy with her. I couldn't-
Just admit to you that I wanted you to be with me cause I knew you Kacchan! I knew you would do anything for me and I didn't want a relationship with you to be tainted by me being selfish and you being selfless!" He was tearing up now, remembering everything that he felt.
"So I just suffered in silence. Your call hurt me, Kacchan. I know you loved her, but /fuck/ I didn't expect you to so easily side with her! We've been through so much and to hear you just watch her crocodile tears and defend her against me hurt more than anything."
He ignored the tears that flowed down his face as he stayed strong. He needed to know about this. He needed to tell him now.

"I didn't want to lose your friendship so I just let it be. That's why I accepted helping you when you asked me about her at first. I put my feelings-
Aside because it meant keeping my best friend in my life. And you know what? Through all of that, I still loved you. My heart still beat so loudly for you, I felt it just pound against my chest for you every single day...but I was fine with that..because I still had you."
He took a deep breath, deciding to move forward from UA.

"She actually told me you guys were becoming a duo before you did, did you know that? It wasn't long before, she must have told me while you were setting up paperwork or something." He shrugged, looking at his-
Phone that sat on the table where the messages still were left behind on. "She told me cause I 'deserved to be the first one to know' but I know she was just telling me so I felt bad."

He wiped his face as he balled his fist up, "She tainted what we had so much.. I know-
A lot of you ignoring me was because of her but it still hurts..I was honored you chose me to be your best man though the decision was strange to me considering everything..and I was still hurting so much.. I cried because I was distraught over the fact you guys were-
Getting married. I cried because at that point I had officially lost you to her..there may have been some happiness deep in there but it was only because you were happy with her.."

Katsuki took in everything he said, still being in shock and clearly wanting to say something-
But he still stayed quiet because Izuku was still speaking.

"I overheard you guys at the wedding. That's why I left. She didn't want me there and didn't want you talking to me.. The way she manipulated you into it isn't your fault.. It's hard to not listen when-
You're so in love..but it still hurt a lot. I left right after listening to that, that's why you haven't heard from me since then. After so much hurt you grow to be tired.. And I was.. I still am..but I was learning to be happy..I was learning to accept this.."
He looked back at Katsuki, a sad smile on his face, "But no matter how much I accept heart is beating so much for you still.. I don't think I could ever stop loving you if I tried.. Her telling you that you're hard to love is bullshit because even though all that-
Happened between us and I was so hurt.. I still loved you. You're not hard to love, she just didn't try hard enough."

He finished speaking and Katsuki was silent as he went through so many emotions.

Guilt. Sorrow. Awe.

He didn't know exactly where to begin.
"I want you to know that I'm not..trying to confess because you're suddenly free again..kinda..You deserve to know." He gently squeezed his hand.

"Izuku, loved-love me?"

"A lot."

"So she lied to me."

Katsuki shook his head, "That's for another day. I wont put you through any of my emotions when you're still hurting. I-I will tell you that I'll spend as much time as it takes to make this up to you."

He used both of his hands to cup Izuku's one hand.
"I'm sorry isn't even enough..but I will take years of sorries and apologies if it means fixing everything that happened between us."

Izuku looked at him for a long moment before nodding, "I want time to work on myself more and I want you to take care of yourself-
As well, Kacchan. You've been hurt to an extreme and no matter what it takes I want you to do what you need to...feel better and be better. I will not forgive you until you do that. Do you understand?"

"Every word, Izuku. I'm so sorry."

"I know you are."
Izuku gently pulled him into a hug, "Whatever it takes. I want to be how we used to be. Please, get better..I know you can do it."

"I will..I promise..I'll do anything." He whispered against his neck.


6 months passed, Izuku and Katsuki started to rekindle their friendship.
They started with good morning and good night texts and as time went they went to having conversations a lot more.

Katsuki would update him on multiple things, the first thing was his divorce. Ochako packed her things and left to live with Tenya.
Izuku was the first person to know about when this happened.

They started to hang out again 3 months after everything, starting it out slow as both of them were still healing.

They promised to not talk about anything having to do with love until they were all better to.
Katsuki did everything it took to make everything up to Izuku. He knew no amount of what he did could actually make up for everything that he did.

He was willing to try though.

Izuku was the judge of whether or not he forgave him for it all and he wanted to make sure he did-
Enough to reach that point. He watched Izuku grow into an even happier person. Something he missed seeing for the past almost 6 years now.

He didn't realize how much he was missing until he lost it all.

He missed Izuku's bright smile and he missed the way he was able to-
Brighten up a room so easily. The way he muttered, the way he expressed himself.

He missed so much being with Ochako.

Each day he realized just how much he really missed.

Why did he ever first believe her?

He could have been so much happier now.
Everything was so different now and even though things are starting to become just a bit better than before everything still was so much different than before.

Izuku forgave him for bullying him so many years ago and he's been forever grateful for that.
But he knew that that didn't hurt him as much as what happened during his and Ochako's relationship and he was paying for all that pain caused.

He was willing to pay for it all though because Izuku still got hurt.

Ochako may have manipulated him through their entire-
Relationship but that manipulation made him hurt Izuku in the process.

Izuku understood why it happened but Katsuki needed to understand how hurt Izuku was.

He accepted that and was willing to do learn and understand for however long it would take.

A year and a half passed and Izuku showed up to Katsuki's place unannounced.

They started to do that a couple months ago as they, though not completely what they used to be, still made so much progress and were really close again.
Katsuki could tell this unannounced arrival had meaning behind it from the expression he wore.

"May I come in?"

"Of course." Katsuki stepped to the side and let him inside and watched him go and sit on the couch.

"Do you need something to drink?"
Izuku thought for a second before nodding, "Some tea would be nice, thank you."

"Your favorite?"

"You have it?"

"Of course I do." Katsuki walked off to begin making that for them. He didn't know what Izuku wanted to talk about but he knew that the nerd was nervous.
He brought the cups back to the livingroom with the tea in them, placing them both down on the coffee table as Katsuki took a seat next to him.

He watched Izuku take a sip after thanking him before looking down at his lap shyly, bouncing his leg some.
"Do you promise to be honest with me the entire time we talk?" He asked softly, seeing the unsurity in his eyes.

"I promise. I swear on my life that I will tell you nothing but the truth the entire time." Katsuki nodded looking at him determined.
"....Then..I want you to tell you and Ochako got together..after that I will forgive you."

Katsuki stayed silent, his hand starting to shake some but inevitably nodding, "I'll tell you everything. I wont leave anything out." He whispered before starting to talk.

"Hey, round face, can I talk to you?" He found her in the common room talking to Iida. She looked at him for a second before nodding, hopping up. "Of course! Lets go to my dorm!"

She waved bye to Iida before leading the way to her dorm room. She shut the door behind-
Them both and smiled sweetly at him. "What's up? This seems serious." She asked softly.

Katsuki sighed before leaning against the door, feeling his heart beat heavily in his chest. "Can you be honest with me..and also keep this shit a secret?"
Ochako quickly nodded, furrowing her brows, "Of course.. What's going on?"

Katsuki took a deep breath, "I..I think I'm starting to—no..I've liked Izuku for a bit now and you're the nerd's best tell me.. Do I..have a chance..? Does he talk about..liking-
Anyone..?.." He asked, he looked away as his face heat up as he blushed.

Ochako looked at him for a moment before frowning, "Oh..Bakugou.." She whispered, "I'm sorry..he..he actually doesn't talk about liking you at all.. He's talked a lot about liking..Shouto recently.."
She shook her head, stepping a bit closer, "He actually...and don't tell him this..The last time he talked about you was when he was telling me about not knowing how to let you know you he didn't want to be a duo with you anymore after highschool.. I'm so sorry Bakugou.."
Katsuki felt his chest hurt as she said the last bit.. That was the promise they made to each other? Now Izuku just suddenly didn't want it?

Something felt wrong here but all he could feel was the heartbreak in his chest by also not being liked by his crush.
Before he knew it he felt warm arms wrap around him in a hug. "Hey.. I'm here for you, okay? If you want to talk about anything or just want to start talking I'm here.." She whispered and he couldn't stop the way he hugged her back.


"That was when it all started..she-
Told me all that about you and almost everytime we talked she was able to tell me something new about you going against me which just..I was already so hurt I didn't know what was right and what was wrong.. Then at a point even though I still was hurting I had to let myself-
Be happy so when she confessed to me I accepted and let myself slowly fall in love with her no matter what I still felt for you. She brought me so much kindness and I couldn't help it.."

Izuku nodded, sitting back as he took another sip of tea. "So she was lying to you-
The entire time you guys had maintained a friendship into the relationship.." He whispered more to himself than Katsuki.

"Essentially..I wish.. I saw it sooner..but I..I loved you..and hearing something I cared about so much that seemed like you didn't care about.. I just-
Couldn't...think right.."

"Why didn't you ask me about this?"

"She told me it'd be best to not to..that I would just hurt more if I did go to you.. which in a way she's right..I'd rather just accept it than hurt more hearing it from the source."
The room was silent for a long moment. Izuku was thinking while Katsuki watched him do so, not interrupting his train of thought as he racked his brain through this all.

He went through a lot of emotions but in the end he looked at Katsuki, sighing quietly.


"I forgive you."

Katsuki's eyes widened and he couldn't stop the way he teared up, "F-Fuck..really?"

"Yes.. I forgive you, Kacchan. I forgive you for everything." Izuku followed suit, his eyes becoming glossy upon seeing him cry.
Katsuki hugged him and they cried in one another's arms for a long moment.

They missed each other.

They missed /this/.

This was the final piece they needed in fixing everything that happened between them.

They both knew there would still be a part-
In there that wasn't completely fixed but that was okay. They were willing to have that piece if it meant they could live knowing they were going to be okay.

"And, Kacchan?..If..If the promise can still stay..I still become a hero duo with you.."
That made Katsuki cry harder.

They sat there for awhile and once they calmed down they looked at each other, soft smiles on their faces.

"Thank you."


"Forgiving me."

"Of course, Kacchan."

They leaned their foreheads against one another before Izuku quietly-
Giggled, messing with his hands.

"What's so funny nerd?" Katsuki smiled more at him.

"Just.. I'm really have you in my life again.. I missed you so much.." He whispered.

Katsuki gently took his hand into his own, squeezing it, " too.."
Izuku stayed silent before leaning back, "Do..Do you still like me?"

"I..I tried really hard to push it down when I was with her're just so..different...It started hitting me way rough in the past few months." He admitted, sighing quietly.
Izuku smiled, nodding at him, "I just..I think we need a few months to let this settle..before we even act on this..okay? I..I really want..The chance to give you the love you deserve."

"And I want to do the same to you.."


Izuku and Katsuki happily laid with one another-
As they watched an old All Might movie as per Izuku's request.

Their phones stayed on silent and in another room as they stayed immersed in the movie and with one another.

"You hungry? You want me to grab you a snack?" Katsuki asked him softly. Izuku nodded, pausing the movie-
Humming as he thought for a second. "Just some chips would be nice..and can you make us some hot chocolate?" He asked happily.

Katsuki nodded, giving him a gentle kiss as he got up, making his way to the kitchen.

It was another few hours before they grabbed-
Their phones and looked at the influx of notifications they had. They both just laughed as they looked at each other, starting to get ready to go to sleep.

What can they say.

When you're Japan's number 1 hero duo and you announce your engagement to the world of course-
That would bring some attention. They were happy at the support they were receiving from it.

After a couple years of taking their relationship slow they accidentally ended up proposing to one another during a vacation they planned.
They told their friends first before waiting some months to tell the public via a picture of their matching rings.

'Wonder Duo Engaged' was trending for weeks after.

And you know what?

They couldn't be happier about being at this point after so long.

End <3

Hope this ending was suffice! Thank you guys so much for the support on this one I had fun writing it!!

• • •

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Mar 10
Near graduation BKDK late night talks (makin up for all that angst previously ^^)

#bkdk #bakudeku


"Should have known you'd be out here." Izuku smiled softly, walking out onto the balcony where Katsuki sat in the cool breeze. "It is loud in there." He giggled, standing-
Next to him. "You'll just make it loud out here with your muttering." Katsuki rolled his eyes but Izuku knew he had no bite in his words, only fondness. "Have you been having fun?" He asked.

Izuku nodded, "I'm..really thankful for this class...I can't wait until we all-
Become pros and show off all this hard work we've done..though I'm gonna miss seeing everyone everyday.." He sighed, laying his head on his knees. "Everyone is so fun to be around.."

"You'll still see everyone often enough, nerd, you can't stay away from your friends for too-
Read 21 tweets

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