If you don’t have time to read all 86 listed accomplishments, just remember:
#MGTOW #NeverPoiLIEvre #WomenAgainstPoilievre
•Support for the occupation of Ottawa
•Met with several Convoy and anti mask, anti govt representatives (but he didn’t know them)
•Spoke to Christine Anderson a few days ago, but denies it
•Refuses to discipline “rogue” MPs who met with Christine Anderson
•Abuses parliamentary privilege to make scandalous accusations.
Manipulates info given to Christian Nationalists who exist in an alternate reality.
Those are damming enough themselves.
But if you’re really in a hurry, PP and CPC have been fascists since the Reform became Alliance & Alliance subsumed Progressive Conservatives.
And Harper himself did in Canada. Until the LPC defeated CPC in the 2015 election.
Like Scheer, O’Toole and now Poilievre have all parroted fascist propaganda at the behest of the Christo-fascist far right totalitarian libertarian nationalists masquerading as conservatives in the US and Canada.
The Dominionist political movement is a global movement.
O’Toole era memes.
Poilievre memes.
It is frustrating that information about fascism is widely available. But the onslaught of disinformation confuses people and the truth get lost in the fracas.
Nationalism is not new. Nazis were nationalists. So were Mussolini Fascists.
Fascist behaviour is predictable.
Teach your children well.
Gen X was the last generation where the majority were raised with common morals, ethics, values and democratic principles.
There was a time when this statement was not controversial. When the nation embraced diversity and celebrated multiculturism.
This is what passes for love, compassion and understanding in the modern era.
These are the rhetorical narratives Christo-fascists have promoted within an insular mostly rural religious community. The prediction was 2021, but the convoy was January 2022. The meme: March 2021.
March 23, 2021 is about 11 weeks or 76 days post J6 which occurred on January 6, 2021.
So anyone trying to pretend that the American and Canadian disruptive far right incidents weren’t related can go to hell. Because they’ve always been related.
I documented.
Some of us document what we saw so others will remember. And for those who didn’t experience it to have actual context.
Tucker Carlson is gaslighting America with his most recent denial that j6 was violent. But this is what was circulating days after it happened.
So I’m sending it out again when CPC is gaslighting, Poilievre is spreading propaganda and far right Christian Nationalist fascist’s incitement to violence is the source of PP’s unhinged rhetoric about treason.
This is not normal. It’s a pattern of behaviour.
It’s not difficult to witness who is behind the fascist rhetoric in Canada. Because it’s the same groups of people in every democracy.
Here is Alberta’s current Finance Minister providing the rationalization for the convoy and the descent into madness.
This is what “conservatives” CPC libertarian Christo-fascists stand for. Many tend to forget what they do because they aren’t the target of the cuts. I never forget. Everyone I love is a target.
This is what fascists do. Attack all who don’t measure up as a valued citizen.
Stop using your lizard brain. Use the brain tissue that makes us human. The brain stem and it’s base emotions are what we share with every other vertebrate life form on earth. It’s the frontal lobe that gives you critical thinking skills. Totally different part of the brain.
The people who Poilievre caters to are the people who believe Christine Anderson, a verified neo Nazi, Putin approving, democracy hating German is more Canadian than liberal Canadians.
Does that sound like dehumanization? It should.
PP is attempting to dehumanize PMJT.
Because the CPC base has told PP how high to jump. They are unforgiving, heartless, demanding and hedonistic.
That’s the source of PP’s deranged rhetoric.
I don’t lie about fascism. I don’t use hyperbole.
While I do have a dry sense of humour, I do not joke about fascism. There is nothing funny about fascists.
Pierre is trying to incite some deranged individual to take matters into their own hands.
Canada’s democracy is one of the strongest in the world.
Democracy requires trust in the institutions that ensure our democracy. Like elections.
Canada has one of the most rigorous electoral systems globally. When new democracies design electoral systems, they study Canada’s.
But a guy whose job has just been threatened for expressing an opinion that denounces fascism is supposedly trustworthy enough to make accusations of overt treason against Canada’s elected leader. And some people believe him.
I can’t tell you why except it’s fascism.
The rest of us need to be vocal. State clearly that we will not accept fascism from the official opposition.
Call out the institution of news media for presenting both sides as equally valid. Because they most definitely are not.
Stop permitting literal fascists to manipulate your thoughts, beliefs, values & perception.
Provinces are almost all run by this group of Christian Nationalist libertarians masquerading as democratic conservatives.
They’ve been trying 7 years to use democracy to remove LPC.
When democracy fails them, fascists move onto violent removal of those obstructing their absolute power and control of decision making.
It’s definitely time to pay attention. And to fight back.
Stop calling them conservatives.
They’re fascists.
Been saying it for years.
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Before putting out such a controversial post about a convoy leader vilified and criticized for his crass remarks and bigoted beliefs, you should check for a legal opinion of what this means.
There are a lot of Canadians angry about his sentence.
Is Pat King let off the hook for the biggest constitutional challenge in our collective lifetimes; the alleged attempted coup d’état of the duly elected Liberal federal government 3 months post election?
Or did his sentencing delay include time for him to be “Queen for a day”?
I don’t know the answer to that question. But then, none of us but the judge, defence council and prosecutor do.
It’s winter. I get that Canadians are a bit impatient waiting for the spring to emerge. Americans even more so.
“The destruction of a nation or of an ethnic group by means such as "the disintegration of its political and social institutions, of its culture, language, national feelings, religion, and its economic existence”.
Same thing happened when Ottawa sent immigrants to AB & SK.
The people who came to western Canada didn’t know they were being exploited as place holders to keep Americans from invading the territory.
They appreciated the opportunity to become land owners. It didn’t matter if they were subsistence farmers, they got to own stolen land.
It means we must play smarter and stop delivering the expected negative behaviour.
It means we must use critical thinking.
Trump wants to establish the belief that Canada’s LPC government is promoting drug trafficking.
That’s absurd of course, but we’re in a hybrid info war.
Resistance to Trump’s demands for border security reinforces that narrative in his supporters. The more the left resists, the more Trump’s supporters are convinced it’s true.
Hillier is Canada’s Michael Flynn. So a different “czar” is required.
How much foreign funding was used to elect UCP to a majority? And does that funding negate the entire election’s results because a foreign source paid to influence voters. Specifically Christian Nationalist voters.
Doesn’t this put us in a similar position as Romania?
A foreign funded campaign appealing to Manichean interpretation of traditionalism: “far-right contestation prevails: pro-Europeans versus sovereigntists, Westernisers versus patriots, elites versus the people”.