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Mar 9th 2023

If you don’t have time to read all 86 listed accomplishments, just remember:

•Support for the occupation of Ottawa
•Met with several Convoy and anti mask, anti govt representatives (but he didn’t know them)
•Spoke to Christine Anderson a few days ago, but denies it
•Refuses to discipline “rogue” MPs who met with Christine Anderson
•Abuses parliamentary privilege to make scandalous accusations.

Manipulates info given to Christian Nationalists who exist in an alternate reality.
Those are damming enough themselves.

But if you’re really in a hurry, PP and CPC have been fascists since the Reform became Alliance & Alliance subsumed Progressive Conservatives.

Poilievre is a Harper lap dog. Woof woof!

He’s obediently barking Harper’s fascist narrative.
Read 25 tweets
Feb 6th 2022
Pierre Poilievre worked to oust #ErinOToole just as a large scale info-ops attack is launched in 🇨🇦. Now Poilievre says he’s “running for Prime Minister of 🇨🇦”. He hasn’t even won #CPC leadership, yet foreign troll farms are retweeting him en masse. None of this is coincidental.
The past week+ I noticed a huge uptick in troll accounts amplifying Poilievre. It was creepy. Poilievre routinely gets boosted by fake “Canada Proud” & “Rebel” type troll networks. But this was different. Foreign troll networks amplifying the same messaging…& PP. #cdnpoli #CPC ImageImageImageImage
Read 13 tweets

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