Women in Innovation Programme was launched in 2016 by @innovateuk with the overall aim of increasing gender equality in business-led innovation. The annual competition supports and celebrates remarkable #women entrepreneurs & senior business leaders @KTNUK iuk.ktn-uk.org/programme/wome…
Can you imagine applying biological intelligence-BI to achieve a 3 to 5-fold increase on AstraZeneca’s reported 19% success rate in the proportion of pipeline molecules that advance from preclinical investigation to completion of Phase III clinical trials? bioindustry.org/news-listing/m…
@BraincuresLTD's biological intelligence (BI) approach eliminated 59 of 72 target-compound pairs associated with Phase III clinical failures to enable 60 to 100% likelihood of clinical success rates across compounds that target 13 different protein classes bioindustry.org/news-listing/m…
While there are nearly 400 companies that apply artificial intelligence (AI) to de-risk certain parts of the drug development cycle, @BraincuresLTD are the only company actively using the notion of biological intelligence (BI) in research and development bioindustry.org/news-listing/m…
Providing critical support to early stage data-driven health science startups, @KqLabs offers a customised framework with a 16-week accelerator programme. The program also includes workshops to inspire and nurture the next generation of start-ups @TheCrick crick.ac.uk/news/2018-09-1…
Veronique Birault, Head of Translation at the Francis Crick Institute, said: “This is the start of a very exciting journey for the ten start-ups, and also a great contribution towards building the ecosystem for data-driven health in the Kings Cross area” crick.ac.uk/news/2018-10-2…
ChatGPT is essentially a large conversational model—a big neural net that’s been trained to predict the next word—and the challenges with it are similar challenges we see with the base large language models: it may make up facts @miramurati CTO @OpenAI#AI time.com/6252404/mira-m…
While @sama has a flair for generating headlines by alluding to science fiction horror stories with AGI villains, @miramurati characterizes consciousness as a philosophical idea, rather than a scientific one (“It’s a bit of a different vector,” she says) fastcompany.com/90855799/6-thi…
Greg Becker, the CEO of Silicon Valley Bank sold $3.57 million of stock at an average price of $287.42 in a sell-off two weeks before it collapsed. CFO Daniel Beck ditched $575,000. The price plunged to just $39.49 before the FDIC seized the bank's assets dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1…
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation @FDICgov, which typically protects deposits up to $250,000, said it had taken charge of the roughly $175bn (£145bn) in deposits held at the Silicon Valley Bank, the 16th largest in the US @shermannatalie@JamesClayton5 bbc.co.uk/news/business-…
SVB’s condition deteriorated so quickly that it couldn’t last just 5 more hours. That’s because its depositors were withdrawing their money so fast that the bank was insolvent, & an intraday closure was unavoidable due to a classic bank run @DennisKelleher cnn.com/2023/03/11/bus…
@KaterinaGalai, spoke to @SamBarrell1 about her career as an accomplished healthcare leader, including her leadership role at Europe’s largest single-site biomedical research organisation, the Francis Crick Institute @TheCrick, during the COVID-19 pandemic cogconsortium.uk/women-in-cog-i…
Sam “only ever planned one thing…and that was to be a doctor. For me, it’s just about being open-minded, enjoying challenges and being able to overcome them.” @SamBarrell1 prioritises one factor when considering a position: “they have to be purpose-led.”
Sam recalls that the leadership team @TheCrick had a lightbulb moment-There was a realisation that scientists could be tested to see if they were SARS-CoV-2 positive. We really needed them in their labs–it wasn’t really going to work for them to be at home cogconsortium.uk/women-in-cog-i…
885 of all small molecule drugs pass the rule-of-five test; of these, 619 (70%) are actually dosed orally, whereas 159 (20%) of orally dosed drugs fail at least one of the rule-of-five parameters
-John P Overington, Bissan Al-Lazikani and Andrew L Hopkins nature.com/articles/nrd21…
@johnpoverington et al determine that all current drugs with a known mode-of-action act through 324 distinct molecular drug targets. 266 are human-genome-derived proteins, and the remainder are bacterial, viral, fungal or other pathogenic organism targets readcube.com/articles/10.10…
Small molecule drugs modulate 248 proteins, of which 207 are targets encoded by the human genome. Oral #smallmolecule drugs target 227 molecular targets, of which 186 are human
-@johnpoverington, Bissan Al-Lazikani, Andrew Hopkins nature.com/articles/nrd21…