The SARS, MERS, OC43 replication process is so sloppy, "CoV shouldn't exist". It creates misfolded proteins (~prions?) that cause mitochondrial and multisystem damage.
* Always read all threads linked. If you only read individual tweets, you won't learn; this is epi twitter university, not facultative, as no one else is sharing this info yet ;)
Twitter is optimized for opposition research - you see the crazy and gullible like nowhere. This is how to read such tweets; good part of the population are vulnerable to such information debris. Adapt your public policy accordingly.
@RadCentrism calls them low-information individuals, no?
The same ones who think a radio transmitter can cause tsunamis and earthquakes also tell you masks don't work and climate change and SARS are hoaxes. Understand whom you govern or write policy for.…
These are the mechanics of disinformation and learned helplessness in the west, how we decerebrate ourselves even before SARS viral persistence does the job for us.
3. Read this as background on Dr. Van Kerkhove’s thread. States may force WHO to end the COVID-19 PHEIC, allowing SARS-CoV-2 to transmit largely unobserved and unmitigated. Damage won’t surface until 10-15 years after infection. Scholars and leaders who care need to organize now.
Billions of parents and kids deserve to learn how to protect themselves and organize for real public health policy. We won't reach ALL of them via our twitter handles, I'm afraid.…
Keep infecting children with SARS-CoV every year or two - current **policy** is *1-2 times per year,* I hear? (erratic asterixes inserted to mark how insane this is) - and you will get precisely this result:
2. States are misinformed. I don’t even mean ‘corrupt’ in @RealCheckMarker’s epidemiological sense.
The present dysfunction is what you expect in ANY problem that requires learning, cooperation and changing deeply held beliefs in millions if not billions.
3. This is important to get right with surgical precision, because if we want a cure, we need to understand the precise mechanisms by which the disease is caused and relieved.
1. @49security is a @GermanyDiplo@GPPi platform. Didn't followed the discussion, but much appreciate the essays. Yet, critically, as discussed previously with @thorstenbenner: you all misunderstand SARS pathogenesis. Even this biodefense essay!