🧵The report comes from Cates and Krugers New Social Covenant, they have a manifesto type document that is essentially Christian Nationalism, they would regard anything except "marriage is the regulation of baby making" to be inappropriate RSE content
3/ So it's no suprise that an agenda backed by people who supported election denial is also willing to back a report that is short on any real evidence
🧵While claiming to be defenders of freedom of speech, the culture wars is about allowing the far right a platform without scrutiny or accountability while suppressing and delegitimising views they disagree with
Now they call to destroy the "woke" enemy, its fascism
2/ This is from the Federalist which is a big driver of the culture wars agenda in the US and influences debate in the UK
"Accommodation or compromise with the left is impossible"
3/ It argues power must be wielded to destroy the left and install Christian Nationalism
Starve Universities of funds that don't toe the line
Remove "travesty of no fault divorce"
Forget about libertarianism, remove the mask and underneath is fascism
🧵Whilst we are on the subject of "scaring the pants off people" shall we have a look at how harms of lockdown and all measures were constructed with little evidence?
"Message needs to be harder hitting, invoking 'permanent harm' to children"
2/ This resulted in the 100k ghost children stat, claiming they had been lost to education
They haven't, this is actually the figure for high absence, mainly due to sickness from covid according to DfEs own stats