@Machell49934776 Don't forget vitamins, supplements, ivermectin, LOTS of water, items to barter (pet foods, protein drinks, vegetable seeds, cleaning supplies, baby food/formula, whatever your immediate neighbors might be short on over time) space heater, electric blanket, batteries, candles
@Machell49934776 Flashlights, lighters, matches, am/fm radio, spare gas, solar generator, bicycle, gun, ammo, and keep your passport handy. I'm a prepper of little means, live in a 55+ community, but over time, I've collected enough resources to provide 300 homes with assistance should we need it
@Machell49934776 My immediate neighbors are aged 65-100, most of whom aren't aware of the perilous times we're in. I worry about those who depend on medical devices and their pets for friendship and comfort. They have relatives, of course, but many of those are incapacitated from the jab
@Machell49934776 and they have their own extended families to care for... anyway, it might seem stoopid - I have dreams of it coming down to an apocalypse where travel/movement, is impeded, we can't rely on services, roads, grocery stores, ATMs, gas stations, pharmacies...to be open,
@Machell49934776 I pray it won't come down to that (sometimes I crack myself up with how theatrical my mind can get) but there's absolutely no harm in preparing.