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Mar 13th 2023
@Machell49934776 Don't forget vitamins, supplements, ivermectin, LOTS of water, items to barter (pet foods, protein drinks, vegetable seeds, cleaning supplies, baby food/formula, whatever your immediate neighbors might be short on over time) space heater, electric blanket, batteries, candles
@Machell49934776 Flashlights, lighters, matches, am/fm radio, spare gas, solar generator, bicycle, gun, ammo, and keep your passport handy. I'm a prepper of little means, live in a 55+ community, but over time, I've collected enough resources to provide 300 homes with assistance should we need it
@Machell49934776 My immediate neighbors are aged 65-100, most of whom aren't aware of the perilous times we're in. I worry about those who depend on medical devices and their pets for friendship and comfort. They have relatives, of course, but many of those are incapacitated from the jab
Read 5 tweets
Sep 29th 2022
Know your Military Bands

Yellow Wagoners
These guys would play anything you can think of from Amapiano, gengetone, country music to lullabies e.t.c Just request a song and witness. Talent at its level best.
#NewsGang #doggy 13th Parliament Gangsta's Paradise Image
Yes they love what they do from moves to vocals. We support every talent that exists.

#JesusIsComingSoon Babu Owino register 254realty expo
Maroon Commandos @MaroonCommando
You've heard a lot about them. With rhumba its very hard to outdo them, wababaz wanaenjoy sana hii sector. They also do their shows outside the barracks.

kambas #climatestorylabafrica Image
Read 4 tweets
Sep 29th 2022
A Thread:

If you've heard him explain about the weapons in the JamhuriShowGrounds, you probably went home wishing you owned one.
Gangsta's Paradise #BottomlessThursday

M110 Sniper Rifle
Caliber 7.62x51 LAPUO MAGNUM
M4A1 rifle fitted with tactical laser, NVD and torch
M4A1 RIFLE fitted with grenade launcher at the bottom
Read 11 tweets
Sep 16th 2018
All coastal areas impacted by waves/winds will bear the fruit of Israel spoken of by Paul:
Consider it all joy when you encounter various trials for “All flesh is like grass & all its glory like the flower of grass “Awake, sleeper, arise from the dead, Christ will shine on you.”
There are 9 potentially deadly storms that seem to be telling a story if we break down their meanings behind the names of each storm.

#HurricaneFlorence #HurriicaneIsaac #TyphoonMangkhut #Olivia #Joyce #HurricaneHelene #TropicalStormPaul #Joyce #Barijat…
9 also represents the fruits of God's Holy Spirit, which are Faithfulness, Gentleness, Goodness, Joy, Kindness, Long suffering, Love, Peace and Self-control (Galatians 5:22 - 23).…
Read 33 tweets
Dec 24th 2017
I keep hearing 7.1+ & seeing Oaxaca
Just putting this here^…
I seem to have missed this one:…
Read 69 tweets

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